Monthly : November 2024

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Veteran’s Day Weekend Giveaway!

4 Days Only!
Special Offer Ends on
Midnight Veteran’s Day

Get the Whole FREE Bonus Package Now Because When It’s Gone, It’s Gone…

Simpleology 5.15 is kind of a “total overhaul” of our backend system.

*Everything* runs faster and smoother.

But as we’re getting ready to roll that out, we have some “interim” features we get out to you right away.

We’re going to call this version “5.14T”.

Included with some very cool new software features (for example we’ve added Template functionality to other area like Journals!) we have some “content” that we want to share with you.


Who cares!

Well, here’s the thing… what most people, even some of our most hard core users, don’t realize is that… Simpleology is now the most advanced publishing platform in the world.

Because of our extension of Simpleology Templates to many of our features, you can instantly publish – and give away or sell royalty-free

  • Simpleology Projects
  • Simpleology MindMaps
  • Simpleology Journals
  • Simpleology Lists
  • Simpleology Dashboards
  • Simpleology Vision Boards…
  • (you get the idea)

To demonstrate how amazing this is, we created some new content for you that is guaranteed to blow your mind.

For example…

Making Sales Is EASY When You Know What’s Already “Hot”. And…

“I’d love to start a business, but I don’t have any good ideas.”

Now you do…

This Mind Map is jam-packed with literally thousands of ways to…

  • find out what products people are spending money on NOW so you can radically increase your chances of making sales today
  • final out what is trending on social right now across multiple platforms so you can tap into the social zeitgeist and ride its wave to profit island
  • learn how to start cashing in on eCom today so you can sell and ship products around the world without ever laying a finger on them or packing a single box – ever
  • learn how to create instant hot digital products so you can start raking in the profit with zero overhead and zero delivery costs


DO NOT Use This Without Their Permission…

WARNING:  you should tell your partner you’ll use these tactics… they are “legal” (so we think – consult your own lawyer), but obviously people would not want these tactics to be used on them without their consent.

Let’s face it, we’re not all on the same “sexual clock”, if you will.  Partners wanting “it” at different times is one of the greatest causes of friction in relationships.

  • a harmless substance you can load into a humidifier that will make someone instantly feel deep connection and love (it’s impossible to resist, because it’s a well-demonstrated chemical reaction)
  • scientifically proven sounds and frequencies that hack the neural pathways of arousal
  • how lighting can be adjusted to “trick” someone into feeling “ready for action” (their brain can’t resist because it mimics their body’s natural arousal centers)

When “the News” is Propaganda… What Can You Trust?

Does anyone trust “the news” anymore?  Seems like all of it has turned into one flavor of propaganda or another, doesn’t it?

What if you wanted to get access to information that is…

  • high quality
  • connected to “primary source”
  • is disconnected from partisan commentary?

We’ve got you covered.

Do You Dream to Live “the Laptop Lifestyle”?

Ever since “the plague” digital nomads are on the rise!

Once everyone figured out they can do their jobs from, well… anywhere… they have ditched their offices for greener pastures (or sandier beaches).

  • Look at this vision board every day to “program” your subconscious mind that such a lifestyle is possible.
  • Follow the path that millions around the world have already pioneered for you.
  • Imagine yourself working from the beaches on the Maldives… from the cafes of Paris… from the Internet Cafes of Seoul Korea…

When You Absolutely Positively Have to Impress, But Can’t Afford to Move (Yet)…

Let’s face it: moving is a pain in the butt!  But how many of us are satisfied with our “digs”?  And even if we had the time and energy to move, could we afford it?

You don’t have to wait to “class up” your home!

Given that science shows a better environment…

  • elevates mood and can even relieve symptoms of depression
  • thus stimulates your immune system and improves overall well-being
  • and thus boosts creativity and productive output!

Not to mention that it can impress friends and neighbors.  (Or makes them green with envy.  That’s up to you.)

Even better – these hacks are all doable on a low (or even zero-dollar) budget!

What Mark Joyner Uses to Podcast Like a Pro While Traveling the World

It used to make me weeks to set up a new podcast studio any time I changed locations.

When I decided to become a digital nomad, that was obviously no longer an option.

Now I have a professional broadcast quality studio that only takes up 1/3 of a standard suitcase!

  • The best microphone and travel soundboard combo that gives you pristine Hollywood sound studio sound from anywhere in the world!  (And an even more compact version without a soundboard for those who want to travel uber-light.  This version of the whole setup can fit in a small carry on backpack!)
  • AI tech that turns a crappy mic (and a crappy camera) into near-studio quality – no gear needed!  (For those who want to go totally gear-free!  You could do it all from a laptop if you wanted.  I use some of these same tech in my high end version when I’m in a “dirty” room.  This trick solves the biggest problem that plagued sound-engineers for years!)
  • A single device that fits in your hand, mounts on your laptop, and makes it look like you have a camera team “following” you around taking shots from multiple angles.  This one will blow your mind.  They’ll think you’re spending thousands a day on a team.  (You don’t have to tell them our secret.)

Let’s Face It… Sometimes You Just Need Some People to Shut Up and Do What They’re Told

I used to think “persuasion is dirty”.

But then I grew up.

The truth is, we’re all persuading each other all the time.  So… may as well get good at it, right?

And not only is it useful to get what you want… being good at persuasion is a shield against the persuasion efforts of those who would persuade you to act against your self-interest.  (And we can all think of a few people like that!)

  • “The stare” that triggers an immediate obedience response – even from the toughest people in the world.
  • “The deflation technique” that instantly calms you in the face of intimidation
  • The real Jedi Mind Trick that makes people do exactly what you say – without even thinking (you’ll be amazed how easily this works)

3 Simple Things You Can Do TODAY to Increase Your Lifespan
(Proven by Science – in Everyone’s Budget)

We all know life extension is now “real”, but… who has hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on stem cell therapy?

These hacks

  • The mystery “protein fragment” that actually reverses your biological age (you can measure it!)
  • The “special eating technique” that reverses the biological clock (and you don’t have to change your diet!)
  • Do this “passive exercise” for 15 minutes a day and… reduce “all cause mortality” by 50%.


Grab the Whole Package Now!

Offer Ends at 11:59PM 11 November 2024

(Click Here to Upgrade to 5.14T and Get the Whole Package)



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