Napoleon Hill’s Unpublished “Dark” Book May Be His Greatest Contribution to Mankind
Written by Mark Joyner on Mar 15th 2025

Two generations of Napoleon Hill’s family demanded this book not be published until after their deaths.

“It’s too controversial.”

This book is the long hidden sequel to Hill’s Think and Grow Rich - one of the best selling books of all time.

Yet, it was released with little fanfare. To me, the release of this book was one of the most fascinating events in the history of publishing. But no one is talking about it.


It’s an honest-to-goodness mystery.

Is this a choice? Or a trap?


The controversy stems entirely from the (probably metaphorical) premise of the book. Hill claims …

“… after thirty years of diligent snooping, found the Devil and wrung from him an astounding confession disclosing where he lives, why he exists, and how he gains control over the minds of people, and how anyone can outwit him.”

Whatever the truth of this claim, the premise adds a bit of drama to a book that arms the reader with three great truths.

3 great truths missing from most motivational books.

If you have “tried everything” and still not achieved the freedom and satisfaction for which your heart yearns …

If you feel let down by the great institutions of the world for failing to give you the tools required to deflect the merciless, and inevitable, slings and arrows of life …

If you feel like some unseen force has robbed you of your potential …

Then you must read our fun cartoon summary of Outwitting the Devil. After a mere 5 entertaining minutes, you will find yourself armed with these 3 great truths, and more

Simpleology Summaries:
Outwitting the Devil
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About the Author: 
Mark Joyner

Mark Joyner is the author of over a dozen books, 4 of which were #1 bestsellers, in print in 25 languages and used as university textbooks around the world. 

He is universally recognized as "The Father of Digital Marketing" because of his pioneering role in the early days of the Internet. 

He launched the first ebook publishing company ... 

Started a pay-per-click search engine while the Google founders were still in college ...

Invented "online sales funnels" ... the "one click upsell" ... the tracking pixel (when Mark Zuckerberg was still in elementary school) ...

And pioneered many of the online marketing best practices used by digital marketers around the world every day.

Mark is also a former US Army officer, Cold War Veteran of Military Intelligence, and has been awarded for his service by the US Army, the Republic of Korea Army, the Korean Consulate General, and the President of the United States.
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