Monthly : October 2016

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Simpleology Summaries: The Automatic Millionaire

The origin story goes like this …

“How did a beautician–whose joint income never exceeded $55,000 a year – own two homes debt-free, put two kids through college, and retire at 55 with more than $1 million in savings?  The surprising answer is by never having a budget!”

When I asked my intrepid crew to summarize this book I was half expecting to reject it.  ”If the content is as over-blown as the title there’s no way I can attach our name to it.  I don’t care if it spent 31 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list,” I thought.

Much to my surprise and delight, this was a very practical down-to-earth guide.  It boils down to 5 easy-to-learn principles, like “The Latte Factor” …

The other four principles are “uncommonly practiced common sense” just like that.

I can’t find a flaw in the logic.  If you do this stuff, and it’s all pretty easy, your chances of having a less-bumpy retirement are much higher.  If you don’t, and instead rely on the government to bail you out … Well, just remember that the government likes to bail out banks, not work-a-day folks.

And if you think it’s too late to start saving for retirement yourself, get your kids on this plan right away.  Can you trust your kids to bail you out?  Probably a smidgen more than the government.

You can learn all 5 principles in minutes when you download the Simpleology Summary now …

Simpleology Summaries:  The Automatic Millionaire <— download now (it’s free)



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