The Everyman’s Superpower (Part 2: Our Banged Up Lives)
(continued from Part 1)
Bootcamp is not a correspondence course.
It’s one helluva right of passage, but you’ve got to physically be there. No way around it.
Even though this little Simpleology tribe of ours is so close-knit, we’re not all in the same location. So, we have to employ some tricks to make this long-distance rite of passage work.
For example – before we begin, I’d like to send you on a 20 second mission …
Can you guess what The Everyman’s Superpower is yet?
Even if you can’t, scroll to the bottom and post your best guess.
Yes, if you get it right I’ll give you more than just a nod. You might even get something nice just for trying. More about that later. For now, just play along. It’s part of the process, so please … really do this now.
Mission accomplished?
OK, let’s continue …
Look, rites of passage by definition, have to be both challenging and transformative. (Bootcamp and the like are as tough as our modern sensibilities will tolerate. We can’t dangle young kids over volcanoes to teach them self-reliance anymore.)
So, I have to warn you now: I’m going to play with your mind – hard – over the next few posts.
Take the above mission, for example. Why did I ask you to hazard a guess? Well, I know if I can pique your curiosity, and more importantly your active curiosity, this lesson is far more likely to stick. (Hey, it’s a little more humane than dangling you over a volcano. You’re welcome.)
I will explain a few of the things I’m doing to your mind as we go along. Some of it, though, will be pure stealth. Along the way I’m going to be dropping clues in very unlikely places. And here again, some will be overt and some will be stealth. (A huge clue is stealthily buried somewhere above, for example. Did you catch it?)
Now, some folks (not you, of course), will scream that it’s not fair. ”You tricked me!”
Yep. Guilty. Fair warning has been issued, so let the (mind) games begin …
Rites of passage can take many forms and ours can be viewed as a guided archeological expedition.
If you play along to the end you’ll know The Everyman’s Superpower.
But you won’t just know it. You’ll know it such that you will never forget it.
What we are searching for is no less than an explanation for our past failures – and the key to our future success.
No matter what has happened in our lives thus far … No matter how old we are … No matter how deep our scars … The Everyman’s Superpower trumps all.
It has the power to redeem past mistakes – and to transform tragedy into triumph.
Now some folks (not you, of course) might say …
“How dare you. You don’t know my life. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”
And they’d be right. I don’t.
But there is something I do know.
Giving up is how most failure happens, of course. It’s easy to forget that when we are under the hypnosis of the past.
How then, do we remember?
More about that in Part 3 …
The mental reset
Think and grow rich philosophy
the answer is within
The power of choice
Insane, maniacal focus
Focus on what you want and don’t get distracted.
I’m thinking focus and perseverance.
Sorry Steve, I accidentally replied to your comment instead of putting my reply at the top level thread.
I’m thinking focused action
Ability to create your now based on thinking, believing, knowing, and lastly doing.
Imagination — it gives us the ability to create
Hmm. I’ll take a second guess. Perhaps the superpower is perseverance.
I think it is to FOCUS !
BE present- in the moment. Be alert, attentive and available- BE….. present.
Employ tricks to make this long-distance right of passage work.
faith that things will finally work out, so you can take action
I would say focus
I think it’s passion and vision.
The ability to keep going
Patience, perseverance, action.
Factually (!!! – not assumptions or false conclusions) knowing what doesn’t work based on experiences (either yours or those of others), freeing you to try what may work, and/or what has worked for others. If “it” works a little bit, fine tune and adjust “it” so that whatever it is, “it” works a lot. Keep doing it until it doesn’t work, then do something else.
Wash, rinse and repeat until the pain of poverty goes away.
…or not.
Focused action
Inducing fear into yourself and a worst case scenario if you do not achieve the goal in the short time frame you set
I’m thinking……it’s the “HABITS” around efficient time management = the Simpleology platform that helps us squeeze all the efficient droplets of ‘doing’ out of each day.
Taking action
How about belief and faith in yourself.
right thoughts
Desire, as I remember…
You know the thing about eating an elephant one bite at a time? Well you have to make a habit of eating an elephant burger every day. Once it’s a habit, the default is to keep doing it. And it’s amazing how far you get in a year with (say) ten minutes of German in the morning and 15 minutes after work.
Of course changing your habits isn’t easy.
Now excuse me, I have to go do a vocabulary drill.
Persistence (habit). A ‘modest’ stream of water carved the Grand Canyon out of rock.
Burning Desire
Good plan and an
Rites of Passage.
The ability to actively listen
Oh no, I’ve played this before and I forgot the answer! Persistence?
Knowing what and more importanly WHy you want to accomplish something, forming a plan abdcsticking to that plan day in and day out.
Clarity, performance necessity, courage
Growth Mindset![:-)](
It encompasses resilience, learning from unsuccessful hypothesis, and curiosity.
Life’s a f’n adventure!!
focus and discipline and never give up
His intuition
directed focus
Being present, physically there.
An insane, fanatical, extraordinarily passionate, unyielding, unrelenting, laser-beam fixation on focus
Free Will?
I love this blog-thread… I think the super-power is focused attention
Chosen word
Truth, Faith, Hope, Desire, Passion, A Path(plan), Goals, oh the list goes on and I can say I can do it. Well yes, but it is much easier to do it together as a team. Never be afraid to ask for help, and provide help when you can. So as long as we all of us as people can continue to do those simple things it all works out.
not giving up.
Leveraged laser-focus
Reason and ability to make a decision on daily basis
Letting go of the past
The Everyman’s Superpower is Choice.
law of attraction?
living in the now with focus
Being in the Zone by doing whatever lights you up!
Just do it
And the winner is…. (drum roll)…. Focus!!!
Fear is a state of mind, it doesn’t exist unless you think it does.
my guess: decision
listen to your inner self + imagination = opportunity
Self discipline
Just Write.
Written goals
Your imagination
Power of Decision. Rishitelli says Intention.
Either way, it only works if you mean it: a real decision is followed by action.c
Take action. Start. Do it.
Don’t let your Desire be striped from you. Keep it tiptop!
Self-reflect. Planning and thinking about future events as deductive logical progression based on past experience. (main difference between man and other creatures on Earth).
SELF-reliance; relying on a greater sense of self that can provide effortless flow
the ability to make a decision?
Knowledge is power
Taking action. Doing what you said you would, and never giving up.
Passionate desire
thoughts … what we think because it is what creates our world
it’s will power
The ability to change our own life and the world we experience, through our actions.
Self reliance, focus and action
persistence and showing up
Power to change….
Your Mind
A reward for taking action
Awareness, self-love and action
Discipline – the ability to do a thing that’s needed even when you don’t feel like it, and there are distractions around.
What’s Everyman’s Superpower? It’s unwavering, unyielding, undeniable Belief!
Trust and belief
Focus with persistence
Focus and perseverance
Do what you have to to get started and then follow with focused action.
Will power
Focus and persistence
A person’s awareness to independently choose their thoughts regardless of appearances circumstances situations
Make a plan and keep it simple -
Making a decision, so certainty.
Being able to focus on what really matters and block out the distractions?
Consistent action toward a meaningful goal
FAILURE! The knack of overcoming adversity.
Get past our failures…
Overcoming failure
I think the everyman’s superpower is to put yourself under (time) pressure so you get stuff done FAST instead of allowing yourself to do things slowly & “perfectly”. Better done than perfect.
to move on and never give up
the power of choice
To do it. What ever it is.
The overwhelming desire to get it done whatever it takes.
Communicate with community.
hit the target until you hit it
Don’t sit on your butt, get up and do it.
Desire. That is every man’s Superpower
To write a book in a day likely requires flow
The ability to keep moving forward
Our power of Choice and the possibility–IF we use it to truly know– of awareness ( ie not a predetermined awareness, but true listening..) Annd, which goes along with it, curiosity, which is our truest faith in Life (faith =we know, not we’d just love it if it were so but don’t really Know so, to keep going etc etc. That’s too many religions on this earth that go there, and tweet. )
Knowing is another thing entirely, and curiosity Knows that life’s already ;aking new plans for us, as it were, and that we are Loved….curiosity cuts away the story and gets us going forward into our next trues step than any story.
Set goals and accomplish them or keep trying
Ability to change your mindset.
Building a tribe
Laser Focus
Be Present and an action taker.
unwavering relentless desire
Clarity of thought
Take Action.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
Viktor E. Frankl
I may be out on a limb with this but the subconscious hypnotic state that for example allows you to drive home without realizing how you got there?
Being in the zone
My guess … Focused awareness of his mission and committed action in order to achieve the desired result
My super power is matter…it has to matter for me to be driven to do it. With that being said, it also takes a risk factor and a lot of self-love and self-trust. Those of us who know we can’t fail unless we quit and then there are those who quit because it didn’t work after one or two tries.
Consistent focus
Over coming the greatest enemy in oneself – PROCRASTINATION.
Mindset of belief
the ability to change our circumstances to overcome a challenge or dissatisfaction
Consistent action.
taking action
The power of taking action!
Productivity habit
Using devastation to transform who we are and what we can do. “The way of Love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation. Birds make great sky circles of their freedom. How do they do it? They fall, and falling, given wing.” Rumi
Ability to concentrate / focus!
Self belief
Taking action
Consistency is the key.
Consistent action?
Consistent action everyday.
Laser focus
Paying Attention
Said Focus, now leaning toward Transformative Challenge
the ability to laser focus
No excuses
My Guess: high level of emotional intelligence
The ability to Transition from a dispersed state to a focused state
Consciousness, presence, levering energetic awareness and mindfulness IN ACTION then letting it all FLOW through you when it is time.
Your own intention
focused action
Tap into the subconscious and utilize it’s limitless powers.
Little actions
Conscious repetition and focus
Communication with peers
Concentration Improved
Prayer to Jehovah, humbly, but with faith, and with respect and regard for the Ranson sacrifice… in Jesus’ name, to Jehovah, with ironclad faith that is accompanied by a daily effort to do what the God of Love commands… tender, compassionate, powerful, loving, kind, … embody these attributes with the help of the Divine One, Jehovah… showing deep respect and love for his Son, following in those footsteps, and loving intensely from the heart, and never giving up… while being in greatly connected community with others sharing the same goals and purposes and acting upon these insights and aims regularly, daily, often, as a part of a newly or renewed-ly developing inner character, whose expression is love. So, in one phrase: Active, genuine LOVE.
The Everyman’s Superpower is The Power of Focus.
consistent actions aka habits
productivity/ action
CREATIVITY! – The ability to create Love, Hope, Forgiveness (including to ourselves), Vision, and Resilience with every choice.
CREATIVITY! – The power to create, Love, Hope, Forgiveness (including yourself), Vision, and Resilience with every choice.
The power of choice
The ability to dream
Open Mindedness
the power of focus!
The ability to do what you should do when you should do it.
Taking consistent action
…operating as if you don’t have a choice and as if the task is the only thing.
The superpower if faking it until you are making it.
Open mined empty cup
Changed ut
Self transformation, rebirth.
Inspired Action
the superpower is already within all of us; it’s who or what we are and always have been.
One’s Imagination
Everyman’s superpower is self-awareness
Everyman’s superpower is self-awareness
Burning Desire
I AM my Superpower
free will
Our truest selves
being obedient to the Holy Spirit, intuition, the anointed moment …. whatever people call it.
Time Management
I think the ‘Super-Power’ is to – “Pay You Money to Join the Group”…?? Am I right?
Focus and concentration. Focused action.
Every Man’s Super power may be the ability to actually EMP or destroy distractions and work on one thing at a time. Now I’ll read the rest of this post.
Perseverance and curiosity
Everyman’s superpower is “the power of choice”. The one thing that God gave us that even He won’t take away.
That’s right…
Everyman’s superpower is “Derivative Genius”. A superpower is not something that is God-Given, but something within the reach of everyone. Our superpower is to “derive” from the accumulated “Genius of All Time” and apply that new genius whenever we wish to whatever we wish.
The subconscious mind
Everyman’s super power is intuition. That gut feeling we get about things. I believe it is the Holy Spirit guiding us if woukd just get out of our own way and let it.
Good words, a prison school teacher told me God could change my life….we’ve been married 41 years now. Psalm 118 vs 23. This is the Lord’s doing…
100% Focus
I would say attention
Everyman’s superpower is commitment and taking action to see things through.
Taking action.
The power to change your mind or influence another persons way of thinking .Will power/Action
I’m going to guess that the everyman’s superpower is some kind of alter-ego like imagination?
Everyone’s superpower is to define an extremely desirable goal and return to it often for inspiration and drive.
Dedication to an idea/goal.
I’m thinking that the Everyman’s Superpower is useful habits.
I guess that Everyman’s Superpower is the power of focus
Understand your story. The next best step for you is a continuation of your Original Script. Be inspired by that and act on it.
Sense of purpose
Showing up, strong and with a great attitude!
Daily Routine
Focus on simple daily habits.
Take action
you have control over your thoughts
ability to think
free will
So it’s We Win or we Learn, which is a Win.
Focus & clarity of purpose
His/her unique perspective and insight from lessons learned, that can be shared with others struggling with what he/her has already discovered.
A way to go into flow. A get-bum-on-chair and get work done flow (and hopefully take body breaks in between so you can sleep tonight and get up tomorrow morning).
Goal-oriented focus
Unwavering commitment & belief