Major Mental Lockbox Updates … (yawn)
tl;dr We’ve added some essential new enhancements to the Mental Lockbox. You can log in and check them out now. This is a significant update, but nothing compared to the what’s ahead.
Life for software architects could be described as “one anticlimax to the next.” By the time we tell you about a new feature, we’re already working on the next. But every now and then that “next new thing” represents such a “giant leap for nerdkind” that we can barely muster the energy to talk about today’s release.
Today’s release for example … The Mental Lockbox just got a lot better. I mean a lot better. Log in. Check it out. You’ll find all this and more:
- Finally … Search.
- Greatly enhanced navigation controls.
- Ability to perform “Mass Actions” on selected tasks. For example “Move to Daily Targets,” “Set Reminders,” and more …
It’s actually some pretty beautiful stuff. Maybe some of the most elegant enhancements yet. But compared to what’s next …
It’s child’s play. More about that next week.