3 Minute Read That Can Make You Millions
Dude … soap!
“Huh? What’s the big deal about soap?”
Aside from it utterly changing human existence? Not much, I suppose.
It’s crazy. As humans we need to be dazzled to be impressed. But it’s often the simplest things that make the biggest impact.
Soap … the wheel … checklists …
“Wait a minute. I concede your point about soap. We take it for granted. True. But checklists? Please.”
If you don’t understand why checklists – done right - are just as important, then I implore you to spend just a few moments reading the new Simpleology Summary of The Checklist Manifesto by Harvard’s Atul Gawande.
Simpleology Summaries: The Checklist Manifesto <— free download
”Hey, you said it could make me millions!”
It can. (There aren’t many things I know for sure, but this is one of them.)
Can you figure out how? Read the summary and comment below.