Monthly : December 2017

Reboot Your Brain in 2018: The 7 Day Brain Power Rapid Turnaround Kit

Rather than yammer on about it, I’ll let the Quick Start video for the course do the talking …

Quick Start - The 7 Day Brainpower Turnaround Kit

(total viewing time:  3 minutes 5 seconds)

So, how do you get it?

Step 1.  Login to Claim Your 2 Free Lessons

Everyone gets the first 2 lessons of the course free.

Step 2.  On the Next Page We Give You a Chance to Try the Whole Thing Out Free for Two Months

After you log in you’ll see a page giving you a chance to try Simpleology Elite free for a full 60 days.  That includes the 7 Day Brain Power Rapid Turnaround Kit, the User’s Guide to the Brain (the perfect companion course), every other Simpleology course available (including 102, 103, 201, etc …), and all of the Elite software features.

This end-of-year special offer expires at 11:59PM Pacific Time on December 31st.

You pay nothing today, and you can cancel any time.  (Our Customer Care team is staffed by some of the nicest and most conscientious people you’ll ever meet.)

Plus we’ve included a bonus that might cause you to do a double-take.   (I can guarantee, as much as one can guarantee such things, that you’ll want this bonus.  Claim the first 2 lessons free now and you’ll learn all about this on the next page.)

Step 3.  Follow the Checklist

As with every other course we produce, it includes a step-by-step checklist with easy-to-follow instructions, animated cartoon lessons, quizzes, print outs, and lots of other fun stuff to make the experience pleasurable.  Plus, as always, the structure of the course is based on the state of the art of learning psychology to ensure you master the material as quickly as possible so you can start seeing results almost immediately.

Warning:  while some of the results will be seen almost immediately, you’ll get the best out of this experience if you stick with the program . Consistency is the key to radical change in almost anything, and I can’t imagine a more worthy investment of your time than activities that genuinely boost your brain power.

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