Monthly : October 2012

Get Ready

We hope you enjoyed our brief interlude with The Mutiny Project.  It will carry on as an independent initiative over at The Mutiny Project blog for many more “waves.”

Meanwhile, back at the re-boot …

Now, would you like a sneak peak before the rest of the world?

We’ll roll it out to 10 of the most hard core Simpleology users before everyone else.  Is that you?  If so, tell us in the comments below why we should pick you first and maybe we will …

Discussion48 Comments

  1. Mark Jones says:

    Hi Mark. I am keen to check this out early and give feedback as always and as before. I won’t give a long comment here about that as we’ve already chatted before about it. If you want me to do it again, or would prefer some fresh eyes looking at it, that’s OK. I would really like to see what you’ve done, though, as I’ve been looking forward to it on tenterhooks for ages! :)
    I will add, though, ( I think you already know) that I am a software developer and I have a keen interest (some would say obsession!) with great UI and usability, so hopefully the feedback I give you will be very helpful and make sense to you. I think we are both on the same page as far as that goes.
    Cheers bro. Looking forward to it either way! :)

    • MarkJoyner says:

      @Mark Jones Hey Mark, I would especially like your excruciatingly honest feedback about the UI and usability.  I think you’ll be quite impressed with some of the unique UI innovations we’ve included into this update.  In fact, I think we’ve invented an entirely new methodology here that has never been used before.  At least I’ve never seen it … :-)

  2. David A Bailey Jr says:

    Hey Mark! I’ve been a long time Simpleology user and been through almost all of the Simpleology training courses over the years.
    I have all of the core courses and most of the Electives…except for ‘Drawing’ and ‘Selling Music Online’. So, I have a strong grasp of the Simpleology philosophy and shinanigans which would allow me to provide some useful feedback.
    I also login and use the system everyday which means I could really put it through the ringer for you.
    And I also recommend my clients and students use Simpleology on my main home page as you can see at and I would enjoy seeing what’s coming so I can share even more useful features with my fans as you roll them out.
    Regardless of whether I get to be one of the lucky 10 or not…I can’t wait to see what you have in store. ;)

  3. Maria Elena Blanco says:

    Dear Mark, the reasons I can give you. Well, for starters, for being number two in commenting, which means I am really interested.  Also, for being an active member since 2007, and having seen the many changes you have done since. 
    I am not that hard core online, as my job doesn’t allow me. But the tools you teach have been with me for 5 years now, with fantastic results. I can’t wait to go even further.

  4. TeganRowley says:

    I am not a “hard core” Simpleology user, although I know I should be.  But, I would love to get in on this and be able to give you a “newbie” prospective. I am a huge fan of what you do both business wise and humanitarianly.
    Thank you for your consideration.

  5. brucetrago says:

    I am teaching a stress management class  emphasizing mindfulness and moderation.  I should be first because I  can take this new technology to the class and help  with their managing their stress BTS

  6. Pulley says:

    Love to check it out and give feedback.  The old version was one that I used every day, and I’d really love to give you insight and thoughts on the new platform.  I’m not nearly as fancy or UI conscientious as Mark, but as a salesperson, I’d love to help!

  7. CraigMeagher says:

    Hey Mark I dont think I need to tell you why we need to integrated it has to do with the MMA TRAINING I GOT FOR YOU INTEGRATED WITH GSP!!

  8. CraigMeagher says:

    This will be the best at home system ever I have been integrating this nonstop since you released Integration marketing!!

  9. EmanueleVenditti says:

    Hey Mark, 
    you should pick me because I love all things that are beautiful (the artist in me!) so I’d love to check out the new beautiful Simpleology and let you know what I think!

  10. Sean Patrick Simpson says:

    Why should you pick me? Need I REALLY answer Mark? I saw in the comments you’re looking for some ‘excruciatingly honest’ feedback. I’ll give it to you (plus, I’ve been observing other productivity apps and can give honest comparisons if you’re looking for that). Like Mark Jones I tend to see where things are simple and where they can improve and can give my personal insight to that as well.

  11. TeddyStanowski says:

    How hardcore am I? When it comes to Simpleology! I don’t leave home without it! I also like to consider myself one of the original members when you used to have courses which really contributed to shaping my life for the better when it came to productivity, money, energy, business, marketing, etc. And no wonder since Mark Joyner is the as they say the “Godfather” of internet marketing and his business experience and insight, sprinkled with common sense and science, and you get the ultimate self improving (ing because it’s always continuous!) system. The mobile app is a great help since I can track my routines such as my water break (from Simpleology 103) and of course my to-do’s. It ends up being my go to source most than the computer. 
    I am an investment advisor and my day changes from marketing my blog, meeting and calling clients and other tasks, and it”s easy to get swept up with the day to day so I use simpleology to keep me focused on my tasks, short term, mid term, and long term. The kaizen style of doing little by little really makes a big difference.
    That is why I would love to be one of the first to use the system!
    P.S. Did I mention I still have my binders of Simpleology courses (printouts) from way back? Excuse me while I put my throwback jersey (Jordan 23)!

  12. jlran77 says:

    I was introduced to Simpleology by my mother about a year and half ago. I didn’t get really into it until about three months ago. Now my mom’s calling me and asking how to do things. I get so much accomplished using Simpleology and can’t wait to see what the new features will do.

  13. NikolaKindRad says:

    I’m a Fan of your work, Mark. But I always told you if I didn’t agree with something or felt something was unfair for the customer in general. If you want to me to look at this new version of Simpleology and provide you with my feedback, I’d definitely take the offer!

  14. douggreene says:

    Mark … If you think I”m a good fit, I’d be game.  Here’s what I can offer:*  I’ve designed two online membership learning environments on my own and it’s now what I’m focusing on with my business.  I’ve been using OptimizePress for the templates.
    * I’ve worked as a writer and editor, and can bring the content side to it, 
    * I’m finishing a very extensive course in creating online education by one of the bigger names in the biz.  So I can experience and look at your site through the lens of what he’s taught.  These areas include:  – Delivering content in multiple medias (text, audio, video, etc.) so people can consume it whatever works best for them. - Making sure it works on multiple devices – laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
     - Feedback on the teaching format including motivation/ inspiration/ action/ etc.
    * As an Enneagram Six, I tend to have this innate capacity to find the things that can be fixed/ improved/ etc.  Sixes make great QA folks.
    * And as a believer in you and your work.  I dig your direct, take-charge approach and how you seek to empower people to assume responsibility for their lives and to take ACTION from there.I have a couple projects I’m immersed in right now, but I’d be stoked to give you some feedback.  ~Doug

  15. dylanishappy says:

    It will be a pleasure to get the opportunity to experience the new version of Simpleology as soon as possible. Whenever that is, it will be the right time. Now time to get back to the current version, as it still has huge value as it is. Sincerely, thank you for creating such positive and lasting change, and for continually evolving and being open to feedback. Keep up the Great Work. :o)(o: Namaste.

  16. DebraLyn says:

    Since I’ve been subscribing to Simpleology since Feb 2007 – I’d say that’s pretty loyal! And loyalty should be rewarded? :-)

  17. waxmanjerry says:

    I work about 100 hours a week for a below poverty income and still try to meet with above poverty expenses.  I got into Simpleology years ago, and my computer at the time was not capable of handling the wiki.  I got bogged down with a lot of other things.  Though I have purchased a lot of Simpleology programs, I did NOT become an everyday user at all.  I have tried to teach Simpleology 101 to people who don’t speak English. But I never got around to figuring out how to use the different toys inside the Simpleology website.  That’s why I should get a chance to test drive the new Simpleology.  If it is simple enough and powerful enough for me to overcome the challenges I face everyday, I’d make a living testimonial to its power.

  18. joeporcello says:

    I currently have the free version of Simpleology but don’t use it because my current productivity suite is more useful to me.  That said, I would be willing to use new pay version if I find it to meet my needs.  Send me new version and I’ll definitely consider an upgrade.

  19. robbwindow says:

    @MarkJoyner Like it, just listening to your other project interview now over on Mutiny.

  20. scottlovingood says:

    I would love to test out your new system.  I have used Simpleology off and on over the years and know most of its functionality very well.  Have integrated the concepts into my own techniques that fit with my brain flow :)
    I can give honest feedback and test it to the breaking point.   Plus I am in one of the busiest periods of my life right now so could use the extra ooompphh  that Simpleology’s new system could give me.

  21. enciksal says:

    Just send me the new system already! I need to use it for my work, Thanks and bravo :)

  22. JamesJJarmonJr says:

    I just fnished my 21 day transformation to organizing my life.  The theme was substained organizational attention focused on a single goal.  Key words.  FOCUSED and ORGANIZED.  I have the $ version now.  It has been extremely helpful.  I am looking forward to MUTINY.

  23. Mark Joyner first came to my  attention one early Sunday morning. I remember it like it was yesterday.For some crazy reason, the subject line, my own frame of mind something made me open an email from someone called Joshua Shaffron the title read “Don’t Shoot The Guru”. By the time I had finished reading it I knew I had to get organized Joshua recommended Simple-ology. I have been a member since 2008. this made the most significance to my existence on the net and enlightened others to heights they never dreamed.It only takes one person to blaze a trail and for me that man is Mark Joyner. Utmost respect! That’s why I want in…now!
    Thank you for listening.
    Shahbaz Alexis aka”The Cat In That Hat”

  24. RosaDavis says:

    I want it! Is that good enough?

  25. Patjane says:

    I’ve used your Simpleology on and off for a couple of years now, and really need to get back into it on a more serious level. Looking forward  to seeing your upgrades – so, include me, please…………….I ‘d love to really MAKE the system WORK for me!

  26. BeverlyMariaSalmons says:

    I have just started using it, and actually it really keeps my head clear, I have many problems getting things done and can be rather messy..
    but actually Simpleology really makes me stick to what needs to be done, and makes me focus a lot more..
    I am from Denmark by the way..
    The only thing I miss here is actually only visual stuff, for instance they have a Diary..where it looks like you are writing at a real piece of paper, that you put into a big binder..and when you attach photo’s there is a clips on the photo:-))you know stuff like that..but apart from that..I love it.
    looking foreward to see the new stuff.
    Thank you.!

  27. ziyad says:

    I’m sure I’m definitely not one of the hard core users. But would like to see it in action, as I have always given special attention to emails from Simpleology and Mark Joyner.

  28. JohnStringer says:

    @MarkJoyner   I would love to test the new version to see if it helps simplify my daily praxis and I’d offer you valuable feedback based on my experience.  I’m using several tools to mange multiple personal and work projects, and since I haven’t found the most efficient and effective mix yet, I’ll gladly commit to put this “through the ringer!”

  29. AndrewMason says:

    Oh please, please, please, please, please, please, (I should be doing my morning brain dump right now but this seemed interesting) please, please, please, please, please, please, please (I never noticed those archives over there to the right, maybe I’ll check out Jan. 2012 for just a few minutes) please, please, please, please, please, please, please please (come on folks, we shouldn’t be here reading this stuff and posting comments; we need to be focusing on our primary target) please, please, please, please, please, please, please, (what was it that I was doing just before I started typing this comment?) please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, (at least you can’t say I’m not polite) please, (annoying, but polite)please, please, please, please, please, (persistance is only good if it’s directed toward what you need) please, please, please, please, please, (muscle memory is only good for baseball and a few other things but not for typing please) pick me.

  30. ajisimpleology says:

    I still remember the day I first heard of you during an interview on a marketing podcast in 2005.  I immediately thought, “that’s it!”  That is what I need to get my life more organized, more professional and more productive.  Seven years later, have I mastered the “Science of Getting What You Want.?”  No…  Nor has anyone else because personal and professional development is a life journey, but it is one that I am much further down the path of in large measure due to the tools and techniques that I’ve had the honor of employing in my life due to Simpleology.
    I must also admit that I am quite nervous about this transition.  Any change to systems so key to personal productivity can have disruptive impacts on short-term productivity that concern me going forward as Simpleology has been a very key part of my everyday.  I, as many of those here, feel in a very real way the difference in my day between when I utilize Start My Day and follow my Daily Targets and when I don’t.  The impact is amazing and I am confident that your changes, while disruptive will be the next step forward for all of us.
    I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish over the past seven year journey with Simpleology and am excited for the next phase.  I’d be honored to be in your initial pilot of 10 users and sincerely hope that you will consider me.

  31. johnnylee27 says:

    Because I need this to make are a real difference.  I work day and night developing violence prevention programs and have so many projects and relations to manage. Simpleology helps keep me focused on one task at a time but there is are so many people getting hurt everyday. I need to expand my reach and connect with others with the same mission.  
    I use the daily tasks everyday to make sure I make progress but the challenge is so tremendous and the need so great.  Please help me work better and coordinate more to save the lives out there. 
    I just finished summarizing all the past domestic violence instigated,  workplace shooting in North Carolina in the past few years and still needed to trim it down to fit it all in my keynote speech.   Help me make my speeches shorter by having less cases to talk about and review……..

  32. PeterKellaway says:

    I love SIMPLEOLOGY as it is, and can only imagine it would be brilliant, with the improvements you plan. My stress levels are down, my achievement is up, and you gave that to me at no cost!  I would love to have my diary connected to my SIMPLEOLOGY. Everything in one place, FANTASTIC.

  33. JCcusack says:

    I have designed software and I have run large and small companies – i.e. both sides of the fence. I can see issues but more importantly suggest solutions/enhancements, especially relating to usability (I did some work with Loughbourgh University on Usability). I have just attended the Web Summit in Dublin – and see over 200 start up so know whats happening at the cutting edge. I have previously suggested how to get the most out of integration with mobile – eg interfacing with the iphone location based reminders (rather than time based).
    I value interfaces (including the emails from companies) that value my time and make it easy to assimilate the information I need, not what a company wants to push at me. I know how to put the user in control and respect their valuable time.
    That is a summary of why I could give you feedback: Usability experience, software design, ran support and help desks, busy person with lots going on in business and personal life.
    take care

  34. RudyAvila says:


  35. ChristienC says:

    I’m not a “hard core user” and I need to be. I’m ready to take my Life in the direction it is meant to go..

  36. igrovoitop says:

    разработка рекламной площадки почти завершена!!!!

  37. MattDetrick says:

    I’ll beta test the new features and give you honest constructive feedback. I know what makes me productive and what doesn’t, so, I’m a good measure of feedback for you. I’ve seen Simpleology/Construct Zero evolve over the years and was even an affiliate at one point.

  38. simon2 says:

    @MarkJoyner Well let’s see, I do keep finding that the daily discipline of Simpleology nudges towards my goals.  I actually use most of the facilities too.  This is no mean feat, there are lots and you have to think carefully about how to integrate them into daily work.  I’m interested to see what the new interface has, what’s changed and what’s improved!

  39. wowtuninglancs says:

    I’ll be honest with you, I’m lazy. Anything you can do to make my life easier (lazier ?) I will graciously accept. I will test and report back truthfully. Now, back to bed……

  40. GeorgeSaridakis says:

    Mark, as the right-hand man to a hyper-ambitious entrepreneur and his start-up, I am DROWNING in work and getting fed up with it.  Hook a faithful follower up, will ya?

  41. MichaelZelbel says:

    I am new to Simpleology, so I am happy to bring a fresh pair of eyes to the table.

  42. GiovanniGonzalez says:

    I need to be more productive since I’m starting to think my to-do list will take 3 more re-incarnations to complete.  If you can help me speed up my quest for enlightenment I would be eternally grateful.

  43. jamesmcroy says:

    @markjoyner; I have all of your books and have bought most of your Simpleology courses; in a manic upside down world of raging economics and distractions I need the haven of the new Simpleology to keep me on track for success. Peace and harmony. James McRoy

  44. DavidWakerley says:

    Two words, Guerilla Marketing. I’m still here and loving your work @MarkJoyner :)

  45. AndyBell1 says:

    As the CEO, organization starts with me. I have been blessed by employees who care and I revel in there amazing drive to make this start up grow and maintain the organization I try to set forth…  So to honer them, our fuel, help me stay organized and energized and let me in the club.
    I’d be honored to give you an open, analytical opinion on the positives and negatives of the new system. Let me at it!! Yayyyyyyy!! I love new advancements in organization and inspiration. You rock Marc!!

  46. redbaron3321 says:

    I’ll wait to see it with the rest of the world.  When I was hungry, young, and dedicated, I racked up accomplishments. Now, being retired, I am unhappy with my lack of focus and passion. I have too many equally important goals/things to do, too many complex issues that need too much time to learn to deal with, and too few deadlines of the type I set when I ran my own successful business.  Maybe a new version of Simpleology will help me bring order out of chaos!

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