Word of Mouth Part Interlude: Who’s With Me?
As you’ll recall from our post on the 11th, I said we will release a new Simpleology course very soon. Tomorrow, in fact.
Well, that’s not exactly true …
Yes, there is a new course there – two new courses actually – but we are not planning to release them to the general public at this point.
Instead, we are going to give access to them only to a select few people who choose to allow me to take their businesses on a 1 year journey (called “Word of Mouth Transformation!”). Those people will “self-select” on the 18th of September at 8PM EST.
Will that be you?
You’ll find out in a minute.
First, let’s talk about what this little journey is – and what it isn’t.
“So, is this some kind of ‘coaching program?”
Goodness no. Here’s why.
Coaching can help, but there’s a problem …
Unless you get direct access to a real – truly qualified – coach yourself, you’re not really getting coaching.
Heck, I’ve seen people charge clients $8,000 for a year of coaching only to find that the clients call in for their coaching session and the coach pushes the “play” button on a recording.
Sorry, that ain’t coaching. It’s training.
(And usually sub-standard training at that, unfortunately. Few companies take the time to perfect step-by-step [and fun!] training systems like we build at Simpleology. It costs a lot more to do what we do, but after reading this series I’m sure you’re beginning to understand why we take the effort.)
Oh, here’s another one you may have seen …
You buy coaching and you do, in fact, get a real live coach.
But …
Your coach ends up being an unqualified kid who really doesn’t know what he’s doing. Such a coach could really wreak havoc on your business by sending you careening down the wrong path.
Simpleology could have cashed in on the coaching business a long time ago, but we chose not to. Quality and value are more important to us.
The fact is, someone who really knows how to build a multi-million dollar business simply can’t afford to spend time coaching you personally, unless you’re willing to pay them outrageous sums.
(I used to ask $2,000 an hour for phone consultations myself, but I don’t even do that anymore because my time is worth more than that.)
Think about it – if someone could build million dollar businesses, why would they charge you $8,000-$20,000 to train you personally for a year?
“Error. Does not compute.”
That’s why the coaching is usually performed by recording, or by someone under-qualified. It’s the only way to make the economic model work.
I’m sure there are some programs out there that are pretty good, but unfortunately most of the ones I’ve seen are as described above.
The next best thing to working directly with a live qualified coach is a “vicarious” experience.
That is, the chance to watch someone else’s transformation.
We all remember watching Rocky go through his transformation.
Rocky started out as a “bum” nobody believed in. Everyone thought he was a joke.
And not just a joke – but a crazy self-deluded joke.
(Heck anyone trying to start up a million-dollar business while everyone around them is slugging away at a lousy day job knows how that feels. People can sure try to “bring you down” to their level sometimes when they see you launching into the stratosphere, huh? Anyway, I guess you have to choose to either spend your time entertaining their doubt or spend it building your empire … )
But then “Mick” believed in him and took him through a transformation – all the way to the battle for the Heavyweight Championship of the World.
I don’t know of anyone who wasn’t crying when they saw him, faced beat up and dazed, calling out for “Adrian! Adrian!!!”
Watching Rocky is a “Transformational Experience.” We watch it and our spirit is strengthened. We walk away with just a little more belief in ourselves.
That kind of experience changes lives.
But there is a little something lacking …
It’s not quite complete.
A transformation of spirit without a direction and a clear plan might bring you happiness for a while, but if that happiness is not reinforced by real change in the real world, it is always short lived.
You can trick your brain for a while, but not for long. You snap out of the spell and end up asking …
“Someone Just Flippin’ Show Me What To Do!”
What if, though, you combine a transformation of spirit with a plan?
Imagine instead of just watching Rocky and getting the elation of the feel good experience, you watch it along with a step-by-step plan to transform yourself as well?
What if you were able to peek inside the gym and see the exact training routines, the exact little “tweaks” Mick taught him? (The tweaks that only come from having worked with champions for years.)
What if you were *actually* transforming as he did in real time?
What then?
Keep reading …