Category : News

in News

Simpleology – Rebooted!

OK, folks … Simpleology is about to get a total reboot.

We’re about to completely change everything around here.

We have some huge plans – and you can probably already see some of the changes taking place already …

So many of you have been talking, and we’ve been listening.

But we want to open this conversation up to the larger Simpleology community.

If you could wave that proverbial magic wand and get any change/improvement to Simpleology you could imagine, what would that look like?

What could we do that would help you achieve your hopes and dreams faster?

We’re about to hit 1,000,000 Simpleology users (more about that in a day or two), and we want to hit that number in style.

So, chime in below. How can we serve you better? Don’t hold back. I’ll be personally replying to as many of you asI possibly can.

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