Monthly : July 2012

Major Mental Lockbox Updates … (yawn)

tl;dr  We’ve added some essential new enhancements to the Mental Lockbox.  You can log in and check them out now.  This is a significant update, but nothing compared to the what’s ahead.

Life for software architects could be described as “one anticlimax to the next.”   By the time we tell you about a new feature, we’re already working on the next.  But every now and then that “next new thing” represents such a “giant leap for nerdkind” that we can barely muster the energy to talk about today’s release.

Today’s release for example …  The Mental Lockbox just got a lot better.  I mean a lot better.  Log in.  Check it out.  You’ll find all this and more:

  • Finally …  Search.
  • Greatly enhanced navigation controls.
  • Ability to perform “Mass Actions” on selected tasks.  For example “Move to Daily Targets,” “Set Reminders,” and more …

It’s actually some pretty beautiful stuff.  Maybe some of the most elegant enhancements yet.   But compared to what’s next …

It’s child’s play.   More about that next week.

Discussion11 Comments

  1. AugustineIacopelli says:

    Very nice update.  Each update makes Simpleology more and more worthwhile to me and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next.

  2. Mark Jones says:

    LOL Honestly I was just about to post a feature request asking for the number of targets in each category to be displayed exactly as you have done. Are you sure we are not psychically connected somehow, Mark?
    Very nice update!

    • MarkJoyner says:

       @Mark Jones ah nice you caught that!  Didn’t even mention it in the post … I’m especially excited to see what you think about the stuff we’ll start talking about next week.  Things are going to get interesting around here.

  3. NickTamble says:

    Joyner is a sharp tack…in the process of unlocking my box – –peace– -

  4. EdithRusso says:

    Nice!  I was just cleaning out my mental lock box and it was a pain in the *&$@!  In order to categorize more efficiently, i’d love to have the uncategorized items expanded at the same time other categories are expanded, just to see if they’re there already.  otherwise, having one category expanded at a time is fine.
    Thanks so much for all these updates, you guys are awesome!

    • MarkJoyner says:

       @EdithRusso Hey Edith, with the next update – which will take a little while for us to release, but we’ll be releasing info about it starting next week – this concept will have been radically re-thought and I think you will love it.

  5. DigESource says:

    I’m still waiting for tech support to help me with “How to Make the Simpleology”Start My Day” Button Your Homepage”  I think the tech support department needs some work, because they won’t even get back to me on this.  The instructions for doing this do not apply for the Chrome version I am using.

  6. AyPee says:

    Nice!Great job! 

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