Monthly : April 2016

in News

Experimental New Feature #1: Simpleology Summaries

As promised, here is the first of our new experimental features:  Simpleology Summaries.

In theory, book summaries are a wonderful notion.

(What’s not to like?  More useful knowledge faster.  Yay.)

In practice, though …  not so wonderful after all.

See, summaries are usually churned out by slave wage “content mills” that care more about volume than they do about your time (or taste, for that matter).

Simpleology Summaries are summaries done right.  The Simpleology (HIME™ – high impact, minimal effort) way.

Step 1.  We totally “grok” the book.

Step 2.  We curate the most useful ideas (and zap all the fluff).

Step 3.  We deliver those ideas in single-panel cartoons with concise commentary.

These are the summaries I’d want myself.  They’re the best I’ve ever seen.  You will effortlessly absorb super potent ideas in minutes.

At least, that’s what I think.  What matters is what you think.  Well, sort of …

Here’s the deal.

The first one’s free! But with a catch … If you love it, come back and leave a glowing comment about it on this blog post.  If you hate it, well … we don’t really need to know.  (Wait.  What?  There is a little-known unconventional method for testing a market:  build it as your passion dictates and see if enough people love it.  That’s what we aim to do here.)


Simpleology Summaries <— first one’s free! (see above for the catch)

P.S. Psycho-Cybernetics is an essential read.  You’re at a serious disadvantage in life if you don’t have these tools in your mental toolbox.  If you guys want us to keep this up, “essential reads” are the only kinds of books we’ll include.  Of course.

Discussion14 Comments

  1. Rayvenstar says:

    Love this idea. I read the summaries and feel they will be helpful to me moving forward. I was able to read 4 summaries today. I would never be able to read 4 regular sized books in a day. Plan to reread them frequently and use them to make changes in my life.

  2. regervin says:

    Having already read the book, I was looking for a refresher…the summary delivered. Many thanks!

  3. Tyson Savell says:

    The summaries are very informative and helpful.

  4. David Rainey says:

    Simpleology has organized me to the point where I have free time to work on changing my life. Reading is part of changing my life. But I don’t want to burn up all of my free time doing it. So, the Summaries are perfect, allowing me to keep learning while staying focused on my goals. Thanks Mark!

  5. Joseph A Pingel says:

    Summaries are a great resource and make the early-morning schedule daily. Cumulatively it makes up a great book list of things I haven’t read (or haven’t read recently).

  6. jean pierre says:

    I really like your Simpleology summaries because they are fun with the cartoons, they are accurate and they make us want to re-read the books
    Keep up the good work Mark!

  7. Clark Miller says:

    this was informative, concise, and really helped put together some fantastic points.

  8. Viper Vapors says:

    I was so engrossed in the comic book style Summaries and how informative and interesting they were that I stayed up until dawn reading them. Thank you for such a time saving, magnetic and educational resource.

  9. John Turner says:

    THIS IS AWESOME! I can glean actionable information I can apply in HIME fashion to elevate my effectiveness and my life! How do I access the other summaries?

  10. Boris Yazlovitsky says:

    great stuff – easy to absorb and inspires to read the originals!

  11. Shahbaz Alexis says:

    It’s a great deal and I’m positive it hasn’t been lost on your loyal followers and dare I say supporters. I absolutely love these summaries. I pick one at random practically every day and at the end of the day I try to remember which one I read. It’s a little game I play. Loosing my memory frightens the “be-jesus” out of me.

  12. Ali Juma says:

    Saves me time of reading the whole book.You have done the heavy lifting for me by giving me the main points in the book

  13. Virginia Reeves says:

    Like the acronyms for Success and Failure.
    The 21 day movie exercise is something to consider, even at 73..

  14. Okay, after already downloading several book summaries, I was confused with the e-mail that said this is a new feature. Anyway, it remains a great feature. It is nive to at least know what the book is about, when reading the whole book right now is not on the agenda. I also like the “take action” blocks. It really helps to get the “So what?” spelled out.

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