Monthly : January 2013

The Start My Day “Decide” Step Re-Imagined

 If you haven’t done Start My Day in a while, take this as a gentle kick in the behind.  You remember how much more productive you are when you do it, right?

In Simpleology 4.0 we changed a several-step decision process (you may remember “do it, deliberate, dump, etc”) and turned it into one step:  Decide.

This is great in some respects (if you have a clear plan for your day you can make your decisions quickly on one page).  And not so great in others (if you do need that extra guidance that was available in previous versions, it just wasn’t there).

So, we’ve merged the best of both worlds.  Now you have two “modes” in the decide step:


This is the old guided decision process you already know and love.


This is the new Simpleology 4.0 condensed way that utilizes our handy “options overlay.”

Log in and try it out!  If you haven’t done Start My Day in a while, take this as a gentle kick in the behind.  You remember how much more productive you are when you do it, right?

Notes in the Margin:  This is but one of the many improvements and changes we’ve made since we released Simpleology 4.0.  We’re keeping a running tally of the largest of these improvements for your viewing pleasure.  As always, let us know what you think!  We have some pretty significant stuff coming down the pipeline very soon.  Several of these surprises are of the “ginormous” variety.

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