Monthly : November 2013

Dreu 10 (Deming’s Ghost)

(click for full-sized cartoon)

Folks have been asking me a lot of questions about 5.5 …

When will it be released?

Short answer:  as soon as it’s awesome.

As always, we never broadcast specific release dates unless we’re in the rollout stage.

Will Black Belt be part of it?

Yep.  When you see Black Belt and 5.5 together you’ll understand why we waited to release them at the same time.

What will be included in 5.5?

We dropped some pretty strong hints in the last two cartoons … All I can say is:  it’s our most significant release to date.

How can I get an early look at 5.5?

We’ll be reaching out to Simpleology power users, members of the press, and prominent bloggers to take an early peak before we start rolling it out to the user base.  If that’s you, comment below and we’ll consider adding you to the list.

As usual, in order to keep the system stable we will be rolling out to groups of 10,000 users at a time in random order.

Discussion81 Comments

  1. JorgeZurita1 says:

    I’m not only a Simpleology user but a raving fan of this powerful system.
    Im also an entrepreneur and a blogger, and would love to take an early peak of 5.5 before you start rolling it out. Can you add me to your list? Thanks

  2. MikeLeavitt says:

    Can’t wait!!! In the meantime – off to my targets.  ;)

  3. MichaelZelbel says:

    I am looking forward to black belt and I’d love to have an early look. The cartoon is spot on regarding life in a corporate.

  4. tonylotven says:

    @markjoyner  – enjoyed the chat.  Lost the signal but we had the main topic of your question covered.  Hope to connect with you again.  Thanks for the invite.

  5. MerlMiller says:

    I love the story of Dreu and I noticed something interesting. Dreu’s instructor has lots of hair. Is our Simpleology founder longing for something lost? Next, some more Deming stuff, 5.5, and black belt training. I’m ready!

  6. RichardL says:

    Hi Marc. I’m jonesing to start using 5.5.  Everyday I login to get my day started and I’m faced with “Black Belt Training Coming Very Soon!” Hope you’ll consider adding me to your early peak list so I can get my Black Belt and see what else you’ve got in store.  Simpleology is addictive. It just keeps getting better and better and so does my life. Thank you to you and your team!

  7. brettbutcher says:

    Im interested!

  8. ScottBarker says:

    Since starting to use Simpleology  every day, life has become much easier. Would love a sneak peek

  9. Looking forward to this! I have loved 5.0 and am just about to black belt! Please let me be a “sneak peek” user of 5.5.
    I’ll keep spreading the word about Simpleology because it needs to be known!

  10. Sean Patrick Simpson says:

    You know I’m in.

  11. Simpleology lover, user, and blogger.  Can’t wait to get a peek at 5.5!

  12. Jomo22 says:

    Took a month off from my online business but the timing is awesome, as I’m about to get back in the saddle. Would love to be a part of the Beta test! :)
    - Jomo -

  13. DougLanders says:

    Just finished my red belt and am hungry for more! Since I started using Simpleology in June, I’ve gotten significantly more focused, effective, and clear on my goals in both my personal and my business life. As a young entrepreneur, I say hat’s off to you; and thank you as well for introducing me to Dave Asprey and Bulletproof Coffee, it’s absolutely delicious.I’m a blogger myself and would love for you to put me on your list, thanks Mark!

  14. AnnaSikora says:

    yeah! me to, can’t wait to black Belt …and can’t stand ”Black Belt Training Coming Very Soon!”  Simpleology is addictive, and I want it :)

  15. Sk8rTot says:

    I use Simpleology every single day and it has changed my life. I would not be where I am today if not for you and this wonderful tool, thanks!
    I was able to point out a couple of issues with the current version, that were fixed by the next day :) I would love to be part of the beta test group.
    This stuff is great, keep it coming.

  16. fusedpilisa says:

    I’ve been using Simpleology for over 3 years. It has ramped my productivity through the roof and has become an essential part of my daily routine. I want to achieve my black belt and see what 5.5 has to offer as soon as possible. I’m happy to give feedback – both the good and the bad – to make sure that this will be the best Simpleology rollout so far!

  17. niljoh8 says:

    Sounds awesome! This is exactly the issue I have been having with trying to fit simpleology into the current project management system in my small business. I love Simpleology and will love to be part of the beta test :)

  18. Arcole says:

    I’m a regular user, not a power user, but can’t wait to start Black Belt and see what’s going on with 5.5. The backward planner alone has made new possibilities happen for me in actually moving forward with my plans and goals. Thanks for all of it so far and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  19. Mark Jones says:

    Looking forward to this one perhaps even more so than the others (not sure why, but I just think it’s going to be awesome++).
    Let me know if you want my help with testing / feedback etc. Thanks.

  20. Steve Chenoweth says:

    Count me in! I love this stuff. Been going through a PM evaluation and I’m dying to see the Simpleology spin on it in 5.5. I’m sure it’s awesome…can’t wait.

  21. davemackey says:

    I would love to try out 5.5.

  22. MartinJokubauskas says:

    Count me in

  23. VapnRealtor says:

    Please count me in I look forward to getting it.

  24. Kari Koskikallio says:

    Simpleology rocks! Count me in.

  25. HamishMillar says:

    very interested

  26. jamesmcroy says:

    Oh Yes!
    I blog to the business community in the UK via a support organisation (NBSL) and a Daily Business blog (bdaily) and would be interested in being a beta tester.

  27. FranstiaWiraSukma says:

    Try this site, it may help you. Goodluck!

  28. Andrew007 says:

    Please include me in the pre-release…Thanks

  29. garyr says:

    Dreu and I are in the same place… throw me a lifeline.

  30. says:

    Count me in.  Unfortunately I’m not a Black Belt :-(But I use speleology for just about everything.  And I give you money just cause I love it – haha

  31. GeoffMcNeely says:

    Black belt finally! Hoorah!

  32. simon2 says:

    Yes please Mark

  33. scottlovingood says:

    Simpleology is awesome.  Mark as always count me in as a tester of the system

  34. hackerott says:

    Please consider me as a person for the first group of users in your 5.5 platform.  Since starting using Simpleology last month I have used it everyday for 28 straight days.  You can check my streak! 

  35. darcymayo says:

    sounds exciting … have you ever considered including Evernote as a tool to be used hand-in-hand with Simpleology?

  36. Stef2013 says:

    please add me to the list. I have become a heavy user and cant wait to get started on my black belt training…

  37. guner says:

    I’ve started using Simpleology 5.0 Elite and even on white belt, it’s changing my life personally and professionally. I would love to test out 5.5.
    Thank you MJ

  38. WinkJones says:

    How do you define “Power User”?  
    I would never want to be without this great tool and I use it at least 5 days per week, usually six and often seven.  I would think that makes me a normal user, ’cause this is one of those things you either use or you don’t.
    I would love to be part of your early roll out group though and would be honored to be added to your list.

  39. Branimir says:

    I would like to be considered please. Thank you.

  40. make1 says:

    I’m listening

  41. AndrewMason says:

    Hi Mark,
    You mention random order – is that ascending consecutive random order or favorably selective random order?  Either way, can’t wait to check it out.  Sincerely, Your most loyal, never miss a day, early adopting Simpleologist.        …………Um, I off the list now, aren’t I.

  42. veronicasolisg says:

    I’m listening, too, very carefully.

  43. ralphbooth says:

    I am listening

  44. Nighteyes says:

    Having been with You since the early days of Simpleology I´ve benefited immensely from Your work and recommended it to hundreds of students and colleagues!Now I´ve been waiting for the black belt training quite a while and would very much appreciate to get in on the early list ;-)
    Best / Claes

  45. ssamson says:

    Waiting, waiting, waiting !

  46. fusedpilisa says:

    Simpleology goes to the next level! See what the new version has in store for you.

  47. tim2 says:

    Count me in.

  48. lynncampbell says:

    Simpleology is one of the best daily habits I have.  Very interested in the new release.

  49. Joyce Weiss says:

    I enjoy using Simpleology….at one time I used lists all the time and they were very effective, however over the years my lifestyle has really changed.  Your program is getting me back on track.  Love it!!

  50. Joyce Weiss says:

    Oh, and I would love to be a tester for the 5.5!

  51. Mike_MMA says:

    I want to the next level too!^^

  52. jaykay55 says:

    I am interested. I’m currently finishing one of Deming’s books.

  53. alan_steacy says:

    Hey Mark, been chomping at the bit for the release of the Black Belt Training, now 5.5! Talk about dangling the carrot… scheesh! OK, deep breathing … think simple … repeating, “I must be patient, I must be patient.” Does it count that I worked for a weekly newspaper in 1975? I’s sure my press pass is around here somewhere.

  54. CristinaMoldovan says:

    Yes, please :-)

  55. CaptainShauna says:

    Sign me up! Brand new to simpleology but PM by trade, MSproj expert. Have been looking for tool to share with team.

  56. PhilipSchwartz says:

    I’d like to get an early look at 5.5 – I’m ready to start my black belt training, I’ve been a user of Simpleology since the old paper system, and I’ve been able to see how much more I get done when using it!

  57. nightfling1 says:

    Guys just sharing, I’ve found this interesting! Check it out!

  58. jwr says:

    I would love an early look as I am very excited to finish up with the Black Belt. I love the systems that make me more productive in all phases of my life.

  59. Having been with You since the early days of Simpleology I´ve benefited immensely from Your work and recommended it to hundreds of students and colleagues!Now I´ve been waiting for the black belt training quite a while and would very much appreciate to get in on the early list ;-

  60. soram9 says:

    You’re “killing” me with all of the waiting, here! I too have been with Simpleology since the “paper” days and have been waiting for the Black Belt training for several months now. I am losing productivity by checking several times a day to see if you launched it yet–come on now, people, let’s get this thing rolling! 8)

  61. zwielionx says:

    nice share .i got more information at

  62. ramcharan5 says:

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  63. This I cannot simply wait for!

  64. randell9 says:

    I’m looking forward to see this release.

  65. tonylotven says:

    I am ready for this next step.  Thank you for all your support and work on additions and improvements.  And for your personal support.   Happy New Year to you and your staff!

  66. Strongman_5 says:

    I’m just starting this app over again.  Honestly, did not use it much in the past, but I really love the new design.  Looking forward to using it and see what difference it can make.

  67. SarvyEmo says:

    I am a huge fan. Miss your desktop apps. Can’t wait for the new release!

  68. Andrew007 says:

    Thank you Mark for adding a whole lot of “juice” to my day.
    I’m diving right into projects and know it’ll help me, my team and our clients a ton.
    Again thank you.

  69. bitlife says:

    I would like to sign up for this asap. Have used many project management tools but still looking for something better. Currently using Trello.

  70. Count me in. Always a fan of Mark Joyner and his amazing books. Simpleology helps me practice what he teaches.

  71. Ganesh Srinivasan says:

    Yep – would like to check out 5.5

  72. Ganesh Srinivasan says:

    Yes – I am keen to check this out !

  73. Terrell says:

    Hook me up with 5.5

  74. Brenda Marugg says:

    yes lets play

  75. Gary Helm says:

    I’m new to Simpleology and can.t seem to find the benefit of learning Mark’s system if it’s all going to change. I’d much rather learn the new system. Thank you, Mark Joyner !!!

  76. John Gardiner says:

    I’m just getting back into using it again and getting better at managing my day because of it. Keep up the excellence. John Gardiner

  77. adcommunication4 ad says:

    I’ve been for a while away from simpleology. Had a go for a year or less. I recognised the power of the whole GTD + system. Definitely is an option and this is why I returned to try again, hoping that the 5.5 would create in me the stick factor. Definitely, it is a recommended system in comparison to other types of systems in the market.

  78. Esteban says:

    Yes, I just joined. I’d rather use the new than the old. Great system so far, but rather be using the updated version. Thank you

  79. Bill Atnip says:

    Just joined still feeling my way around 02/08/2024


  80. Joel says:


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