Tagged : high energy habit

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The Story of Dreu – Episode 4 (The Perks of Losing Your Cool)

All kidding aside, bio-hacking can be a dangerous thing.  And losing your cool ain’t cool.

That’s why The High Energy Habit is based on foundational principles for acquiring “high energy on tap,” and for staying cool, in control, and healthy as well.

It’s a single-page PDF that distills (into three simple principles) everything you need to do to attain that “relaxed intensity” to which we all aspire.

It’s free to all Simpleology users.  If you hold an Elite account you’ll get a ton of other cool stuff to (safely) boost the effects of this habit and to make it stick.

Discussion4 Comments

  1. Mark Joyner says:

    @BretRoyster Hey Bret, awesome … The High Energy Habit kind of distills 103 down to even smaller chunks so it’s easier to learn and follow.  Looking forward to seeing how you like it.

  2. Mark Joyner says:

    @tonylotven Hey Tony, congrats on Day 100!  Reminders  are intended to add a reminder and then leave the item as is so folks can use it flexibly.  If you want to take it off Daily Targets or DS instantly and add a reminder try the “Do Later” button and then it will prompt you to add a reminder as it moves it to the Do Later list.

  3. Mark Joyner says:

    @Melissa C congrats! :-)

  4. Mark Joyner says:

    @TambraHarck nice!

Reply to DArcyMayoBooks

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