Monthly : March 2016

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Free Money to Grow Your Business – Part 2: Money from Thin Electrons

(Continued from Part 1)

There is a certain delicious pleasure one gets in proving their detractors wrong.

I was at my old favourite haunt in Miami Beach.  For the first time, I wished I was somewhere else.

I was explaining to a “friend” (frenemy, maybe) how I was going to generate $50,000 out of “thin electrons” to start a new venture.  He, also out of thin electrons, generated a list of reasons why I’d fail.

A rational outsider would have sided with my frenemy.  His reasons were quite valid, actually.

But contrary to popular belief, success in business is rarely about “reasons.”  It’s more about an irrational belief that you can bend reality to suit your will.

I walked the block to my condo fuming.  I channeled that energy into my new project.  By the next morning, the hardest work was done.  Within a week I had my 50K in startup capital.

I didn’t owe anyone a dime.  I didn’t sell a single share.   And the company?  You may have heard of it …


How did I do it?

I used what I call a “Cash Injection Mission.”

Years ago I created a Cash Injection Mission Worksheet for participants in our 7 Day Business Turnaround program.  You can snag it, and some short videos explaining exactly how I pull this off over and over again, right here:

The Cash Injection Mission Worksheet <— free


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