Monthly : October 2015

in News

The Everyman’s Superpower (Part 3: Your Resurrection)

(continued from Parts 1 and 2)

Resurrection is a daily occurrence.

You think it only happens in the movies … or in religious texts … but it’s not so.  It happens every day.

“The Everyday Miracle” haha.

Seriously though.  How does resurrection happen?

Say it with me …

The Everyman’s Superpower.

It’s funny.  Despite the incontrovertible evidence, some folks are “resurrection deniers.”  I have something they might like.

First …

Your Next 10 Second Mission

Answer:  If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d ____________________.

Memory Joggers:  What area of your life could most benefit from a turnaround? (e.g. your finances, your business, your fitness, your self-esteem, etc)  What lingering unfinished project could most benefit from a superhuman blast of relentless focused action? (that book, that product launch, that home improvement project your spouse has been begging for, etc)

And if you’re in the mood for a little encouragement (breakfast of champions!), feel free to share your answer in the comments below.

“You’re not cheating the government.  You’re only cheating your body.”

That’s what our drill sergeants used to say if they suspected we were slacking off during PT.  In retrospect, there’s a whole lot of wisdom in that line.  Especially when you realize this whole “I don’t have to do the work” disease is one of the primary killers of human potential.

Now’s a good time to double check and make sure you completed the above exercise before continuing.

Done?  Let’s carry on.

OK …

Now, see what I did there?  I tricked you.

Here’s how:  I asked you to answer the question “if I had The Everyman’s Superpower.”

But as you know, you already have The Everyman’s Superpower.  Can you guess what it is now?

Ya know, maybe this is why resurrection stories are so unremarkable.  Sometimes they appear as “comeback stories.”  Sometimes they look like radical “pivots.”

These stories are so commonplace to recite them seems almost trite.  They are a Hollywood cliché.

“Yeah. Yeah.  Comeback story.  ’We are greater than we know.’ Blah blah blah.  I already saw that movie. Yawn.”

Crazy, right?

That’s like saying …

Pep Talk Narcolepsy

It’s weird.  These stories shouldn’t put us to sleep.  But they do …

Apple.  Left for dead by every tech pundit alive in 1985 after the firing of Steve Jobs.   “But to complete the portrait, you also need to picture the despairing founder curled in a fetal position, sobbing on a bare mattress in his mostly unfurnished house—which is how friends found him after Apple’s board fired him in 1985. ” (CNBC) Jobs came back.  Apple came back.  Hard.  As I write this Apple is the company with the largest market cap in history.  (Whatever else you think about Apple, the resurrection was miraculous.)

Kerri Strug.  In the 1996 Olympics she suffered a lateral ankle sprain on the vault.  She limped back to try again, scoring a 9.7 and the Gold for her country.

Mary Wesley.   Failed writer until her first novel was published at age 71.  Went on to sell millions of copies.

Grandmas Moses.  Arthritis forced her to give up her beloved embroidery at age 76.  So, she took up painting and filled 1,500 canvases before she died at a spritely 101 years old.  An Academy Award winning film was made about her life and one of her paintings sold for US $1,200,000 in 2006.

[Comeback Guy's Name Here.]   [Heartwarming story about beating all the odds and winning here.] [Our collective yawns here.]

Want to know what’s really crazy?

When we are impressed by these stories we poo poo them.

“Well, sure.  But he’s only successful because he ____________.”

  • had better parents
  • had a great mentor
  • was born when the moon is in Sagittarius

Hey, listen. Harry Bernstein didn’t publish his first book until he was 96.  He might look at Grandma Moses’s start at 76 and say, “Well … it’s only because she started so young!”

Strange Magic


I used to laugh at that word.  Now frankly, I don’t have a better one.  (It’s not The Everyman’s Superpower, but it is enabled by it.)

I mean, what better word is there for turning disaster into world domination?  What do you call it when all the “experts” say “it will never work” but you end up changing the world?  What other word do we have for flying in the face of every would-be-political-assassin/critic and turning public opinion in your favor?

Speaking of deep wisdom hidden in plain sight, this line from a commercial nails it …

“See, what every long-shot, come-from-behind underdog will tell you is this: The other guy may in fact be the favorite; the odds may be stacked against you.  Fair enough.  But what the odds don’t know is this isn’t a math test.  This is a completely different kind of test.”

What kind of test, exactly?  Good question …

See you in part 4,


P.S.  A gentleman messaged me on Facebook asking that I reveal The Everyman’s Superpower.  I told him I couldn’t do that, but I gave him a hint:  ”You already have it.”  He said, “Really?  I checked my emails and I don’t see it there.”  I said, “You don’t understand … You already have it.  You just don’t know how powerful it is.  It’s sitting there in the same box where you keep the rest of your tools, when it should be sitting by itself in the position of honor on your mantle.  And even if you knew what it was, you wouldn’t know how to use it.  That will change soon.”  He was annoyed, but I’m sticking to my guns.


Discussion160 Comments

  1. Mark Joyner says:

    Sean Patrick Simpson Close.  It’s a spoon.

  2. Mark Joyner says:

    Emad Al Bashesh Very soon :-)

  3. Joseph A Pingel says:

    World domination!

  4. Catherine Mosbeck says:

    Empower my mind to help me attain what I want in life. Have more confidence to allow that to happen

  5. Peter D says:

    Build a strong business to provide for my family.

  6. Linda Leonard says:

    Boost my business.

  7. Robert Watkins says:

    fix my finances ! and get ahead !

  8. Rose James says:

    Launch my start-up

  9. TechUser says:

    Fix my finances!

  10. Jason F. says:

    Become an inspiration to my children, spouse, and community.

  11. Rosa Davis says:

    Pull the trigger and start my own business

  12. Menno Tabbernal says:

    Take my business to the next level, this will improve my finances and give me more options in all other ares of my life

  13. Alex Leadbetter says:

    Fix my financial situation

  14. Lynda Bowman says:

    Blast through my fears and make a million in real estate

  15. Harry Cox says:

    Pursue my passions

  16. Richard Muccillo MDDCM says:

    Underdog has an advantage–nothing to lose!

  17. Jeffrey Thomas says:

    Be me

  18. Um Faisal Ibrahim says:

    Be outragously wealthy, happy and healthy

  19. Michelle Rasmussen says:

    Be financially free

  20. Sebastino says:

    Share it.

  21. Sebastino says:

    I like this

  22. Nancy E. Randolph says:

    Work 4 day weeks, be less stressed and be debt free.

  23. Spartan Racer says:

    I’d complete all of the open DIY projects around the house, sell it and buy a new one.

  24. William Douglas says:

    be immensely, happy, healthy, wis and wealthy, fully able to pursue and achieve my interests and passions in life.

  25. Lennie Conger says:

    I would like to become independently wealthy, in order to have the time to help our families to come together again, and to help others to achieve their dreams, and be able to find their freedom too. Oh and time for a little day dreaming for myself too. :-)

  26. Clesia Mendes says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d be more productive.

  27. Michael Leister says:

    I would realize ALL of my dreams & aspirations

  28. Rafael Cabo Lazaro says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d get happy clients to work with me

  29. Loto Vázquez says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d bring my start up (hawimi) to benefit the whole world :)

  30. Volodymyr Pedchenko says:

    Start building and enjoying my dream life

  31. Hillary says:

    Be financially independent and write my book

  32. Gary Rischitelli says:

    …spend my time doing the things I love. Not trading my time for money.

  33. Rigo Guerrero says:

    Finish build out of basement, garage, and greenhouse.

  34. Andrew Hussey says:

    Get serious about having fun

  35. photinacook says:

    WHEN I gain this superpower IN THE SENSE OF proper perspective and actual use, THEN I will accelerate in transforming this world into a healthier more loving one in which there is less war, and Muslims achieve their glorious destiny of working hand in hand with Jews, Christians and the rest of the world to attain the greatest civilization ever.

    Among other things.

  36. Kolja Lehmann-Muriithi says:

    Record an album

  37. If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d have my business run profitably without me and a highly sought after business consultant in Africa.

  38. Deitrick Broussard says:

    If I had the everyman’s superpower, my insurance business would be thriving with a book of close to 3,000,000 in premium.

  39. Carl Dickens says:

    When I realize that I have the Everyman’s Superpower, I will use it to improve my health (lose 20 lbs), business (5 new customers), and personal life (more time with family).

  40. Bill Thomas says:

    It’s NOT “If”, but it’s “BECAUSE” I have Everyman’s Superpower, I will earn more than 2.5 million dollars through my book sales, consulting/coaching business and speaking engagements to retire with at least 1.5 million dollars in savings, and tour all 75+ countries I once only worked in.

  41. Terrific T says:

    As Everyman’s Superpower begins to unfold and shine in my life, I successfully create resources for a project I set aside years ago. A project to empower adults living with medically untreatable and medically uncontrollable seizures live happier, healthier lives.

  42. David says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d complete a leveraged business buyout.

  43. Mark Whyborn says:

    To choose direct our thoughts using our Imagination

  44. Rohan Brown says:

    Win my legal matters, expose the corruption, bring about change and resurrect my life.

  45. Jess Brown says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d be fit and have a million dollar blog.

  46. Troy Treleaven says:

    If I had the Everyman’s Superpower, I’d have in place the customer service system I’ve been talking about for months.

  47. Loto Vázquez says:

    I so admire your copywritting and the great value you keep pushing to any one who sticks around!

  48. Loto Vázquez says:

    If I have the EMSP I’d… Wait, I have it, so, I will be completely open, vulnerable, real and powerfully direct to the women I feel attracted to.

  49. Darryl says:

    INFERENCE!, Knowing what challenges are coming your way and changing it by decisions you make to rectify them.

  50. Richard Stewart Smith says:

    Living the rest of my life in peace and harmony.

  51. Mal says:

    I’d knock my bad eating habits into the trash can where they belong.

  52. John Charles says:

    Making intention happen.

  53. Clue HQ Brentwood says:

    Create course to sell in January

  54. Sid says:

    Our superpower is awareness–if we use it to know as opposed to block our vision–and Choice, the great freedom. Which is also spelled r e s p o n s a b i l i t y, or honesty, if you prefer–both are the words for freedom that apply to choice. That is it as i see it.

  55. Stu Patterson says:

    I would be able to fly (in a private jet perhaps)

  56. zackwhandley says:

    i would start getting fit by working out daily again

  57. Gary Wilson says:

    Get my food consumption down to only consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, mushrooms, and perhaps even the healthiest grains.

  58. Finance and business growth through complete focus.

  59. Jason Carritt says:

    Make 20k Turnover this month.

  60. Valshalan Moody says:

    I would have the healthy village I dream of for my children. #MySpectacularSix!

  61. Valshalan Moody says:

    I’d use much power of choice to be the best me I can be that day, with hopes of being a better man than I was yesterday.

  62. hgpaul says:

    I’d successfully complete Solomon’s Ark Ascension Plan and master every training in Solomon’s Ark University and Simplelogy.

  63. jorgebessudo says:

    Get debt free.

  64. Ben says:

    would be able to succeed with ease and turn my visions into reality whilst enjoying the process and help inspire others to take the same path.

  65. Cam Fisher says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d become financially independent

  66. Bob Marr says:

    I would live my life in peace harmony and great abundance

  67. Amanda Redman says:

    Find balance,freedom, and self acceptance.

  68. Estanislao Chapel says:

    With the The Everyman’s Superpower in me I would live a rich life in every aspect – mental, physical, espiritual, social. I’d finally launch my web-based rehab program and help many people in need of proper rehabilitation for example. I’d become a great businessman. Nothing could stop me to achieve my goals.

  69. Diane Brunette says:

    I would live debt free. As a single mom with 4 kids and their dad would NOT pay support or anything they did, I have lived in debt a lot of my adult life. This is my year for ending that.

  70. If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d…

    Increase my productivity, and not let days just go by without some kind of real accomplishment towards goals

  71. Dr M Ramakrishna Reddy says:

    My financial status woulhave been sound.

  72. Brian Ford says:

    I’d have a business running on it’s own without me.


    I would pay off my debts

  74. Sue Rouillard says:

    Make lots of money and feed the world

  75. Jordan Richter says:

    Turn my business into a money making machine that would generate 25K a month and have a well oiled business systems in place and a vibrant culture.

  76. Sam says:

    Be rich

  77. Kurt Owen says:

    Growing my business to achieve the quality of life I desire!

  78. Kelly says:

    Get my business up and running so I can leave the job that’s slowly draining the life out of me

  79. Kay Harris says:

    Live in the moment every day, write that book and that song that have been in my head for decades, and share with others how to be financially independent WITHOUT social media!

  80. Nick St Clare says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d initiate a Global discussion: (a)on the merits of the REAL Common Law, to be used as a remedy for many of the world’s ills, particularly inequitable poverty and pollution; and (b)on its potential to be used as a guide to take Humanity forward on a positive, practical and peaceful path towards a healthy future for all of us.

  81. Kelly Kam Ying Ming says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d finish my book The Belly Fat Prognosis and accompanying MID (mobile instructional design) online training program NOW and use it to market my TR90 (nuskin) success story. My end goal is to help scores of people who need to take charge of their health and achieve the best version of themselves possible!!

  82. Deborah Gillett says:

    I would live a peaceful happy debt free life in a beautiful home on the water, with a super abundant income stream that would more than support me through my retirement. It would also support my daughter and her family when needed, instead of her supporting me, financially and emotionally, and allow me to give to others in need.

  83. Brandon Wilborn says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d finally get to the point of freeing my spouse and providing my family’s needs.

  84. Arlene Maitland says:

    …be at peace thinking about my finances and always earn more than I need.

  85. David says:


  86. Louis Bourgarel Gc says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I would write that benevolent 4-mail sequence and launch that astonishing “conflict management Forum”.

  87. Larkinspirations says:

    I’d…make THIS moment the most important moment of my life (and rinse and repeat for every moment that follows) so I stay present, awake, aware and focused on NOW.

  88. John Scott says:

    my finances, my fitness,

  89. Clearly Demonstrating an Ability to once again consistently earn $20,000 per month as I did years ago

  90. Pauly Gee says:

    Accomplish sorthing through everything I own to get packed and ready to move

  91. Richard says:

    Be, Do, and Have all that I desire.

  92. Richard says:

    Write one of the most important books in history!

  93. Angela Alale says:

    I’d be a millionaire with an awesome body and winner mindset.

  94. Colleen St Goddard says:

    Increase my annual household income by 10x

  95. Shirley Coello says:

    Do what is necessary to successfully build my business for stability and freedom for myself and whomever comes along the way.

  96. Henry Anyimadu says:

    Be a true blessing to enhance the life and livelihood of family and friends

  97. Robyn Hoffman says:

    heal the world

  98. Craig Caire says:

    be financially independent

  99. Nancy Larisey says:

    Will to Choose what you desire!

  100. Nancy Larisey says:

    I would write books

  101. Kevin McGuire says:

    I would learn how to build a business that is best suited to me and the people it would serve.

  102. Edward David says:

    Create a business to give me financial freedom

  103. Wendy says:

    Self Esteem

  104. Dianne Hill says:


  105. Vic2rio says:

    focus in improving my health and wealth for financial freedom

  106. Jonathan says:

    1. Create a side-business.
    2. Get really fit physically.
    3. Learn speed reading.

  107. Jose Urias says:

    Create a healthy morning and evening routine to wake up early, get in shape and start my digital business.

  108. Sharon says:

    …complete my four major projects.

  109. Janeson Keeley says:

    Set goals.

  110. Nav Patel says:

    Boost my fitness, health and energy.

  111. Anya Matrosova says:

    been able to deliver to peoples mind message that can help them to make difference for the better for them selves in the way each and on gets it. .Pure communication .Love

  112. Barbara Anne Smith says:

    The area in my life that could most benefit from a turn-around is my finances.

  113. Amero Guero says:

    Start my organic/hydroponic produce business

  114. Dave Greene says:

    Having Every Man’s Superpower, I’ll erect the most independent and efficient operation in the Music and Entertainment industry has ever seen.

  115. Desiree Miller says:

    My writing…

  116. Allison Sells says:

    My health

  117. Jennie Ieremia says:


  118. Stefan D Girndt says:

    Do the things that are necessary to get my business off the ground and stay consistent. Don’t let myself be distracted from shiny objects and easy pleasures.

  119. Michelle LaValle says:

    be able to help people discover their plans and purposes and help them accomplish them.

  120. Finish the course I am working on

  121. complete my business goals and fitness goals

  122. Finish my business courses and start my business

  123. Andrew T Soltow says:

    Launch my business

  124. Patrick Lane says:

    Linguistic Jiu Jitsu Academy

  125. Chris Garvey says:

    …………I’d put $10K in the bank

  126. Gip Erskine says:

    Create multiple streams of perpetual income equalling $100k/month…for starters.

  127. Sequay Wright says:

    start my business and go on family trip

  128. Susie Good says:

    Get our membership up and running. Finish my Instagram project.

  129. Charles Bosworth says:

    I’d finish my projects, creating perpetual wealth, health and happiness for my family.

  130. YN Vedd says:

    How amazing. The power is within you. Your mindset is the most powerful tool. One must learn to be creative, add great value to another project, become the leader to create financial abundance. Looking for creative and leadership members to join me in exclusive unique, highly innovative and as Mark Joyner says ( he is part of my team), to transform how the World does new business ventures and business development in 21st Century.

  131. Neil Ayers says:

    Several Massive successful campaign launches for different businesses, and also be under 200lbs.

  132. Scott Pochron says:

    Step into the moment completely focused on the task at hand and finish consistently. My book, growing my business, my family relationships, deeper purpose.

  133. Cindy says:

    I’d develop the right skills and knowledge and claim and regain my health.

  134. Kathleen says:

    Take action in the moment that are most in allignement with my goals in

  135. Mike G Hartrich says:

    i am getting organized and implementing my daily focus in my spiritual path, my health practices, my business, my financial goals. Every day I take one more step to achieve my purpose.

  136. Vasilios Golfinos says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d live on my own business and help the homeless.

  137. Betty Houston says:

    Get my house and garage cleaned out and items sold that I don’t use or need.

  138. Justin Donne says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I’d get that new project launched finally.

  139. john_w says:

    If I had the Everyman’s Superpower I would finally begin my Interview a Veteran project and finally begin my passion project of creating a city directory for my small town.

  140. Mitch Roberts says:

    If I had The Everyman’s Superpower, I would work to build a joint effort Private/Gov’t jobs program. I would also be really happy doing whatever I am doing, just so grateful I woke up this morning.

  141. Bonnie says:

    Since I have The Everyman’s Superpower, I will get done with my college degree and have a successful career as a website developer.

  142. Anatoly Dvorkin says:

    Eradicate debt and create financial security and freedom for my family.

  143. Kenny Marklow says:

    To retire from J.O.B. and become a digital nomad.

  144. Quinton A Lewis says:

    To get started on my publishing Career and publish my first book by the end on the year. Today: Sep 27, 2022, 3:57pm CST

  145. Prabhath Bandara says:

    Thanks Mark for changing my life and business. After starting to use Simpleology I could 4X my profits with my sales funnel agency and my mind is clear.. ALWAYS!

  146. Mike A Elliott says:

    Finish building my Company, write my book, build my farm business.

  147. Shawn Patterson says:

    supercharge my leadership and output to supercharge my finances

  148. twiztid logic says:

    I would have a very successful business and be wealthy enough to spread the knowledge to others without fear of loss of giving that knowledge away to others.

  149. Thomas Burke says:

    We all have the ability to change many of our circumstances for the better at any time.

  150. r. john says:

    What areas of my life could best benefit from a turnaround? Lol. Follow thru. I joined Simpleology back in ’08 but never followed thru. I’m back.

  151. David says:

    Get it done

  152. Kalena says:

    Be out of debt, have built my business to replace my husband’s income, own my homestead…

  153. Rob Herold says:

    Complete all open and pending home renovation projects to create familial bliss ; )

  154. Jason Hinckley says:

    I’d transform my finances.

  155. Dave Strayer says:

    I'd initially focus on my business and financial growth.

  156. K M Ward says:

    I'd finish all of my started projects

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