The Cash Injection Mission Worksheet
Use it to generate money from "thin electrons" - on tap.
No venture cap. No loans. No debt.
Finds the hidden instant revenue potential in your business (hint: everyone has it) and shows you how to harvest it.
Money on tap.
Use this any time you need cash in a flash. Cashflow crunch? Can't make payroll? Impending IRS bill?
Think you can't do it?
Tell that to the 17 year old kid who made $100,000 ... The business owner from Vermont who added $25,000 in monthly revenue ...

Cash Injection Mission Walkthrough (Video)
Mark Joyner will walk you through exactly how he uses this worksheet any time he needs to generate new cash to start new ventures ... fund expansion ... buy "Thursday presents" ... and so on.

Legendary Tales of Cash Injection Audacity (Audio Lecture)
Mark Joyner recounts stories of the astonishingly effective ways he and other entrepreneurial superstars have used this formula to pull off "the impossible."

Surefire Cash Injection Copy Formulas (Video Webinar)
After studying copywriting for decades (with personal tutelage from the greatest copywriters alive), Mark has distilled the bare essence of what works into this short webinar. Rank newbies who watched this video were saying "I finally get it" and "why does everyone else make it so hard?"