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What is Simpleology? Part II

(continued from Part I)

What is Simpleology? - Part 2


Discussion11 Comments

  1. Sally D says:

    Please, please ,please come up with an iPad app. Mi find I do most of my planning and thinking away from my desk and on my iPad

    • Mark Joyner says:

      @Sally D Hey Sally, have you tried it through your iPad browser?

      • Sally D says:

        @Mark Joyner  @Sally D i have, but it seems clunky and i would love to be able to click and open, rather than fire up the browser, enter passcode…..  Maybe its lazy but i really would like to just open and jot notes or make entries.  I will on making it work better for me

        • Mark Joyner says:

          @Sally D Yeah, this is a tricky one … We have to choose between putting our resources into making the web app the best it can be or diverting some of them to mobile.  I think the two will converge much sooner than most think.
          In the meantime, here’s how I handle it:  I keep a tab open with simpleology on my iPad at all times.  3 tabs, actually … One for my Daily Targets, and two for other things like trackers, etc … so I can update them on the fly.We are working on getting it to work better and better on the iPad.

    • Mark Joyner says:

      @Sally D Hey Sally, have you tried it through your iPad browser?

  2. ClintonMoeCarter says:

    I would have to say the most leveraged app would be one for adding “To Do’s to throughout the day and on the fly. I am at home to do Praxis in the morning but adding to do’s happens throughout the day and I don’t have the time or luxury to always be opening a browser, scrolling, etc. Just a simple ‘To Do” list (But Sane!!:)) would be optimal from the sounds of it…for me anyway.
    You rock Joyner.

    • Mark Joyner says:

      @ClintonMoeCarter Thanks for the kind words, Clinton.  (Any kind words for me should befall at least equally on my amazing team.)  I wholeheartedly agree.  This was the logic for the SMS/Email-to-Dream-Catcher feature … I find myself adding things to the DC via SMS more than anything else.  Are you saying that if an iPad app were to exist solely for adding things to the DC you’d use that more than the SMS or email access?

      • Zbynek says:

        @Mark Joyner  @ClintonMoeCarter I second to that… Wimiki app for Android isn’t handy to use (sometimes it hangs, sometimes it takes ages to synchronize the data) and to be honest the only thing I need on my phone is a one-button dreamcatcher. So far I’ve been sending emails to my dreamcatcher, which is pretty awesome trick. One-button dreamcatcher would make it so much simplier :)

        • WillDukes says:

          @Zbynek  @Mark Joyner  @ClintonMoeCarter I have to agree.  I stopped using wimiki on my droid, and simply created a direct mailto link on my homepage.  A simple widget with a text field and an “add to DC” button would be great.  
          Also, though technically possible to sms to an email address, i have found this difficult to set up to do automatically on my phone, and I can’t tell my Galaxy or Google Voice Search to send an SMS to dream catcher because there is no mobile number listed.  A dedicated dream catcher line would…  simplify…   this.

    • Mark Joyner says:

      @ClintonMoeCarter Thanks for the kind words, Clinton.  (Any kind words for me should befall at least equally on my amazing team.)  I wholeheartedly agree.  This was the logic for the SMS/Email-to-Dream-Catcher feature … I find myself adding things to the DC via SMS more than anything else.  Are you saying that if an iPad app were to exist solely for adding things to the DC you’d use that more than the SMS or email access?

  3. crisstar says:

    People get so bogged down with their “to-do” list (that is usually never-ending), that they don’t do the things they NEED to do in order to move their life forward. Simpleology has made it so much simpler so that you get to the things that REALLY matter in your life. It is like a big weight that has been lifted off your shoulder.

Reply to PeterCianci

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