Neuroplastology: Superhuman Brain Hacks and Exercises With Astounding Results.
Rank #1000+
- Neuroplasticity concepts explained
- Interviews of actual practitioners, their results and what they did
- Exercises that anyone of any age can do
- Remember those ads where the skinny guy gets sand kicked in his face at the beach? Experience a youthful transformation through Neuroplastology without the gym (interviewee exposes results inside)
- Exercises that tap the brain and leverages that impact on the body's strength and mental clarity
- Easy to follow instructions and activities that fire up and stimulate the brain
- Find out how Good cholesterol levels increase, DHEA increases, blood pressure improves, libido goes up, better deeper sleep, improved happiness and mood
Aging and the so-called effect on the body and memory does not stand a chance against this 120 day program. Find out exactly how results in one interview show this is a Fountain of Youth known to a few. As more case studies of people on this program are sharing their astounding results, this Project (more)