Monthly : April 2020

in News

Camping in Captivity (The Definitive Handbook)

Forced vacation.

That’s what I hear some people calling this.

If you’re looking for a guide on how to make better ‘smores in your toaster as you piss away these precious days binge watching Netflix, you’re in the wrong place.

If  you’re looking for such advice I advise consulting the following resources ….

  1. Just about anywhere else on the Internet.
    (Exhibit A:  Some of the trending videos on YouTube right now include titles like “Call of Duty Season 3 Trailer” and “Giant Twix Made of Cake,” so … yeah.)

If, however, you want to look back on this time as the best – and most profitable – time of your life …

… you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive right in.

Step 1.  Choose Your Future

Have you ever read a “choose your adventure” book?

They’re great fun.  At critical moments in the plot, you can make decisions on the hero’s behalf.

The reason they’re so fun is:  you never knew where each choice will take you.

A few weeks ago, we woke up into a real life choose your adventure book.

The differences?

There are no surprises in this game.

2.  The end result is obvious.

And …

3.  This is not a game.

It’s real.

Are you awake now?

If not, you’ve already chosen course A:  the common course.

If you are awake, you’re one step closer to choosing course B.

The problem?

The end result is only obvious if you see the road ahead.

 Step 2See the Road Ahead

Imagine driving in the middle of the night … with your headlights off.

That’s most of the world right now.

Now …

Some of us have our lights on, but – just like driving at night with headlights – we only see a few feet ahead.

Scratch that.   

It’s an imperfect metaphor.

With all of the conflicting information out there, we can’t even be sure that the few feet we can see are an accurate representation of reality.

I mean … how sure can any of us be about what’s really happening right now?

China says one thing.  The USA says another.  The Democrats say one thing.  The Republicans say another.  MSNBC says one thing.  Fox News says another.  Turn on the alternative press and you can gorge yourself on an even more radically conflicting smorgasbord of information.

Chances are, among the above sources, you probably have your favorites.  And the version of reality. you “see” depends on your preference.

What if I told you …

All of the above “trusted sources” have a history of not just being wrong, but of … deliberate deception?  (Documented fact.)

What if I told you …

The current pandemic is just a small part of a much larger picture you must see to really understand what’s going on in the world right now?  (Another documented fact.)

What if I told you …

I predicted all of this to the letter many years ago?  (Yet another documented fact.)

Anyone who has been following my work long enough knows this.

As the guy who launched the first ebook publishing company … who invented online “funnels” … who invented the tracking pixel … who predicted Trump would win the election when the media were all in violent agreement he had a “5% chance of winning” …

… I can somehow know what’s going to happen in advance.

Here’s the secret:  there is no secret.

It’s all out in the open.

You can see it all, too.  If you know what to look for.

Just three weeks before “the week that changed the world” I published a pre-release version of my new book that predicted exactly what you’re experiencing right now.  It’s called Your Roadmap to Money in the 2020s.

The purpose of that book was to prepare you.

To teach you how to see.

Those who read it were better prepared.

They’re also better prepared for what is coming next.

And guess what?

This pandemic?  It’s just the preview reel of coming attractions.

Now … what will the hero of your story choose during this “forced vacation”?

A:  Spend this time watching Game of Thrones reruns

B: Spend at least one evening reading Your Roadmap to Money in the 2020s

(Most people read it in one sitting.)

Step 3.  Build “Your 3 Essential Hedges”

If this pandemic is just the preview reel …

What’s the movie going to be like?

Let’s put it this way …

If you think the governments of the world were caught by surprise this time … well, we’re just getting warmed up.

If your plan is to rely on “the government” – you don’t have a plan.

“Your 3 Essential Hedges” are three moves you must make right now to not just secure your future, but …

To Turn This Crisis Into Opportunity

As one of the brilliant ladies in the group my business partner Eric Graham and I are shepherding through this crisis pointed out in a live mentoring session yesterday …

The Renaissance occurred immediately after the Black Plague.

Think about that.

If that’s not enough, consider this:  most of today’s “old money” fortunes were built during The Great Depression.

“Your 3 Essential Hedges” are your fighting stance for the even rougher days ahead.

They are a “hedge” against the inevitable uncertainty and chaos.

Now … what will the hero of your story choose during this “forced vacation”?

A:  Throw up your hands in defeat and give up

B: Spend at least one evening reading Your Roadmap to Money in the 2020s to learn how to start building “Your 3 Essential Hedges”

Spoiler Alert: I’m about to spoil the ending of this story … if you don’t want to know the end, stop reading now.

This is your last chance.

Still here?

OK …

Ro see how this story ends, scroll up and look at the first cartoon image of this blog post.  Then click on the cartoon to choose your own adventure.



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