This is going to sound a trifle bold, but: If you have an existing product or service, or are planning to create one,eg a Simpleology Project, this report could be worth a fortune to you. I want to make one thing clear up front, first: It’s not a “get rich quick” scheme or some magical
This is going to sound a trifle bold, but: If you have an existing product or service, or are planning to create one,eg a Simpleology Project, this report could be worth a fortune to you.
I want to make one thing clear up front, first: It's not a "get rich quick" scheme or some magical money machine. It's not even a business by itself.
The manual outlines a proven system and a set of techniques to help you make more money with your Simpleology Projects, existing products and services, and to plan new offers for maximum impact, so they sell in bigger numbers for higher prices, right from the beginning.
It's called...The ValueWow: How To Add Powerful Impact to Any Simpleology Project And More
When done properly, this can boost the value of your project, product or service than you would have expected (often 2 to 3 times your current price), reduce refunds, increase back end sales, boost customer satisfaction, and help your clients and customers get more benefit from your product, faster. All while helping you to make more sales up front.
"ValueWow" involves two factors. Real value and perceived value. Increasing either one by itself is a bad idea.
If you add real value without making the customer aware of it before they order, you're losing out on sales and the higher prices that extra value deserves. If you add perceived value that doesn't come through in the delivered product, you're cheating your customers.
Either way, someone loses. That's not your goal.
The trick is to...
Do The Right Thing... The Right Way
There are a few simple things you need to do to get the maximum results from the process. The Project explains those things clearly, with the points laid out in an actionable manner. Understand - this isn't rocket science. It's just savvy psychology and smart marketing - with a twist.
Get it wrong and you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.
Get it right, and you could turn a $17 ebook into a $47 manual; turn a $47 product into a $97 program; and dramatically increase the impact of your new products, Simpleology Projects and services before you ever roll them out.
The report doesn't just talk about digital products.
The examples included cover cameras, print and electronic books, consultants, designers, computers, retail stores, software distributors, health clubs, niche membership sites, affiliate marketers, heating contractors, real estate agents, email publishers, furniture and appliance dealers, tax accountants, child psychologists, dance schools, marketing seminars, comic book dealers, weight loss clinics, craft supply and home improvement stores, classic car repair shops, chiropractors and even sleep stores.
There are some serious marketing tips in here that will surprise even more experienced folks.
I can't promise you that you'll make more money with it. No one can, since we don't even know when you buy a product that you'll do anything with it, much less do it right. I can promise you that I'll help you increase your odds. A lot.
And I can promise you that if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. This could help you to get a lot more.
Grab a copy today, and crank up your sales!
Some of the things you'll discover in "ValueWow":