Monthly : September 2016

in News

The Click That Changes Everything

FACT #1:  Doing Simpleology every day is the single most potent daily hack for revolutionizing your productivity.

After 10 years, this is pretty clear.  The two most common comments we get from Simpleology users:

  • “I’m getting more done in my first two hours on Monday than I used to get done all week!”
  • “On days when I do my Simpleology, I’m astonishingly productive.  On days when I don’t, I’m not.

FACT #2:  When you’re not doing Simpleology, your browser is usually the cause.

The most common reason people give for not doing Simpleology on a given day?

“I fell into my web browser and by the time I climbed out my day was over.”


What if someone showed up in your browser every day and encouraged you until you did your Simpleology?

With our new “push notifications” feature that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Log in now to turn on this new feature with one click <—- FREE

Oh yeah, it’s totally customizable.  You tell us when you want the encouragement and how often.

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