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The Story of Dreu – Episode 5 (Careful What You Wish for …)

(click here for full-sized cartoon)

Discussion4 Comments

  1. Mark Joyner says:

    @Karmasherab That’s great!  Click the “do today’s training” button and let the system guide you from there.

  2. Mark Joyner says:

    @triforce137 Haha thanks for the kind words and the honesty!  We’re going to re-work White Belt soon so it’s much more entertaining.

  3. Mark Joyner says:

    @tonylotven Tony, nice … we’re working on ways to make the initial habit even more entertaining.  But as you figured out on your own using Observe and Change the basics of White Belt tackle the biggest time leaches of all.

  4. Mark Joyner says:

    @Branimir Hi Branimir, the videos will definitely stay online once you complete for review.  Indeed we’ll be releasing updated versions of them as well.  If you like you can ask Customer Care to put you back on any of the belts for review at will.  As for Black Belt it’s dependent upon several things we’re developing right now.  There are some very important improvements in the cue that will change the nature of that training considerably.  I promise it will be very much worth the wait.  Meanwhile, I’d recommend doing Start My Day every day and using the Streak Tracker to keep you motivated to do it each day.   That will keep the momentum rolling.

Reply to StevenVrancken

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