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30 Second Personality Test Causes Instant Business Breakthroughs

“I feel like this is my big break …”

That’s what one of our members said after I did them a big favor.  The same favor I’m about to do for you …

First, the 30 Second Personality Test

Which of these statements best defines you?

  • “I have lots of content that I’d like to repurpose as Simpleology Projects to sell on the Simpleology Project Marketplace, but I don’t have the time.”

… or …

  • “I would like to build Simpleology Projects, but I don’t have any existing content or good ideas.”

Content Owners and Content Builders

If the first statement best defines you, you’re a “Content Owner.”

If the second statement best defines you, you’re a “Content Builder.”

As we revealed in a live webinar the other night, pairing a Content Builder with a Content Owner has been causing magic to happen.  It’s allowing both of them to pull money out of thin air.

I’m a Content Owner, What’s Next?

Contact our Customer Care Team and tell them “I’m a content owner – here’s my website.”

We’ll link you up with a Content Builder who will take your stuff and turn it into Simpleology Projects for a share of the royalty (the split is totally up to you and takes seconds to set up using our new co-authorship module).

I’m a Content Builder, What’s Next?

Step 1.  Build at least one Simpleology Project on your own.

It’s so easy … Just follow our instructions here.  Before we can introduce you to a celebrity author with whom to collaborate, we need to know you’ll walk your talk.  It doesn’t have to be fancy, but we need to know you understand …

Step 2.  Contact our Customer Care Team

Tell them “I’m a Content Builder and my Simpleology Project is titled __________.”

That’s it.  We’ll then pair you up with a Content Owner with whom you can strike a deal.
They’ll pay you a portion of the royalty for repurposing their content as Simpleology Projects.

Questions?  Fire away below …  I’ll answer them personally.


P.S. We’ve been quietly rolling out the Simpleology Project Marketplace.  Keep your eyes peeled for your invitation.

P.P.S. Also, remember those free gifts we promised authors who submitted Simpleology Projects before the 19th?  We’re going to extend the deadline for that to the 30th.   You’re welcome :-)

Discussion1 Comment

  1. Mark Joyner says:

    Dolphinesus Customer Care will be reaching out to you on the 30th :-)  Or you can contact them know if you want it early.  Easy.

Reply to Tim Stanforth

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