Monthly : May 2019

in News

New! Simpleology 5.9: Built for Speed Edition

(continued from Parts 12, and 3)

Hey guys, first off – know this:

If you think what we’re adding to 5.9 is “built for speed” … boy are you in for a major surprise when we release version 6.0.  The team is already on the task of 6.0 and all I can say is … total game-changer.   Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, here’s just a small taste of what is included in 5.9.

The Big Idea:
Speed Through Efficiency

We’re obsessed over here with making the platform better and better every single day.  As such, little things that don’t bother most people bug the heck out of us.

For example, in 5.8 if you get a task about a comment on a Simpleology Projects card, you have to …

- click on the card icon

- navigate to the right comment

- then reply

So many steps for something so simple!

Now with 5.9 you can do it all right from the task itself!

That’s not just “fast” … That’s “if Usain Bolt were a superhero” fast!


If you think this isn’t a big deal, think of it like this:  multiply this over hundreds of tasks and this amounts to hours upon hours of saved time.  If you’re dealing with thousands of tasks across a major workforce (as some of our users do), then we’re talking about major improvements to your bottom line.

Little speed efficiency hacks like this are sprinkled all throughout Simpleology 5.9

Another Way 5.9 Saves You Time:
Threaded Comments!

Now every comment can exist as its own “thread” with inline replies.

This saves so much time that before was spent scrolling up and down pages of comments.  Plus, it keeps topics better organized for faster decision making.

Yet Another Way 5.9 Saves You Time:
Your Major Foci Now Include a Backward Planner

Getting the Idea?
We’re Just Scratching The Surface Here …

There’s so much more in 5.9 …

- your major foci can now include images
- we now have a public API so other apps can play with Simpleology
- all system lists are now HIME sortable
- and so on and so on

All of this added up amounts to a major overall improvement in speed and efficiency for you and your organization.

What’s next?  Keep your eyes on your inbox for your “Invitation to Upgrade” email.  We’re rolling out 5.9 to groups of 10,000 users at a time so we can keep the system rock-solid stable and make subtle improvements along the way based on your feedback.

Already one of the lucky ones on 5.9?  If you love it, please comment below to spread the love.   Want a feature you don’t see?   Post a feature request.   Want to report a bug or need help with anything at all?  Contact our stupendously awesome Customer Care team.

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