Monthly : December 2020

in News

Unlearning 2020: Part 1 – The Mystery of the Invisible Boston Marathon Bombing

The damage caused by 2020 goes far deeper than the pandemic.

To explain what I mean, over the next few posts, I will reveal some clues.

Here is the first …

On 15 April 2013, a bomb went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

3 were killed.  Hundreds were injured.  17 lost limbs.

It was a national tragedy.

However, a good friend of mine who lives blocks away from the site of the bombing said, “To me it was just another day.”

He was holed up in his apartment working on his computer.  He didn’t hear the bomb blasts.  He didn’t even know it happened until he came up from his work hole the next day to check the news.

What’s the point?

(Hint:  I’m not alluding to some “conspiracy theory”.  It’s bigger than that.)

And …

Can you guess where it fits in the larger picture I’m drawing?

Type your guess in the comments below.

(The first to get it right will get a $100 Simpleology gift certificate good for any of our courseware.)



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