Tagged : StartMyDay

The Hard Pivot – Part 1: How’s All That Workin’ Out for Ya?

The contest was a lot of fun, right?  The winners are posted below – along with the identity of the mystery icon.

But first, here’s another hint about where we’re going with all this … The changes are much more radical than you may imagine (as will be the new improvements to your productivity).

How's That Workin' Out for Ya?

Can you relate?  I imagine you can, or you wouldn’t be using Simpleology.  But we can do even better … A lot better.

Contest Results

The solution:  the mystery icon represents a feature that, while very cool, is actually the least interesting of the new features coming soon:  ”The shortcut canvas.”  In the new system, you’ll have a fully customizable canvas of shortcuts to the lists you use most often and any web links you’d like to include.  When you click the icon, it opens up and lets you edit/add your shortcuts.  Many users let us know that there are lists they use all the time and would like to navigate to them quickly.  As always … we’re listening.

The winners:  Free elite access for life – speekpeep8 | Esmart (no one got it, but these two were closest – we picked two instead of one), elite for a year for funniest answer – Simon Thomas (hillarious – and also an inspired, yet creepy, send up of personal development companies), elite free for a year at random draw – michellgower | DanniB1990 | heffernank | AndrewMason | HopefulOne (we promised three – we picked five – including the first poster … hint, hint).

Discussion15 Comments

  1. cr8tivemoxy says:

    Learning new self-management tools with Simpleology. Sweet :)

  2. Mark Jones says:

    There’s no way I would ever have guessed that. But then, Mark Joyner , you are one very unpredictable guy! ;-)

  3. DanniB1990 says:

    Yay!!!!! I love Simpleology!!

  4. runsamok says:

    Very nice! 

  5. runsamok says:

    I have to say, that announcing changes with cartoons.. well, it’s inspired. Not only inspired but the quality of the cartoon is so professional! It’s.. just awesome! 

  6. USFLYguy says:

    Simpleology is bringing back the days of being a kid and your biggest concerns were “What color balloon am I going to choose?” and our daily list of things to do were nothing more than “Were we going to ride our bikes, play dodge ball, or both.”  So like the use of a comic strip design for a contest was in perfect sync with what Simpleology is all about!

  7. speekpeep8 says:

    Wait…I won? And I didn’t get it exactly right? Fantastico! I’m very excited, and very grateful. I look forward to seeing where all this leads…hmm. I am just so flabbergasted, I don’t know what to say yet! Thank you very much! Yay for Simpleology! Yay for cartoons! Yay!

  8. FateEnigma says:

    Hahaha, can’t come home because he’s too busy IM’ing and playing Diablo at work.
    Also, type error or intended?  ”…customizable canvas of shortcuts to the lists you use most -awesome- and..”  

  9. MohamedNokaly says:

    Learning new self-management tools with Simpleology. Sweet

  10. SteveBorgman says:

    The only difference I have from this comic is that I have all that paperwork, but it’s on the computer instead of on my desk ;-)

  11. BClements says:

    Just getting started on this. like having a list here and what it can do in the future ie shortcuts to my most visited sites. Cannot do that on my Blackberry

  12. David Greene says:

    I have from this comic is that I have all that paperwork, but it’s on the computer instead of on my desk.

  13. AndrewMason says:

    Weeee – Anything free for a year is good with me, except maybe Twinkies.  I would probably get sick of them after 11 months.  Thanks you Simpleology, Mark and the random picker person.  Random is goooood.

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