NEW! The Little Calendar that Brainwashes You 3.0 -

New Evergreen Layout

Good for a FULL YEAR no matter when you start using it.  (Doesn't matter if it's February or July or September...)

BONUS:  The Ultimate Personal Development Bucket List

Start this list... every day you will have a bigger and bigger edge over everyone you know.  Finish this list?  You are practically superhuman.

BONUS:  Discover Your Life's "Ikigai" in 90 Days or Less!

Once you find your Ikigai - everything in life is 10x easier.  This Japanese concept is changing lives all over the world.  We developed a new Simpleology Journal that will help you find your Ikigai in 90 days or less - GUARANTEED!  

BONUS:  The Distilled Wisdom of the Ages

This handy little reference distills life's most important lessons down to the bare essence.  Remind yourself every day of what really matters in business and in life.

BONUS:  The Distilled Military Wisdom of the Ages

Who better to learn from than those who have experienced the hardest life has to offer?  There's a reason why business schools still require students to read The Art of War.  These timeless principles, distilled from thousands of books, will make you more formidable at anything.

BONUS:  30 Years of Mark Joyner Copywriting Secrets on One Page

Previously this deviously profitable reference was only given to people who paid $10,000 to attend one of Mark's private masterminds.  

Limited Print Run for 2025
- First Come, First Served!

FREE: The Little Calendar That Brainwashes You
WARNING:  This calendar will brainwash you.  DO NOT hang it on your wall unless you want to deeply believe the following things ...
WARNING: This calendar will brainwash you. DO NOT hang it on your wall unless you want to deeply believe the following things ...
  • You are in control of your life  
  • You can change your life by changing your thinking 
  • (in a realistic way ... not any "just dream it and your wishes will rain down upon you in golden sachets floating on rainbow rays of sunshine" false wishful thinking sense ... I'm talking about the real way to change your thinking that changes your actions)
  • You are more powerful than you probably realize

It's funny, isn't it?

How sometimes the simplest tiny things can make such a huge difference?

Like a tiny pill ...

Or a ring on someone's finger.

(It's no coincidence most of the great "objects of power" throughout our history and mythology are tiny objects that grant the bearer unfair advantages and awe-inspiring powers.)

Take Conor McGregor, for example.  He was an excellent fighter.  But after he started making tiny tweaks to his gorilla-strong striking power and primal movement patterns, he enjoyed being called "the greatest fighter of all time."  (He also now enjoys wiping the smug looks off the faces of his former detractors.)

Or how about my friend Russell Brunson who became the hero of his family by learning how to become an Internet entrepreneur?   Some tiny shifts were all it took to take him from struggling to running a comfortable 8 figure business.  (He's beyond just helping his family now.  Heck, he even has his own biohacking lab in the backyard of his sprawling country estate.)

"Exactly 30-Seconds-a-Day.  Not a second Longer."

The Little Calendar That Brainwashes You is 5 inches wide.  It is compact enough to fit anywhere - even in a secret compartment, if you are so inclined.  Yet, it is also handsome enough to be hung proudly inside the classiest top-shelf model homes.

And it's the simplest thing ... it only takes 30 seconds to use.  These 30 seconds are such a pleasure, you won't want to stop.  But you must ... (we predict you'll enjoy showing off your new powers just as much - if not more - let us know :-)

The Secret is "The Three 3's."

Over a million people around the world use Simpleology® to double their productivity by simplifying their lives.  And we’re trusted by small businesses, Fortune 500s, and branches of the US government alike.  So, over the last 12 years we’ve learned a few things about exactly what gets people so "turned on and on fire" that winning the game of life is an inevitable consequence.

We packed the most powerful of those techniques into the Little Calendar.  It packs a little wallop of mojo into your life each day you use it.  The secret is what we call "the three 3’s”.  An elegant combination of the most powerful transformational psychology from days of yore to days anew.  (From the ancient and arcane to the newest of the cutting edge.)

We Bought 250 Special Edition Calendars to Offer as Free Gifts ...  
(Claim yours before it's gone.)  
Just pay shipping.  And then ...
Use The Little Calendar That Brainwashes You as instructed for 60 Days.  (Just 30 seconds a day.)  If the wanton swagger and unapologetic fire you will feel from daily use does not make you believe you experienced ...

... a BONAFIDE MIRACLE of modern science ...

... just return it.  We'll even refund the shipping. 

(No hard feelings :-)
And you'll even get to keep these 
7 Additional "Unfair" Advantage Bonuses just for trying ... 

NEW Bonus for 3.0 Edition
The Ultimate Personal Development Bucket List

(built-in to your calendar!) Start this list... every day you will have a bigger and bigger edge over everyone you know. Finish this list? You are practically superhuman.  This list is jam-packed with little-known arcane methods for extracting every ounce of greatness you have bottled up inside you.  You've always known it was there, right?  This is your sign that it's time to unleash it!

NEW Bonus for 3.0 Edition
Find Your Life's "Ikigai" in 90 Days or Less - GUARANTEED!

(FREE Simpleology Journal Routine) Once you find your Ikigai, everything in life gets easier and easier.  This Japanese philosophy is changing lives all over the world.  Once you figure this out, you've basically put life on "fun mode" and everything becomes a joy.  With this Simpleology Journal routine in your corner, you'll find your Ikigai in 90 days or less - GUARANTEED!

NEW Bonus for 3.0 Edition
The Distilled Wisdom of the Ages

(built-in to your calendar!) When it comes down to it, the "difference that makes a difference" in business and in life only boils down to a few things.  It isn't he who has read the most that wins, but... he who understands what is important and focuses almost exclusively on that.  This handy desk-reference will always be there for you to keep you on track.

NEW Bonus for 3.0 Edition
The Distilled Military Wisdom of the Ages

(built-in to your calendar!) Who better to learn from than those who have experienced the hardest life has to offer? There's a reason why business schools still require students to read The Art of War. These timeless principles, distilled from thousands of books, will make you more formidable at anything - and everything.  It's your world, Captain!  (at least it will be when you learn these potent timeless secrets) 

NEW Bonus for 3.0 Edition
30 Years of Mark Joyner Copywriting Secrets on One Page

(built in to your calendar!) Mark Joyner is not only known as "The Father of Digial Marketing" but is recognized by those "in the know" as one of the best copywriters alive.  Having been personally trained by legends like Gary Halbert, Joe Sugarman, Ted Nicholas, and more... People like John Assaraff say "Mark Joyner is a walking encyclopedia of 'here's what works' wisdom."  Mark has distilled down the most important copywriting lessons of his decades long career into a single page that is sure to be your control-busting go-to resource from here on out!

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #1:
The Old Book That Brainwashes You

(instant download PDF and audio) It is said that "once one reads this book, they are forever changed."  We have to agree.  The Founder of Simpleology credits reading this book as "one of the most important turning points in my life - it flipped a strange switch inside me."  PLUS:  We'll give you two instant-download audiobook versions of the "Old Book" 1.  A regular audiobook version read beautifully by a Shakespearian actor and ... 2.  The same version encoded with our Passive Mastery™ technology - it hypnotizes / relaxes you while you listen and sends the book right into your subconscious mind.  All you have to do is take a nap and relax.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #2:  
Brainwash Yourself Skinny

(instant video download) We all know the truth:  there is no "magic bullet" for fat loss.  But is there ...? If eating the right foods and exercising in the right way is the only way, then it would seem the "real secret" is simply getting yourself to do those things:  without starvation or willpower, right?  This short video delivers the recipe.  It shows you precisely what you must do to shift your thinking in exactly the right way to make these changes fast and make them stick this time.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #3:  
The High Energy Brain Wash

(instant-access "Simpleology Project") Don't have the mojo you once had?  It's common these days ... And it's not "just a natural part of the aging process."  I'll prove it:  put on a piece of music that fires you up ... or just take a brisk walk in nature ... Of course you'll feel instantly better, right?  What's more, there are hundreds of little (healthy, drug-free) procedures you can do to crank up your energy past the "randy teenager" level and keep it there!  This 13 day "project" will show you how to make these changes a part of your life so this is your "default mode" - from the moment you spring out of bed to the moment you drift off to blissful sleep with the pride and satisfaction that only comes from a day of accomplishment.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #4:  
Brainwash Yourself Rich

(instant download PDF and audio) Here's another one of these "old books" that contains the lost wisdom we so sorely need today.  Rumor has it the screenwriters of Wall Street imagined this is the book Gordon Gekko would read each night before bed.  It is that popular amongst real-world tycoons.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #5:  
Brainwash Your Friends in 4 Minutes

(instant video download) "As the author of one of the most popular books on persuasion of all time, I am humbled to admit:  this 4-minute video is probably the fastest crash-course in immediately-usable persuasion I've ever seen."  - Mark Joyner

Warning: This works.  Maybe a little better than you want it to.  Use these "obedience hacks" for good.  Because they give you an unfair advantage over people - especially hostile/skeptical people who think they are "immune" to persuasion - it's very important to use them thoughtfully and responsibly.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #6:  
Brainwash Your Customers to Fall in Love with You

(instant-access 11-day online course) What if your customers loved you so much you never had to pay a single cent on advertising ever again?  What if you had your very own "army of the willing" doing the work of a thousand hired-gun publicists and salesmen for free?  We show you how we did just that at Simpleology: over a million users and almost all of them through the methods you'll learn in this course.

"Unfair" Advantage Bonus #7:  
Brainwash Yourself to Stop Procrastinating Automatically

(instant video download)  Hey ... Have you ever heard the story about the happy, healthy, and successful procrastinator?  We haven't either.  Goodness.  It has to be the most under-reported illness of the modern age.  We dare you to try procrastinating after watching this mind-altering video.  Just try!  You'll see ...

EXTRA BONUS "Unfair" Advantage  
Your Roadmap to Money in the 2020s

(instant PDF download)  This document has already predicted many of the events that unfolded in 2020.  Includes 20 hidden brand new profit sources unknown to most ... emergent growth markets ... and many other ways to uncover brand new revenue streams hidden to the average person.

EXTRA EXTRA BONUS "Unfair" Advantage  
The Single Most Profitable Secret in History

(live Master Class)  What do Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and the founders of all of the greatest fortunes in history have in common?  They all know the single most profitable secret in history.  This and many other little-known but mighty-potent money-getting secrets will be revealed in this live masterclass.
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