Monthly : April 2018

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A 30 Year Business Education in 5 Minutes

After 54 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers list …

After selling 5,000,000 copies

Business uber-guru Harvey Mackay’s Swim with the Sharks – without Being Eaten Alive is still one of the primary go-to books for the smartest business leaders I know.


Because it’s a distillation of a distillation.

The book is a distillation of his “3 Basic Courses:  Salesmanship, Negotiation, and Management” – which is a distillation of the most important things he learned in his sterling 30 year business career.

And we’ve now distilled his wonderful book even further into a 5-minute cartoon summary.  Here’s an example of the type of hit-you-between-the-eyes H.I.M.E. knowledge you’ll learn inside …

“A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A great person demonstrates. A superior person inspires others to see for themselves.”

Did you catch that?

Here it is again in larger type – some of the most powerful words ever written about salesmanship:

“A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A great person demonstrates. A superior person inspires others to see for themselves.”

You’ll also learn how to …

  • Outsell by getting appointments with people who absolutely, positively do not want to see you, and then making them glad they said “yes!”
  • Outmanage by arming yourself with information on prospects, customers, and competitors that the CIA would envy – using a system called the “Mackay 66.”
  • Outmotivate by using his insights to help yourself or your kids join the ranks of Amercia’s one million millionaires.
  • Outnegotiate by knowing when to “smile and say no” and when to “send in the clones.”

If you can think of a better way to spend 5 minutes of your time, get to it.  If you can’t (and I can’t, either) download the free cartoon summary now …

Simpleology Summaries:
Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
download now (while it’s free)

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