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Why Things Suck (and How to Make Everything Awesome Again) – Part 1

Hey guys, please listen carefully.  Normally this is where I’d offer a “fun bribe” in exchange for leaving a comment.  I love that kind of thing.  It’s a great way to make learning fun.

This time … no bribes.  Instead, I want to make a plea.

What I have to share with you in this series is something that will not only change your life for the better quite rapidly, but has the potential to change the world.   (No exaggeration.  It’s that big.)

Here’s the deal: involvement improves learning.  It’s a well-established psychological phenomenon.  So, whether or not this lesson “sticks” in your brain or is lost in the sea of Internet noise depends on whether you choose to get involved.

Taking just a moment to post a guess will improve your chances of remembering this lesson exponentially.

P.S. Yes, this is the build up to “Experimental New Feature #3.”

AKA Simpleology 5.7.

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