Tagged : Dreu

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Dreu – Episode 9 (Dreu’s Worst Nightmare)

(click for full-sized cartoon)

P.S.  Yes, the rumors are true.  Simpleology 5.5 is coming soon …

P.P.S.  And, yes.  It’s not just awesome.  It’s crazy awesome.

Discussion26 Comments

  1. DanCGillogly says:


  2. tonylotven says:

    I’m ready for crazy and awesome.

  3. jillbinder says:

    Bring it!

  4. speekpeep8 says:

    Yep. Bring it!

  5. Arcole says:

    I have no idea how you are going to make this system any more awesome than it currently is. But then again, every time I progress to a new belt I have this huge moment of “Oh Wow! You can do this too???” So I’m just going to look forward to it! Thanks for helping me get my life together.

  6. ChfGh0st says:

    Thank you Mark and the Simpleology Team!  You have helped me tremendously through the years and I find myself returning again and again to Simpleology.  Thank you for keeping it fresh and with well thought out features that save me time and make me money!  You guys ROCK!  Would Dreu like a date or a night out on the town?

  7. jaykay55 says:

    Can’t wait

  8. PeterCianci says:

    Love it, love it, love it, Mark!!

  9. catasoft says:

    More clarity is always welcomed…. and judgind by the polls of functionality requests, I’m hoping to see some of my “votes” come to life:-) Multiple goals would surely be welcomed:)))

  10. davemackey says:

    I’m really excited to see what is coming….timeline? :)

  11. Mike_MMA says:

    Oh YES! I can’t wait! :)

  12. WinkJones says:

    I agree, bring it on.  
    Hey, will 5.5 have the black belt training too?  I keep wondering what the black belt training will have, I am still trying to master all the other tools.  The engines have been invaluable to me.  
    For example, yesterday I was in a duck blind and remembered something that had escaped my Swiss cheese memory for about a week and was able to silently email myself at dreamcatcher with a todo item that was on my todo list when I got back to work yesterday afternoon.  I checked my past emails, and sure enough an unread message from my client was there.  Good thing it was on the list, as it had completely slipped my mind by the time I got back.
    A quick email to my client apologizing for not seeing his email when it came in and telling him that I had now carried out the step he had authorized in the email.  We have since had three back and fourths and a sale that might have been lost is now back on track.
    I have dozens of examples of good things happening because of simpleology.  If it gets better, I get better, and that has to be GOOD!

  13. dogood4u says:

    It’s time to kick things up !   is always TRUE .

  14. catricala says:

    Bring it on baby, I am ready!!!!!

  15. Mark Joyner says:

    @WinkJones Hey Wink, yep this release was the very reason why we held back on releasing Black Belt.   It will all be very clear soon …

  16. Mark Joyner says:

    @davemackey Hey Dave, I’d love to give a set date, but we have an internal rule here never to promise release dates.  The date is always “as soon as it’s awesome,” but I’ll say this:  we start talking about it when we’re very close :-)

  17. NitinNagpal says:

    Guys just sharing, I’ve found this interesting! Check it out! http://flashward.com/business-web-directories/

  18. AnisaPuteriPertiwi says:

    Have you tried this site? http://mairodi-training.com

  19. cooly6661 says:

    wooot! can’t wait for 5.5

  20. speekpeep8 says:

    Cold sweats no more: SOON.

  21. speekpeep8 says:

    WinkJones’s story about messaging to himself from the duck blind is the kind of thing I really love about Simpleology’s flexibility. The Dreamcatcher idea seems so simple that it’s easy to miss the power of it. Now combining this with the latest developments takes things to an incredible degree of usefulness and convenience. It probably also resonated with me because my Dad had a killer collection of duck calls, and I remember on camping trips we would get the best ideas and want to share them. All you could do was make a note in your sketchbook, and probably forget about it, at least for awhile! But now we have Simpleology.

  22. FazlulFaNa1 says:

    You may want to visit this site too! http://www.obriya.com

  23. nightfling1 says:

    Guys just sharing, I’ve found this interesting! Check it out! http://smb01.com/newlife2day

  24. David Pace says:

    “Will code for food” lmao love it

  25. Mike G Hartrich says:


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