Tagged : business growth

in News

The Story of Dreu – Episode 6 (Are You Starting to See a Pattern Here?)

(click here for full-sized cartoon)

The Business Growth Habit v. 2.0 is here.  The old “IER” model has been updated after helping tens of thousands of entrepreneurs reach rapid profitability for the last 8 years.

In the same way the High Energy Habit distills what you need to understand about boosting your energy levels to a single page, the Business Growth Habit condenses what you need to understand about business growth into a single page.  And version 2.0 is the next evolutionary leap.  Plus Simpleology Elite users will also get …

1.  Version 2.0 of the Full Business Growth Habit Bomb

New resource materials have been added to make it even better than before.  New Kankyo Kaizen Business Growth Hacks, a whole new step (IER is now “F.I.R.E.”), and more …

2.  New Start My Day Module:  Business Growth

It goes hand in hand in hand with the Business Growth Habit to help you grow your business the HIME way.   Not only does it automate your F.I.R.E habit cycles, but it also gives you idea-generating tips each day to ensure you have no shortage of business growth options and helps you track your “BHAG.”

And here’s a little peak at some of what’s inside.  If  you’ve ever been “stuck” for ideas on how to grow your business, we’ve got you covered.  This module includes a “Business Growth Idea of the Day” to help you generate ideas based on what step of the Business Growth Cycle you’re on that day.  We’ve loaded it to the brim with inspiring stories and concepts.

So, what’s next?

Step 1.  Download the Business Growth Habit 2.o

Step 2.  On the next page you’ll be given a chance to start a trial of Simpleology Elite.

Of course if you’re already a Simpleology Elite user, your steps are:  1.  Log in.  2.  Play with your new toys.

Meanwhile, our crack team of cyber-ninjas is building even more cool stuff to help you “level up” on life.  More about that in the next post …

Discussion8 Comments

  1. Mark Joyner says:

    @MitchMendoza I can neither confirm nor deny that there is an overarching plan to this cartoon series :-)

  2. Mark Joyner says:

    @GeoffMcNeely Hey Geoff, we may or may not make the Sep 2nd date, so we changed it to “soon.”  We’re pushing hard to meet that date, but we’ve made a few additional improvements that are pushing the time horizon a bit.   Either way it won’t be more than a week past that date.

  3. Mark Joyner says:

    @GeoffMcNeely haha exactly!  But this time it was some strategic feature creep.  We’re pretty militant about avoiding it, but now and then something genuinely great comes along you just have to creep into the spec.

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    Enjoy !

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