Category : Features

The Deceptively Simple Power of Lists (and the New Simpleology Lists Feature)

The new “Lists” feature on Simpleology is deceptively simple.

This short video will give you an inkling of what is coming in the weeks ahead with the newest weapon in your productivity hacking arsenal:

Keep your eyes peeled for an email with the following subject line:

Subject: (Invitation) Upgrade to Simpleology 3.7

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Upgrading to 3.7 (with “Lists”) is free.
  • We’ll send this invitation out to blocks of 10,000 users at a time. This process may take several days, but it’s the best way for us to ensure the stability of the system during the transition.
Once you’ve upgraded, we’d love to hear what you think.

How to send feedback:

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