Monthly : January 2021

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Battlefield 2021: Part 4 – Linguistic Jiu-Jitsu

(Continued from Parts 12, and 3.  Please read them first.)

Ok, let’s imagine you’ve mastered the art of …

  • effortlessly persuading people to buy your products at will …
  • persuading yourself to exemplify flawless healthy habits that unleash your full potential …
  • persuading your loved ones to be a mutually supportive web of harmonious awesomeness
  • etc …

But …

Can you handle yourself when inevitable verbal confrontations arise?

When a persuasive effort becomes contentious or confrontational, you need a new toolkit.  I call it “Linguistic Jiu-Jitsu.”

Everything you learned in Part 3 – The Sword still applies.  All of the “cognitive shortcuts” are still valid.  Essential, even.

But know this:  the game changes in some rather significant ways.

How so?

Well, imagine you’re at a party and you suddenly find yourself embroiled in a heated debate.

Right out of the gate, it gets personal.

How do you handle this situation?

As with all things in life, there are no unbreakable rules, but …

I have developed a reliable system that will make you virtually unbeatable.

First, let’s look at where most folks totally blow it – without even realizing what they’re doing wrong.

The 3 Loser Patterns

(Most of Us Use at Least Two of Them)

Most people tend to react in one of three ways – and they are all almost always dead wrong.


The first thing we have to understand is that …

Verbal arguments are almost never won by he who is “right”.

See, the game is rarely about right or wrong.

It’s almost always about who keeps their head and who loses their cool.

You see, “points” are actually scored in verbal jousting matches not by making reasonable points, but by …

  • you keeping your equilibrium
  • your opponent losing theirs

“What are you talking about?  The person who is the most reasonable and has the best facts, wins!”

If we’re talking about logic … fairness … rationality … reason …

Absolutely correct.

That’s how it should be.

But remember … we’re dealing with humans who have to use shortcuts in their thinking.

Do you think folks watching two people argue are really thinking that clearly?

Do you think they have all of the information available to make a fair assessment of who is “right” and who is “wrong?”

Of course not …

Everyone comes to observe the argument with all of their cognitive biases and mental baggage ….

  • their unique knowledge and experience
  • personal feelings about the people arguing and pre-existing opinions
  • public identity (do they publicly identify as someone who would or wouldn’t agree with a particular “side” in the argument)
  • etc

So, now that you know how to score points, let’s talk about the 3 “loser patterns” that make most people fail.

Loser Pattern #1:
The Reasonable Man

First, let me be clear … reason, logic, compassion, respect … this is how I think we should all conduct ourselves most of the time.

We tend to be more productive when we all conduct ourselves that way.

Indeed, ultimately it’s where I always try to steer the conversation at the outset …  even after I’ve won.

And if you’re dealing with reasonable people, be the reasonable man …

But when they make it confrontational and you’re fighting a Linguistic Jiu-Jitsu match?

Being reasonable will get you eaten alive.

Why?  Because they will use all manner of emotional manipulation and trickery to make you lose your cool.

And you probably will.

Loser Pattern #2:
The Angry Aggressor

When someone calmly uses Linguistic Jiu-Jitsu on you, and you know you’re being reasonable, it’s easy to lose your cool.

In your mind, they are “obviously” being unreasonable so your anger is justified.

But to everyone watching?

The other guy is keeping their cool – and you lost yours.

The Angry Aggressor almost always automatically loses.

Loser Pattern #3:
The Weak Victim

Imagine you’re dealing with someone who is calmly “having a go” with you.

You know what I mean, right?  We have different expressions for this phenomenon in different English speaking countries:

  • taking the piss out of you
  • tooling on you
  • getting fresh with you
  • humiliating you
  • etc.

Being on the receiving end of this is never fun.  It’s unfair.  It feels terrible.

But the moment you cry victim … guess what?

You lost your cool.  And they kept theirs.

If someone is saying horrible things to humiliate you, but maintaining an air of calm and humor, everyone watching will enjoy the show.  Very few will take pity on you.  The moment you get emotional, you lose.


Are you starting to get a flavor for how this works?

When I was young, I was terrible at this game.  I made all of the classic mistakes.

Then I slowly started to codify all of the rules into a bulletproof system.

Today, for the first time, I’ll be revealing this system to the world …

NEW Simpleology Academy!
Linguistic Jiu-Jitsu

    • How to never run out of fascinating things to say in a conversation (even if you’ve never read a book in your life)
    • How to “chat up” potential lovers and make them instantly and helplessly attracted to you
    • The indefensible “crane kick” of any verbal argument
    • A drop-dead-simple method to surgically pick apart anyone’s argument, no matter how rational or “correct”, and drive them bonkers (warning:  use with compassion!  It’s maddening to be on the receiving end of it.)
    • How to always stay cool, calm, and collected no matter how heated an argument ever gets
    • How to hilariously decimate Internet trolls every time
    • How to effortlessly get your friends and family to follow your lead
    • The Army Delta Force trick for commanding instant respect the moment you walk into a room
    • And much more …

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