Monthly : August 2023

in News

5.13 is here! Simpleology is Now an Infinite Revenue-Generation Machine

It’s taken incredible restraint over the last few months not to talk about what we’ve been building here behind the scenes.

Our intention from Day 1 has always been to make Simpleology more and more useful with every iteration.

Some improvements have been more significant than others, but each one has been a significant leap forward.

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find an improvement more significant than 5.13, though…

Step 1.  Watch the Short Walk-Through Video

But don’t stop here!  The real excitement is in the next steps…

Step 2.  Read Brief Summary of New Features

Again – don’t stop here!  The real excitement is in Step 3.

It’s one thing to hear the names of these things… it’s another to understand the mind-boggling possibilities!

  • HERO FEATUREShareable Templates for Projects, Lists, Trackers, Mind Maps (!), Dashboards, Vision Boards, Delegation Automator
  • MAJOR:  Simpleology MindMaps
  • MINOR:  More Granular Search Drill-down Options
  • MINOR:  Various Ease-of-Use and UI Cleanups
  • And much more!

Step 3.  Consider the Infinite Revenue-Stream Possibilities…

Consider this – when you share your Templates…

1. Your affiliate link is embedded into the link.

So if you share this to a new Simpleology user, they are your customer for life earning you commissions on anything they purchase from us forever

2. Templates are an infinite product/service revenue-generation machine – and the revenue is 100% royalty-free!

That’s right. You can sell your templates in any way you like. Sell them on *any* platform or any fashion you choose. To fulfill the product just give them the “share template” link. Easy!

You keep all the money.


Every Template you share opens up two potential income streams!

Are you starting to see why I’ve been so eager to share this with you?

Now, let me give you some possibilities to stimulate your imagination…

Here are Just 12 of the Infinite Business/Service/Product-in-a-Box Possibilities

Product Ideas

  • Business Systems In-A-Box
  • Topical-Awareness Dashboard
  • Business Metrics Dashboard
  • Pre-Made Vision Boards for Specific Outcomes
  • Mind-Map Summaries of Books, Courses, Topics, etc.
  • Your Knowledge in a Box
  • Step-by-Step Instructions for Anything in a Box
  • Just getting started here…

Service/Business Ideas

  • Business Process Documenter
  • Mind Map Generator for Someone’s Podcast
  • Customer Vision Board Creation Service
  • Custom Dashboard Creation Service
  • Topical News Curation Service
  • Just getting started here…

Any of these ideas can be delivered as stand-alone products/services…

They can be bonuses for other products/services…

They can be bolt-on-revenue-streams for your existing business…

It’s official:  you now have zero-excuses for not making money in business.

Share Your Simpleology Templates Ideas and Get Rewards

Can you think of other product, service, business, bolt-on revenue opportunity ideas for Simpleology Templates?

Post your below.  Whoever posts the best idea will be 5 years of Simpleology Elite for free.

And just for posting… we’ll send you an early invitation to upgrade before the rest of the world!



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