What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing?
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No, this is not a trick question.
Yes, there most definitely is a right answer.
But even if you know it, I can almost guarantee most of what you’ve been taught about it is dead wrong – and I will prove it to you in full detail over the coming days.
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More details forthcoming …
Meanwhile, if you have not read Mind Control Marketing, do yourself a favor and at least give it a rapid run through before you start this next one – it will give you a decided edge.
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Viral Buzz!!
Word of mouth – from satisified customers who have experienced the fantastic product?
Okay, I’ll have a go: The Frame.
You change behaviour quickly and effectively by changing the surroundings (drop my in the ocean and I *will* swim — or drown…)
Mark Joyner
It’s ===:> EMOTION
Gregory L. Lipscomb
I’m going to have to say word of mouth as well… and that power can be used for or against your business.
It’s the Rule I live and work by:
Customer Satisfaction, Customer Relations,
Making Your Business Becoming A Part of People’s Lives.
Word of Mouth is the single most powerful force in Marketing.
Product endorsement creates sales.
The more people you can influence with your endorsement, the more sales you will make.
I consider Word of Mouth Marketing to be the “Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing”.
Jeff Liptrap
I believe that it is the teasers that marketers use. The teasers tap into a deep, primal emotion that exists deep inside all of us. A teaser bypasses the brain and speaks directly to your Curiosity! You see it ever where especial on TV. They keep the viewer in suspense to stay tuned and find out what happen.
I’ll go with Word of Mouth, too.
Something new from Mark? Excellent.
Connecting with a TARGET market on an emotional level. In other words, effectively targeting the appropriate market with your product, and connecting on an emotional level, preferrably a positive one.
Focused ACTION
Understanding who buys your offering and what emotional need/want it fills.
Viral Alchemy.
Building a relationship, directly or by reputation (why web 2.0 is important)
The most powerful force is the relationship with the customer which generates trust.
Vincent Gere
Taking action and implement what you learn and finishing tasks, achieving personals golds
Best Regards!
The most powerful force in marketing is word of mouth recommendations or as Mark calls it Viral Buzz.
Most recent example: THE SECRET. Regardless of what you thought of it, they did no advertising that I’m aware of and the thing spread like wildfire to millions of people.
It’s the first time in my life I can recall having so many different friends and co-workers and strangers recommend a product to me.
Hey Mark,
Momentum is huge in marketing and can mean the difference between a flop, mediocre success, and a launch that goes gangbusters.
When the force of momentum is on your side, there is no stopping a marketing campaign.
Trevor Mauch
I would have to say the person doing the marketing…as well as their knowledge of the product they are marketing.
Let’s see – could it be an irresistible offer? No, that doesn’t account for the MOST powerful force. Nor do the things following the IO. Let’s just take a stab. The previous posters got it I believe. And since there is a correct answer, I would have to say it’a something to do with viral marketing and word-of-mouth. Let’s call it “perpetual sustainment” – lots of second glasses that compel people to share them with others, who themselves get lots of second glasses, who are compeled to…
You get the idea.
I’m sure you can come up with a better term though.
Russell Portwood
creating relationships
It’s word of mouth,
word of mouth, word of mouth!!!
It’s Word of Mouth! Straight from Simpleology 102
Looking forward to finishing 102 in a couple weeks or so… and then on I go to 103!
Kind regards,
Juan Pablo
I vote for communication. I think communication is the key to success in just about every area of life and business, including marketing.
Creating something worth talking about.
I think that the single most powerful force in marketing is a focused continuous planned action towards your targeted market reinforced by a sucessful mentor.
Did I cover all the bases?
Anyways, I believe that without those key elements, focused and continuous action, target market, and a mentor who has been there and succeeded, the marketing will surely die.
That’s all
The single most powerful force in marketing?
Some copywriters insist it is the words in their copy.
Some say it is the tease in the headline that makes people want to read further.
A lot of websites cite PR and media as the most powerful force in marketing.
I think the single most powerful force in marketing is one thing: word of mouth.
The buzz from happy clients telling their friends about a product or service cannot be replaced by any other form of marketing.
The unquenchable desire of your potential client or customer to have a problem solved, a pain relieved, a benefit delivered.
Delivering real, genuine, and life-changing value… in both the products you are marketing and the marketing itself.
Because, when you have genuine value to offer others, marketing becomes academic.
Simply show others the value you have to offer… allow them to SEE and experience that value more clearly and more profoundly… and they will always want MORE.
Questions. Finding out what your contacts want
people –> word of mouth…
(people have mouths…)
I would have to say the single most powerful force in marketing is creating a VIRAL BUZZ – this holds true online and off… and it’s closely related to BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS… because generating a buzz all comes down to relationships. As relationships develop, word is spread and products in a way that is more credible than just straight advertising.
Word of mouth!
Gosh – the previous comments are all quite true…
From simpleology training, I would have to say:
* VALUE in the Irresistible OFFER
Just observe the offer on this blog post.
If there was no value, no one would spread it by word-of-mouth.
Great job on this blog post Mark – love it!
While there are many factors involved, I would say that the most powerful force is word of mouth / viral buzz. People don’t want a hard sell. They want personalized recommendations… the stuff they get from their friends, people who know them, people they trust.
I would say understanding, Because getting into your customer’s mind in crucial to effective marketing
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is; Referrals or Word of Mouth.
You cant beat happy customers telling people about your service or product to build your business.
It is Word of Mouth but only when Trust and Credibility have been established.
I have recently been enjoying a referral group called Business Network International (BNI), and the leads do not come in until the relationship is built. People do not care one bit about who you are or the features of your product. I have found the the ear really perk up with the benefit. The old WIIFM
gaining attention
It is to create an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE
Viral Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think it’s Emotion!
I believe the answer is Word of Mouth or referrals.Or Overdelivering Value of your product or service.
Wow… offering something people WANT!
The best copy in the world, the biggest mailing list – or whatever, is useless without this! And as for word of mouth – same deal… your offer needs to be worth talking about in the first place.
I got it.
The Single Most POWERFUL Force in Marketing is -
The WANT of the Prospect.
What the Prospect ultimately WANTS – knowing that, and being able to convey that to the prospect and make the prospect agree to give you money in exchange for you giving it to him / her, that is the ultimate force in marketing.
The desire to serve. It’s really the desire to serve by leading people to the Experience that they seek.
!!! DESIRE !!!
It’s a fundamental force. No desire, no response.
Cheers everyone!
Definitely Word of Mouth (and referrals) – so you want to keep your customers happy, so they’ll say great things about you…
Word of Mouth is my best guess.
Well, my brother, the first time I interviewed you on a teleseminar, I asked you something like that and you said “Word of Mouth, Viral marketing”. I think you may have even said “Hands down”.
I’ll assume you haven’t found something even MORE powerful since then…
Keep up the GREAT work,
The power of networking – word of mouth, connection, sharing, and more!
Barry Selby
USP- Unique Selling Proposition
Research your target market thoroughly and believe in the product yourself
Everything else is commentary.
Selecting the correct Target market to market towards….
Without this all else is doomed to miserable results.
You can have the best copy but if your not showing the correct people who want your product it’s useless.
Cheers, ToNy!
Word of mouth is important but you also need to let people know that you have something of great value for them, to achive what they want which is to solve their problem.
To educate the consumer aboutn a particular product or service
word of mouth
If one’s attention is not drawn to the product being hawked, then the awareness of the product is not there.
It’s convincing power
(This is a personal active, committed, dedication)
Copywriting !
Without good coopywriting, especially a grab-you headline, no one is going to buy your product . . .
Creating expectations.
It’s very simple, the most important step is “Action”!
Human Emotion is the most powerful force in marketing.
The Offer (preferably irresistible)
Without it, there will be no w.o.m…
Market Research
building relationships
Referral marketing
It’s Word of Mouth, the most powerful force in Marketing.
Well done for your websites and have an AWESOME DAY!
Word of mouth, created through positive relationships, where value is exchanged
Activation of the customer’s curiosity.
Words are powerful. Good copy can be extremely effective, so I would have to say that “teasers” and well written articles.
An Irristable Offer
Your list which creates VIRAL BUZZ aka WORD OF MOUTH that builds relationships. The end.
The most important this I believe is………………………….. TRUST
LOL @ the one who said Mark Joyner… lol, sill laughing, it was a clever answer.
Ok my answer is “Persuasion”
It’s making the customer feel special. Appealing the product to their sense of self.
(hope that’s right)
Do I win?
The single, most powerful force in marketing is “appealing to the emotions”. Emotions–our passions for what we truly desire, or need to avoid–are what move us to act swiftly.
determination, motivation, can do attitude.
Word of Mouth!
“great product”
Could it be Curiosity?
“A hungry crowd”
is the most powerful force in the marketing.
Edward Santosh
Word of mouth advertising, by far and out.
if this can be stimulated, it is a free form of marketing.
Word of mouth, based on excellence in the quality of the relations with the customers.
Word of mouth.
REPETITION – Simple, yet so effective.
Adhereing to your customer’s requirement and getting a satisfied customer will automatically have word of mouth effect on your business.
My guess would be word of mouth / Viral Buzz.
My first though was momentum, but I’m also inclined towards word of mouth – oh, the choices…
Wait! That’s it! Decisiveness!
Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing:
Word of Mouth marketing!
p.s. I learned it when working with an MLM company (actually I got great education..)
Need…..What does my target audience say that they need?
Time? Money? Motivation? Action? Energy? Belief? Comfort? More clients?
Market my product to fill that.
“Word of mouth” can make you or break you. Happy customers, sell your product for you. Disgruntled customers can trash your business overnight.
It’s all in your Attitude
The customer’s desire/emotion. If we aren’t finding out what the customer wants, and giving it to them, then there’s no point in marketing.
I think the most important thing is grabbing the attention of your customer and the, knowing what to do with it.
Best Regards,
Ovi Dogar
i think it is the EXPRESSION…the way u express yourself n get the other convinced by it….:)
My guess the most powerful force is “leverage”….
The most powerful force in marketing is belief in what your selling.
Selling a product or service with pure greed and short-term gain in mind may put a few quid in the bank.
But marketing with a conviction that what you have on offer is of intrinsic value to your target market will do far more for your bottom line.
If you have never tried a product and have no intention to give it a whirl, then your words and actions will ring hollow.
On the other hand, if you try a product and throw your passion into seeing whether it will work when you follow the blueprint, if it does work for you you become a true believer.
And true believers make for great testimonials which give the prospective buyer a sense that if you work the plan then the plan will work for you.
Another residual benefit of believing in your product is that you will want to be an educated consumer.
Firstly, because an educated consumer can offer support for those who buy the product or service from them.
Secondly, a person who works the plan and educates him/herself about the efficacy of a product will have a sense of a bigger marketing picture, i.e. a myriad of back-end products or related systems which can enhance the original purchaser’s satisfaction.
All in all, seeing and using is believing. Unfortunately, far too many people are looking for shortcuts to success rather than solutions to their marketing challenges.
As marketers, we must always have a caveat when selling a product. That caveat is that
“This is a product or service which can work wonders, but not simply by willing it so. Effort is required to gain maximum results and satisfaction. We want you to be a believer in our product, rather than a one-time loser. Set aside ALL other products and focus absolutely on making this product a true value for you. The puzzle pieces are here. Just snap them into place and work the plan. Then pass it forward”
A vision ! That timeless guiding force of all great companies, which enables them to constantly change their strategies in response to a changing environment. (Thank you, Jim Collins)
Word of mouth, whether it is in the written word or spoken language is the most powerful force in advertising and many other aspects of our lives. What people need to realize is, word of mouth can be good and help build, or it can be bad and destroy you. Always have integrity and ethics so that you earn the “gold star” so to speak. Look at presidential elections, sure they have signs and ads, but what is one of the biggest tools they use in campaigning? Word of mouth, they research to see what dirt they can come with to use against their opponent, then they spread it around like wildfire. In some of the marketing ads I have seen lately, this is a tactic that has been used as guru pits himself against guru, or company against company. That type of word of mouth usually makes me run the other way. Do honest and open advertising, become a well trusted and respected team leader and you will get the best and most powerful force… word of mouth advertising… for free.
The ability to solve someone else’s problem
The law of attraction
It simlpe It’s Word of Mouth! and the pertetual motion of connections.
Excellent product and/or service that the customer wants.
Customer’s trust
emotional connection of the customer.
Fear of Loss!
The most powerful benefit in marketing is the benefits you can offer your customer by purchasing from you
Not just word of mouth but an endorsement by someone you already trust. Yes, trust is the underlying key to it all. Ruth
The most powerful force is your customer list. It’s all in the list.
My guess would be “word of mouth” with a “clear and simple message”
Empathy is the answer
I reckon that it has to be human nature it’s self. If you can push the right buttons with your prospects, and touch a cord that they can relate to, they will come to you. Gimmicks don’t work anymore, you need to understand who your target market is and what is important to them, understand that and your will be ten steps ahead of your opposition.
The Internet
Word of mouth i.e. testimonials.
Word of mouth
Word of mouth
The Marketer (Me, You)
The Client’s State of Mind and Preception of Benefit your product or service will deliver to them, and how easily it will solve the current problem they face.
I’m going to go with Enthusiasm as the single most powerful force in marketing. If it’s not number one, it’s way up there!
Give attention and create relationship.
I still patronize a “not-so-delicious” restaurant. Food not really good. But the attention, the talk, the interest given to me create a personal touch. I have other choices but I still go there when I am hungry. That’s what i call the power of marketing.
Emotion. When you can appeal to someones emotion, you have made a sale.
Vision is the starting point – everything else follows. Action, networking, word of mouth, copywriting, etc.
Providing the customer with exactly what they want.
TRUST is the single most important thing in marketing. Clients buy only when they trust you.
Having a 1+ copulation rate
Mark Joyner! Oh, you asked what? Not who?
It’s Word of Mouth!
For any who didn’t write “Word of Mouth”, Mr. Joyner has some schooling to do for us Marketing Space Monkeys
“There is no intelligent marketer alive who would deny the fact that Word of
Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.” -MJ
Focused action, with strong believe!
The starting point is Relationship and Networking. Then of course, Word of Mouth of the satisfied customers.
(If you don’t make yourself do something and believe in yourself and that task, then the most powerful tools in the world won’t work.)
AUTOMATION – Just thought I would be different. It is certainly up there.
It is internet advertising is the best way to attract global customers.
It is very easier to spread information to large no. of people in a very short time.
I strive to “Exceed Expectations” with my customers. I believe by doing so, you immediately stimulate “Word of Mouth” creating the “Viral Effect” we all crave.
I would go for word of mouth by satisfied customers.
I see that the majority of reply in here goes for the word of mouth and I do not disagree that this is a really powerful marketing force, but I believe the answer is ” Your list”.
Because before the word of mouth really start of, you need someone to start it. Someone who trust you and like you enough to buy your product. If they like your product they spread the word to all their contacts and then you have the word of mouth effect.
So my answer is “The list”
High ROI (Return on Investment)
The new format is great!Thanks
Definitely Word of Mouth!
Looking forward to your next great course!
WORDS are the single most powerful force in marketing.
I’m not sure…
I’ve been mentally wrestling with several answers such as advertising, networking, image, viral osmosis etc. but I would tend to agree with “Word Of Mouth”. (which is really viral… lol)
Name Branding
I woul have to say…Relationships.
Word of mouth referral selling
irecentlt managed to place insurance into the police force. very dificult
Well he just made a claim after 6 months he was paid yesterday after 2 week wait
he just refferred 5 people today to me and ask if i can provide him with a flyer for his 800 coleauges
he now a raving fan, a great centre of influence
Word Of Mouth or Viral Buzz. If you have a great product or service (another requirement) and can generate “buzz”, you have an unstoppable marketing force.
Many things are important but THE single most powerful Force in Marketing is finding (or having) a starving crowd. Some people say finding a hungry crowd, but starving is even better. Everything else pales in comparison to that one factor. There is no other correct answer.
The Frame of mind the customer is in when he receives your marketing message – like whether he is already presold by a referring friend, is in a “ready to buy” mood, etc.
P.S. As a long time Simpleology user and fan, I’m very excited to hear another course is coming. Good luck!
It has to be either fear or desire.
Fear of loss, of embarrassment, of missing an opportunity, of the unknown, of fear itself …
And desire – for gain, comfort, freedom, and many ceteras
Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
Although being in charge of a billion dollar hedge fund could be of significant help, but word of mouth ruined Enron and made “Star Wars” a billion dollar industry in itself.
People helping people
establishing the need
Word of Mouth
Joint Ventures and Affiliates
Establishing a relationship!
FOCUS !!!!!
It has to be
the single most powerful force in marketing, is effective communication-
what do I mean by effective?
Get it right, everyone who reads/sees/hears about it- becomes the hungry crowd, and grows the crowd for you… as well
Word of Mouth IS ~ = viral but is has to generate traffic!
Good Copy.
My response is simple:
Definitely Word of Mouth, especially when selling a high end product like a $600K house
Word of Mouth. Powerful stuff…it will make or break you.
Finding the target market for your product and making sure it’s a great product. Word of mouth to the wrong people won’t get you very far!
Two Things…
Customer Satisfaction… &
I would have to say your list,or ultimately the people behind your list, as this is where you build relationships with your subscibers. The single most important think is creating the connection and fostering that connection and being open and honest about what you feel, want and support and providing a platform for your friends, network, list whatever you wish to call this, to engage with you and share on all levels, igniting the passion inside and giving then the possibility to break free and choose a life worth living, giving them the seed to a colourful life.
Greed-the fear of loss
The Internet….
I’d say, its focus. Like Bigweld from the motion picture “ROBOTS” who suggested to his new inventors: “See a need, fill a need!” When you put it this way, there is no real difference between marketing and product or service design.
The ability to Joint Venture with people (or recruit affiliates) who have a huge (prospective) subscriber/ customer base that would be interested in your product / service is by far the most powerful force in marketing.
Limiting Beliefs = Thoughts
Action! Actually doing something, rather than thinking about doing something. Then looking at your results and improving on what you did with more action!
Leveraging and duplicatable system.
Your List and the positive and trusting relationship you develop with your “list”, if you don’t have that you will not get the word of mouth you want.
Communication is the most Powerful Force in Marketing. Without it, there is no organization, there is no continuity, there is no repeat business. Many people put all their focus on building a list, but never follow up with that list, thereby losing whatever edge they would have had. It’s all about building relatioinships, you see, and communication is the key to all these things.
I would say it is definitely word of mouth along with getting referrals from your word of mouth prospects and then adding in the viral marketing would be the best way to get a business up and going with a target marketing for something you know the customers want, amd giving them your expertise and help in getting started themselves, and follow up. Thanks, M. Shepherd
Marketing’s single most powerful force is the consumer’s need for the product. No matter how effective word of mouth or any type of advertisements is, if the consumer doesn’t need the product/service, then, what is the essence of marketing?
I believe the answer to your question is Honesty. If your customers don’t believe you they are not going to buy from you.
I guess it’s “PAIN”.
Shhh! I’ll go with imagination.
Exponential word of mouth
The most powerful force in marketing is desire (need), without desire there is no translation of the message received into action.
I am going to say Successful Advertising, which encompasses a number of factors. Be it Word of mouth, good sales copy, high converting ads etc.
I’d say it’s your reputation, that is the reputation of your company…
The most powerful? Fear of loss and Desire for gain …
Word of mouth
Word of Mouth…
Building Relationships
Word of mouth.
The Internet
I believe it’s emotion. In order for someone to at least try something they must feel either the need for it (maybe to be the Cool of the Gang..hehe) either that it will help/solve a problem they are facing.
Ofeering something people WANT
Marketing is about gaining the trust of clients and getting themn to keep coming back to you..
Word of mouth
With single statement: One page sales letter.
Action! – just start – mold, adapt – but stay in motion.
I believe the person who is marketing the product/service is The Most Powerful Force for she/he is the visionary, the driver, the inspiration and the focal point. Therefore how she/he presents her/himself, by whatever medium, is the crucial factor as to the success of the marketing of the product/service. If the customer/client believes they can trust the integrity of the presenter of the product/service they will buy.
It’s Maintaining Interest!
Has to be ‘word of mouth’ – a ‘viral buzz’ that provides free advertising with the added bonus that people tend to trust their friends/family so are more likely to respond to the offer. Obviously this can have the reverse effect if the ‘word of mouth’ is negative.
The answer for the question is the Word of Mouth Marketing to be the single Most Powerful Force in Marketing.
good copy
A wise man once taught me that the single most powerful force in marketing is, without doubt, word of mouth. In particular a recommendation from a trusted friend. This is why it is so important never to BS your subscribers!
Excellence creates “buzzworthyness” which, in turn, develops the desire to share and word of mouth is the most natural (and optimal) vehicle for doing just that.
I would say word of mouth – both positive and negative. If a customer is happy they tell other people. If they’re unhappy they tell about 10 times as much people as when they are happy.
What is the most powerful force in marketing?
Your customers
Your List
I would say that the biggest force in marketing has to be Emotion.
Words…Good Copy
The most powerful force in marketing is “Excellence in Customer-Care and Service” Whatever done with efficiency is being done within that area, guarantees Business Growth and Success.
demand for the product or service
Sales message.
LOVE! What can i do for the pepole that i what to use my stuff? that is the most important thing to me. because love moves mountains. and makes the world a better place. giving from the heart. and we will recieve. have a great
The most powerful force in internet marketing? Action.
Oh yes – what about branding?
I think word of mouth is good, but you have to have a customer first!
You have to be able to read their minds so you can give them what they want. Get to know your customers so they trust you and what you have to say and what you have to sell.
To understand your customers needs
I think that it’s emotions. If you can get someone to feel why you love something, you can convince them to purchase anything. They must like you and trust you before they will give money to you.
I recon it is VALUE for Money.
VALUE for MONEY is more powerful than anything else.
it gives credibility to your MARKETING,
which in turn feeds your own ACCOMPLISHMENT
i chose “words of mouth” from satisfied customers as the most powerful force in marketing.
In fact There is no single most powerfull internet marketing tool.
Succes comes with true using a combination series of marketing tools.
Adnan Karaer
Just do it, and keep doing it till you get there.
All marketing communications are designed to trigger some sort of emotion within you (examples maybe fast food = hunger; insurance = security; gadgets = coolness; politics = fear; charity = guilt etc). Based on these emotions, you are ‘forced’ inside of yourself to act (e.g. buy/remember/vote/give etc).
Word of Mouth would still have to be the most powerful force in marketing…Web 2.0 just puts it on steroids.
Viral Buzz, this covers word of mouth communication and cyber communication. It goes beyond your list and creates momentum and critical mass.
Michael Gerber (The E Myth Revisited etc) notes that there are more than 73 million entries for marketing on Google. He cites differentiation as the most important and powerful force in marketing. How do we differentiate our business from the rest? This is IT!
I’d have to say, Follow-up
Man I feel like a copycat but I’d put my money on “Word of Mouth” – especially if it’s from a recent, happy client. It doesn’t get any better than that! We instantly recognise the power of it when it happens – which proves it’s emotional, not intellectual.
Cheers Simpleologists
Clear Vision
Word of mouth
Satisfying a perceived want
I tinhk I sohlud cmoenmt why I siad it was HUAMN MNID. It’s btoh the mnids of sleler and byeur taht metatr, and in the end – iades are three, bleifes are tehre, the way you aeccpt wrod of muoth is terhe, yuor csncocneie is seruly terhe, and the way you raed tehse wrdos awesl. So tihnk aoubt it. Tehre’s a geart waetlh in yuor haed. Use it well.
I would say that the most powerful force in marketing is the viral aspect plus a unique product targeted at a hungry audience. Ideally, the product should be your own, but a re-packaged ‘rights’ or JV product would be ok as well.
It is the “love at first sight” an universe force that is beyond emotion or logic that compel those in love to take action swiftly.
I think “Word of mouth” is just a marketing tool therefore EMOTION must be the most powerful force in marketing no matter if it’s evoked by an article, word of mouth or a TV commercial.
So, I’d say it’s EMOTION and the most powerful one is FEAR.
Word of mouth
Something that elicites emotion and word of mouth viral marketing.
How about the Golden Rule
Treating others as you would have them treat you
INFORMATION is the most powerful force in marketing.
Word of mouth.
Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing and probably always will be.
word of mouth…
Relationship – whether it be direct between marketer and customer or indirectly between satisfied customer and his/her contacts(prospects).
Helping others with your product
giving great value to your customers.
The power of emotion marketing which create a viral or word or mouth marketing.
GREED is the SINGLE most powerful force in marketting. The rest just play on this force.
Word of mouth. With the skepticism created by flood of “miracle” products, having a referral is critical.
Well plenty of people already stated what I was going to state, but I thought I would say it in my way.
Viral power + incentive.
Either be it money, charity, love or emotion.
Viral is an awesome theory unless there is the incentive then it becomes practice!
Ps… Mark…You rock!
Having an irresistible offer.
You can have the biggest list in the world but if your customers feel deceived, fooled etc. they will never come back. Sure, you made a lot of one off sales but that?s it.
First over deliver your promises and then word of mouth.
Viral (word of mouth/internet/other messaging medium) Marketing.
word of mouth from satisfied customers, this will create a viral buz and grow any business. Get your customer service right and the rest will follow. Cheers Damien
Right product at the right time is very crucial for the successful marketing
Creating an environment of trust and belief in your integrity for your customers leads to everything else. If your clients cannot trust your integrity, they cannot trust your product, as a result there will be no positive word of mouth or anything else.
Viral Word of Mouth
Exposure to your business,look at the $$$$ spent in advertising!
Hi Mark,
word of mouth. viral marketing.
kind regards
Maru Maginness
Trust. You’ll buy to satisfy needs from someone you Trust.
Word of mouth!
The Right Message to The Right People at The Right Time !
Understanding Target Market Motivation(s)
Be in the right place at the right time! Or just create it!
Word of mouth. It will make you or break you.
I think it is the ability to FIND THE PAIN for your target market!
Well, it,s Money-making
otherwise nobody would do
Integrity. [Belief in the intrinsic worth of the product one wants others to purchase.]
Sizzling Juicy marinated organic mushrooms…
An Irressistable Offer
I think it is word of mouth
To create an “emotion response” to take action! Just like you did with me!
“Word of Mouth Marketing may be the most powerful marketing weapon in your arsenal”
from The Irresistible Offer – How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less by Mark Joyner, page 125 (The first line of chapter 11).
being the “top-of-mind” of your product category.
I.e. being the “brand” that people think of when thinking about your market. I.e. be the coke, xerox, nikon, hertz, hp of the world, or the “we try harder” pepsi, avis, canon, of the world.
Word of Mouth from satisfied customers!
List Building
Be Teachable,reachable and have a vision of success.
The most powerful force in marketing is YOU.
Knowing what you have to offer and knowing who needs it.
Being able to have your customer or potential customer connect your business with the ability to solve his/her problems.
For example:
“Injured? Call attorney Rick”
“Hungry? Eat at McDonald’s”
“Movie? See Hairspray”
Hence, my book:
“The SCIENCE Of Relationship Centered Marketing”
filling a need.
Definitely word of mouth and the viral effect it creates. This made “The Blair Witch Project” (a movie that was made for next to nothing) a blockbuster hit.
Word of mouth. Recommendations and the like. If they hear about you from somebody they trust, they’ll instantly trust you as well.
the young salesman says to the older, experienced salesman, I can lead the horse to water, but I can’t make him drink. The older salesman tells him, it is not your job to make him drink, it is your job to make him thirsty.
Networking ie building relationships
Word of Mouth is THE most powerful force in marketing!
W.M.O = Word of Mouth! which stems from giving value first, which leads to trust = “Integrity”
A Solution to specific problem! Especially when it evokes to feelings. As oppose to computer, human beings have feelings, and once you get their attention by solving their problem. Made them happy…that customer will buy your product at any amount.
it’s definetly WORD of MOUTH
Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
getting and holding the potential customers attention
repetition…repetition …repetition..untill it goes into your mind
Yes,when you prosper your neighbour,a chain reaction takes place.
Your neighbour can be anybody that is close to you e.g. your office mates,house mates,your next door neighbour etc,etc.
The list goes on and on and you don’t have to travel far,as they are all within your easy reach.
That means,you save time and money and have more time and opportunities to market your products.
It’s basically,a NEIGHBOUR MEET NEIGHBOUR concept.
If your neighbour become properous,you too will.
Finding the hungry crowd.
Word or Mouth; it is much healthier to receive inbound calls rather than be forced to make outgoing calls!
Oops – What was I thinking! I mean – W.O.M. which is “Word of Mouth”!
At a guess I think Magnetism – weekly contact to build trust, Great PR using quality teasers/gifts and building on the trusted foundation by using personalised writing methods.
If you are not dependable you might as well close your doors.
Well, i think the answer has to be ADVERTISING of which Word Of Mouth is of course an important part – but it is still just another form of advertising.
Martin Gateshill
I would be viral buzz with a solid branded USP
Your own enthusiasm for the product – I have noticed my sales decline since my enthusiasm waned….if you don’t love your product how can you expect others to, and pay you for it???
Word of mouth
Word Of Mouth.
Force = A person or group capable of influential action.
Word of Mouth with enthusiasm = the most powerful force in marketing.
The most powerful force in marketing is personal referrals.
WORDS are the Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing!!!
A GOOD COPY is the difference between a minimal conversion and a mind blowing conversion.
Word of mouth!
The most powerful force in Marketing is knowing what your customer base wants, then providing them with the value proposition that shows them that your product satisfies that need.
Personalized Customer Relations
Name Branding is my belief. I believe word of mouth is the best way to accomplish that as well.
Word by mouth, getting recommended by happy customers.
For my experience the most powerful force in marketing is the intuition to do the right thing at the right time. …and to have the trust in one’s intuition.
Word of mouth!
Customer Service.
Me and or You!Be the most powerful force in marketing (ref – to simpleology 101)
My calculated guess:
Client Testimonials
Word of mouth
Getting off your butt and doing it. Taking action.
The LIST (as in mailing list). Experts say that the average person needs to see an offer around seven times before taking up on it.. Having a person on your mailing list is a great way to have that sort of exposure without constantly having to seek new prospects.
Teaser headlines that create curiosity and make the human need to know what we think other people DON’T know kick in – to create an “ITCH” that just has to be “SCRATCHED.”
Definitely word of mouth
Word of mouth.
Emotion. Appealing to the “Primitive Brain” that makes the emotive decisions.
If you want success in starting a new restaurant, locate it to be convenient for a bunch of hungry people. You will be a success even if the food and prices are only average. Marketing a product (e.g., food) to motivated buyers (e.g., hungry people) is the surest path to sales and success.
Word of mouth — having thrilled customers.
“You” – how you present yourself, your language, your grammer, drive, confidence, etc.
Postive Thinking
Word of mouth
Word of mouth, created by high customer interest, satisfaction and perceived value.
Having a clear objective
Find a hot, hungry, insatiable and irrational target market, find out exactly what they already want and sell them exactly what they already want.
I think it is action. No idea or any big product can be launched without first taking action to do it.
Greatest power is “no power at all.”
Personally I like what Jim Rohn has to say “Bring VALUE to the marketplace in hopes of earning a profit.” I think everything else is a gimmick – short term money makers. You bring VALUE to the marketplace everything else – viral buzz – and all that other stuff will fall in place. After all, it is the exchange of VALUE between people that creates income.
Said another way, What is The Single Most Powerful {Persuasive Power; Power to Convince} in Marketing?
Only One “Single Most” – EMOTION! If the word in the mouth doesen’t move the Heart, i.e. the Heart’s not in it, Nothing is going to happen!! Always Speak to the Heart and you will be heard!
The most powerful force in marketing is Word of Mouth.
The most powerful force in marketing is Word of Mouth.
Emotion — you have to appeal to the customer at some sub-conscious level. People buy for emotional reasons, they then try to justify the purchase rationallhy.
Relationships with your customers/business partners.
I believe the most important thing in marketing is trust,no
trust no sale,no connection
The single most powerful force in marketing… is ME!
The most powerfull force in Marketing is YOU as soon as you learn to FOCUS.
The single most powerful force in internet marketing is word of mouth. It can be both positive or negative. People are more apt to believe something if they hear it from another person and not as part of a sales or marketing message from the person or institution selling the product.
The LIST. Without a target audience it doesn’t matter how good the product is or how good you are at affecting emotions ect… Got to have and keep that list.
It’s Connecting…with the prospect! Unless you make a connection with someone, there is no word of mouth marketing to follow.
Determination and Focused energy are the strongest marketing force available.
To a brick and mortar store, word of mouth may be sufficient, since the customer base is primarily local. However, in the digital age, creating a viral buzz is the far superior digital version of word of mouth, as it reaches potential customers all over the net, not just locally.
Q: Single, most powerful force in Marketing?
A: The “Free Will” quality of the Marketre’s Mind (Or for that matter, the “Mind” itself)!
For any one of you who have not exercised their “Free Will” c o n s c i o u s l y yet, here’s why:
“Free Will” is the one that can make the mind BELIEVE ANYTHING, and once done, ACHIEVE ANYTHING ACCORDING TO YOUR BELIEF…learn, unlearn, understand, seek, release, recollect, forget, create, destroy, rise, fall, rule, win, defeat, feel, see, create /solve problems/difficulties, concentrate, focus, wish, fight, give-up, determine, laze, act, daydream, visualize, realize, materialize, think, lust, attain nirvana…. ……everything on the spiritual and material continuum … just limited by your imagination (which in itself can be made limitless if you are WILLING!).
Free Will is YOUR CHOICE of how, what, why, when, where you want yourself to be – inside and outside.
All of us have the most potent force of the Universe within and needless to say, it is the single most powerful force in Marketing too!…
Wake up to the power of Your Mind’s Free Will to do what you want or achieve… If you are willing… Your FREE WILL will get you to THINK, VISUALISE, BE AWARE, FOCUS, CONCENTRATE, PUT EFFORTS…all this with CONSISTANCY to LEARN, UNDERSTAND and DEVELOP the VISION to DECIDE, TAKE ACTION AND CREATE / ACHIEVE whatever you want in LIFE – Marketing included!
So all the elements like (but not limited to) great sales-copy, graphics, testimonials reliable host, word of mouth, creating trust, communicating, advertising, great offer, timing, tactics, jvs, ideas, technology, a great url, identifying potential, etc. mentioned in the comments above will fall in place for that Ah-Ha! moment when the single most mightiest force is set in motion…. YOUR MIND! It’s “Free Will” quality gives you complete freedom to use it (absolutely FREE!), without any limits!
Action. Action. Action
I AM the most POWERFUL force in marketing; being focused with passion and determination to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Word of Mouth …… Viral marketing.
It’s completely all about your mindset. If your magnetic, people seek you and they become “warm” easily! This leads to it going Viral! Score
Making a personal connection.
Word of Mouth – Viral Buzz (Nothing sells better than a satisfied customer)
I’ll go a step beyond word of mouth. I believe it’s the actual WORDS that are used.
Client Satisfaction.
Making a emotional connection.
For me, it would be my mailing list!
Word of Mouth
I believe there are a combination of things for Marketing, but if I had to choose one it would be honest communication through whatever means you choose to hit your market (i.e. word of mouth, internet, campaign, etc.).
Word-of-mouth is definitely the most powerful force in marketing.
And what makes it powerful? TRUST!
You need to build trust with your audience, and there is no better way to have instant trust and rapport (albeit borrowed) than through a personal recommendation/referral from someone else whom they already know and trust.
Leverage yourself through word-of-mouth marketing and watch your list explode with self-perpetuating growth.
Cyndi Williams
Opt-In Advertising That Responds.
Word of Mouth because markets are conversations.
Marketing is one-to-many sales communication.
Real POWER comes when your message is subsequently “re-broadcast” through a network of people, a market, with no additional cost or effort on your part.
Absolutely, word of mouth.
which is how we relate to every thing anyway ..coupled with following up on a regular basis…. so I’ld say its:
Passionate Consistency
(I don’t mean being desperate thats very different..and absolutely the WORST thing!)
“there is no inteilligent marketer alive who would deny that word of mouth is the most powerfull force in marketing”
Mark Joyner
Word of mouth is best as people trust personal recomendations more than ads and its free (in terms of time, energy AND money). The simplest way to stimulate word of mouth is with a great product, customer sservice, over delivery, buzz worthiness and a tempting incentive program to get them recomending (not affiliate or MLM though)
Integration marketing would probably be the second most powerfull force in the universe (err..i mean marketing). The 3rd would probably be Mark Joyner
and the 4th would be belief in the quantum God, bypassing the conscious mind through Black Ops voodo rituals- but you need a piece of the victim’s clothing for it to work properly.
(jees!..marketers really will try anything sometimes!!)
Relationship – is the single most Pwerful Force in marketing. My customers could buy my product from a 100 different sites, they choose me when we related in a certain way.
The “Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing” (and in everything) is the Mental Force. This is a “force” and by training becomes the most powerful force in the universe. Mental Force gives you all the mental power through visualization, concentration, desire and will.
Sorry, but “Word of Mouth” or “Emotion” or “Action” are not forces.
I believe it is word of mouth, hence the importance of testimonials in your marketing materials.
This single most powerful force in marketing is viral acceptance which can peak at a viral fear of missing out. The marketing medium can be anything; in the news, in print, at the water cooler or ‘gone viral’ online as is the latest incarnation. Nonetheless, when the masses take hold and create the acceptance buzz that you just ‘have to see this’ or have to ‘get this’, or you are deemed to be ‘missing out’, then you have tapped the force. You could have paid millions in marketing dollars to create this or zero… viral acceptance peaking at viral fear of missing out, in the end, create the same phenomena: individual inclusion within a social circle.
Word of mouth
offer lasts till __
Getting people to trust you.
word of mouth is the best advertising…
But you need to solve a problem, yes that’s it, you need to have something that solves a problem…
add then, traffic, to show your value
Attraction…the ability to attract people to you because they see clearly you have something they want.
Creating an emotional desire. Use of testimonials is an excellent way to do this.
Word of Mouth – People
How can anyone know about a product or service if no one is talking about it? The average advertisement via the media has to be repeated numerous times before people even think of checking it out let alone act on the information. Whereas, if information comes from a person standing in front of you, the product or service then suddenly has more credibility if the feedback is positive. We all know what negative feedback creates.
I strongly believe the answer to be ‘You’ everything revolves around you. It’s you the potential customer trust not your product or service. It is you who developed the relationship with the suspect and changed him from a suspect into a prospect and from a prospect into a customer and from a customer into a loyal customer through relationship building.
Its The LIST.
I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous day!
Hi Mark,
My guess would either be “The Law of Attraction” or JV’s. I’m sure these are close; however I’m not sure if this is the exact answer.
Your thoughts
The answer to the powerful force in marketing is word of mouth
N – I just had to through that in there.
Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing…directly.
A properly-executed Irresistible Offer is the core of this force, though, because without a solid TIO, word-of-mouth ceases to exist.
It has to be word of mouth. Nothing fuels the marketing engine faster or better.
Word of mouth from your confidence, and percieved expertice, and energy
What a great question, and even though word of mouth is important, I think that Branding is the most powerful.
If you have a powerful brand, it will sell itself.
Hi Mark,
It’s simply creating a buzz…
anticipation, fascination, intrigue, suspense, mystery…
making people wonder what’s coming…
oh, and this blog is a brilliant example of it…
Customer’s dominant emotion.
word of mouth
referrals…word of mouth…viral marketing…all the same concept..one person sharing thier experience with their circle and passing it on
I would say word of mouth.
Taking action
I agree with Caren Knox-Hundley and Jennifer Dyer below,
“The single most powerful force in marketing… is ME!”
I first thought “customer satisfaction”, but nothing good happens if I’m not doing it right!
Taking Action
Without it Nothing will happen
Relationship value–leading to Viral Buzz. When you develop relationships in which you provide value, the word spreads, creating buzz.
The MARKET is most powerful!
If there is no demant, markeying would’t even exist.
The most powerful force in marketing is Mind Control.
The most powerful force would be word of mouth or viral marketing. If people are telling others about your product, all you have to do is cash the checks!
The Customer
ACTION (Just Do It!)
Word of Mouth.
Relationships. The relationship you develop and maintain with your customers.
Word of Mouth.
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
Everything we do is about relationships.
What is the single most powerful force in marketing? Just getting your name and product out to the public in a positive light? Word of mouth. Why it leverages the time of others and compounds. This of course requires focused energy to leave a positive impact on people and get the ball rolling, but once it is moving, leveraging the credibility and time of someone else, is far more powerful than doing all the work yourself.
Answer: PR (Public Relations).
Your customer service, complaints management, enthusiasm/drive to take appropriate action as well as the ability to create buzz with least advertising, press releases, etc are all part of what makes the whole “image” of what you’re offering.
No matter how fantastic or in demand your product or service is….or how well-known you may be.
As “marketing” involves offering something that people already want as opposed to “sales” (offering something people may not want or need), PR is the force that drives marketing.
Okie…my answer – right or wrong?
I’m going to go with the crowd and say word of mouth.
NEED. The most powerful marketing force is tapping into, building-up or down right creating a need in your customer for what you’re selling. Of course, it’s easiest to tap into existing NEEDS than to out-right fabricate. If someone NEEDS your product, then they will buy your product. In economics it a supply & demand curve…demand isn’t want, it’s people parting with cash…why? because on some level and to some extend they NEED, they DEMAND that product.
The Customer!!!!
Probably has to be word of mouth.
Target their feelings!Listen to them, how they feel, make it about them and their feelings and emotions!
the power of word-of-mouth. if the product and service is great, this is the quickest way to build a huge.
Service, if you provide it you keep your existing customers and attract new ones. Mark’s emails are a prime example of some one who provides good service.
Hi Mark,
It is Word of Mouth.
Simpleology 102 specifies “Word of mouth” as the most powerful force in marketing (ref: lesson 21)
Emotional triggers. People decide to buy for emotional reasons and justify the decision with logic.
Word of mouth & personal experience
I really believe it’s word of mouth – viral buzz!
What is the single most powerful force in selling?
SEX. Sex sells. Sexy models displaying clothes, shoes,furniture,cars,gum etc.
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is “Word of Mouth”
The “Irresistible Offer”
OK, I want to say Public Relations, but I think it’s a subset of PR – Word of Mouth!
Final Answer Mark!
Word of Mouth, plain and simple…If the word aint out, you aint selling.
The most powerful force in marketing is You.
transference of emotion
I had two thoughts, both have already been said. Firstly, word of mouth does work wonders but teasers or samples work for me all the time. I have made numerous purchases on line and in person where I could get a taste or sample first.
Done correctly samples or teaser work brilliantly.
John from Oz
Everyone danced around it. The single most powerful force in marketing is
Knowing Your Target Market
which basically means that your product better be something that the market you are targeting desires greatly.
Then all the other things fall into place, word of mouth, expert status, great copy, ease of purchase, a “break into the market” product that is part of a long upsell plan, and well there is this months buzz…momentum. Of course momentum is important but certainly NOT the most important part.
Dredging up my memory banks , from taking Simple-ology 102 a while back, I’d say a viral form of Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
Look forward to discovering what this new product launch is all about…
The frame. The ‘message b4 the message…’
A starving crowd (aka a market hungry for your product or service)
the irresistible offer
the irresistible offer
Word of mouth!
the most powerfull tool in marketing is the internet
whether you product is good or bad you still need to reach your intended market
The powerful force is having a list of your customers. The list will enable you to contact them on a regular basis and maintain a long term relationship.
An Irresistible Offer
My answer is definitely word of mouth advertising. It is viral marketing- the buzz- that no amount of money can buy in the advertising world. It is free and it is the best simply because your customer believes in the product so much that he is freely sharing it with many others for you. Powerful!
I will say viral marketing, or word of mouth…the wildfire effect. I believe the way this happens most effectively is by touching people’s innermost desires within the given market…really touching those desires deeply and presenting a real way for those desires to be fulfilled. The market understands the “truth” of what the marketer is presenting…it is believable and applicable for their lives, right now…and is something they can actually see themselves doing.
Word of mouth, or viral marketing as it is now called – from really satisfied customers
Message to market match
It’s the offer and momentum.
Create a desire in your customer, for your product, and they will find a way to get it!
people – Communication with people
advertising by satisfied customers, namely word of mouth.
clear intent
fill a need
Word of Mouth
I’d say it’s relevant content — both for carving yourself a niche and attracting interest via search mechanisms through the Internet.
Word of mouth. It isn’t even close. That is the only answer it could be.
Word of mouth
Emotion – If you don’t trigger an emotional response, you’re not marketing well.
not the best but we still seem to remember them and vote AGAIN for them.
if no one knows what you are about no sales. On the other hand you could have a lousy product but people are aware of you people will choose you. e.g popular politicians
Willing to achieve your goals is the most powerful force in everything you want to do in your life including Marketing. no matter how many obstacles you have to pass if you really believe you will be successful
in something then you will ^^
dont worry be happy! bye
I think it is the advertising
I don’t know what the most powerful force in marketing is, but I would wager from what I read in the comments, that it is indeed what everyone is calling “viral buzz”.
However, what if the most powerful force in marketing was actually the TRUTH? How would our lives be different, eh?
Me–or the belief I’m carrying and the action I’m taking.
Word of Mouth. A referral from a friend or family member who has been satisfied by a product and or a service.
FOCUS – Focus – focus
Focused Vision
Focused Plans, structure, processes, systems
Focused Action
EMOTION is the answer, simply because it fuels buying and word of mouth. If you can evoke enough emotion, positive or negative, people will talk and presto you have wildfire.
I go with Word of Mouth.
The answer to the question is referrals.
I have to agree with many of the comments and they all blend nicely into my correct answer.
A Satisfied Customer.
It has always been “Word of mouth”. However, in this day and age, with the technology changing daily, there is a new twist on word of mouth. All we have to do is to look in our in boxes daily to see how word of mouth has morphed into relationship marketing. This is a new twist to word of mouth.
Well I
Recommendation from someone you know.
communications (communicating your product to your ‘right’ target market, both internally & externally)
Word of mouth is the most powerful tool in marketing!!
Mark, thank you for all your great teaching!! It’s always so applicable!!
I agree action, is very important, but you can have all the action and without the curiosity emotion others won’t take action.
I also agree that word of mouth is very very powerful, but it can only happen if you have taken action first.
Mark, I thought you said this wasn’t a trick question. I would first need to know what you define marketing as and then I would need to know what you mean by force.
Putting that aside, to me the most powerful force in marketing is “word-of-mouth advertising”.
Word of mouth.
A thirsty crowd, the more the merrier…
your thoughts
your thoughts
The absolute right answer? There really is one, eh? I would have to say it’s Building a Relationship with the person you wish to serve with your product. ‘Market to others as you wish to be marketed to.’ Mary
I will have to say “word of mouth” as well
Word of mouth.
Your word. Your reputation. However you want to say it.
A hungry crowd (or thirsty, whatever variation you choose!)
The marketer. It all comes down to who is doing the selling. Everything else is everything else.
Action! Pull the trigger take action. Correct course based upon experience and take more action.
CONSISTENTLY marketing, whatever your method
The single most powerful force is marketing is CONNECTION. Connect to emotions, feelings and customer desires.
It’s reputation – giving the customer what they want but living up to your promises.
A third party referral.
Happy words from the mouths of satisfied customers!
Testimonials and demonstrations
referrals, personal endorsement — word of mouth.
One simple, clear message.
Word of Mouth ie: viral marketing.
Referrals from others.
..the hardest, most expensive marketing is to find that first interested prospect who believes what you say. He who buys again is the easiest, no cost customer (possibly for life).
The word is “TEASING” peolpe always want to know more, generally people are nosy and if teased with questions will be interested to know more i.e News Headline “The Secret How You Can Make Money Tax Free that Governments Don’t Want You To Know”
Hitting your specific target market by marketing the products or services specifically to those who it’s made for.
Satisfy people’s emotional needs.
Only one comment, and it is serving the customers needs and wants to the maximum, within legal and moral requirements.
Although an awful lot of people think the answer is word of mouth, I believe the underlying reason is belief. Belief in self. ‘If you believe, you will achieve’ to paraphrase Mr. Hill.
Creativity, innovation and massive action. Be like the
Giraffe, see far with your neck stretch to the max
Word of Mouth is most powerful because people trust it more than any form of marketing or advertising. A survey in 2006 showed 92% of people trust word of mouth. No other form of marketing comes close.
I’m new to Simpleology, but I’ll take a guess and say word of mouth.
I’m going with “Satisfied Customers”!
Being an authority
connecting your product/message with an individual’s inner value system
I’ve no idea. Can you rephrase the question?
I think the most powerful force in marketing is credibility.
Word of Mouth. Viral buzz
Presentation skills and word of mouth!
The real key is repetition. If a message is heard or seen often enough it will always be recognized and usually accepted.
WOM(word of mouth) has worked for many years before the Internet. Even thought the Internet is here now, people like WOM! WOM gives you a connection that is the most powerful marketing.
That’s my final answer. It’s proven from years of A-B testing. A (WOW), B (Internet) – A wins by quality and longevity, hands down. B is good, but the quality and longevity are much different.
Public relation PR for marketing products, creating perception, reputation and successful advertising. This also combines with the word of mouth marketing, while utilizing e-mail marketing and continuing to improve and optimize your websites!
EMOTION is the answer
Direction is the single most powerfull force in marketing… It all begins with knowing the desired result. It answers the question of what you want to achieve throught your marketing efforts… It answers the question.. “Why You”!!! A Marketing plan is the equivlent to a proper buisness plan, it builds the foundation for ideas and sucess. It creates a plan of action working backwards through all the activities and methods of marketing.
Appealing to the senses
Got to say that it is relevance..
Relevance to your target market. Clear, concise and simple to understan.
focused intent
Referrals by your niche market saying how you give more value in your products than what they paid for.
Word of mouth.
Focused thought combined with matching emotion.
Action! If you don’t take any action, nothing will ever happen in your business.
I believe it is network marketing!
Trusting Seth Godin’s expertise, I’m guessing “Being Remarkable”
Fulfilling customer desire.
In today’s environment where we are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, I would have to say that “Word of Mouth Marketing” is the most powerful force in marketing.
The Irresistible Offer
I will expand the question according to the business status:
1. What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing when starting a business?
Marketing should focus on front-end products to attract new clients.
2. What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing to grow business?
Marketing here should create automated systems to leverage resources with back-end sales.
Passion. But then, that’s my answer to most things.
Word of Mouth
Lots of good thoughts here; but specific to marketing, I’d have to say word of mouth. I’ll be interested in the rollout of your next product!
Simpleology 101, Day 28
The most powerful force in marketing is Consistency
Ok, Mark – I’ll take a guess. I’m thinking the most powerful force in marketing is how our intended target feels after being exposed to our marketing.
are the basis for all relationships, business and personal — our means of sharing
Word of mouth is the single most powerful force in marketing.
#1.The Perfect Product!
Word of Mouth because the trust is already in the person(s) who told you about it.
Enthusiasm and passion!
Word of mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
I haven’t done Simpleology 103 yet, but 101 and 102 are life-changing. I’m excited to hear there will be a new Mark Joyner product out soon!
Word of Mouth(Regeneration)
A Thirsty Crowd!
So many great ideas – Mark must be gratified by the resopnse.
For me, the bottom line is that all of these things are important, but THE Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is getting off your butt & doing it!
It doesn’t matter is you are creating buzz, or satisfying needs, or viral, or word of mouth. If you don’t get out there & do something, all the plans are worthless.
The worst plan, executed, is better that the best plan, locked up inside your head. You can always refine a plan that has been executed.
As our friends at Nike say – “Just do it!”
The Best way to market an online business (like mine) is to use the Power of the Internet, and what better way can there be than making full use of Google Search Engine, which is the BEST invention after toaster…
Satisified customer referrals!!!
You. Whether it be word of mouth, belief, or enthusiasm, it all begins with you.
Complete faith in your product/service
word of mouth
Word of Mouth
viral buzz/word of mouth
Word of mouth is the single most powerful force in marketing…. but only after you have established trust and integrity with your niche market… which is built on fulfilling the needs and desires of your niche market consumer.
Adding value — a form of consistent focused action that is communicated effectively to an increasingly large list of interested parties, which is the leverage from which loyal customers (and referrals) will come.
Cheers! Dolly
Taking Action
word of mouth
Myself using the simpleology methods
Targeting your market and writing good copy catering to that market.
A market that is HUNGRY for what you have.
Word of mouth- but there is so much that stands behind that term- such as establishing a relationship with a client, providing value in your product, believing in your product and how you promote it- all of these things CAUSE people to spread the word about you, your company and product or service, hopefully to your benefit.
…by all means after previously flying… upper than is possible…for to reach enough field VISION… (without moving the wings you hardly be able to fly)
It’s RELATIONSHIP – to know me is to love me (and trust me).
Emotions are the most powerful force in marketing and all of life
I would think that the answer is positive word of mouth as well. However, I think that the best way would be whichever way that reaches the most people. I do think there’s a catch to as it may not alwyas be a numbers game.
THe purple cow
Words, written or spoken, that lead to conversion. Words that are presented in such a way that they they inspire credability, hope, excitement, fulfillment,-that engage the customer who happily puchases. Words that create!
Positive customer feedback – which would be word of mouth.
Word of mouth referrals are the single most powerful force in marketing.
I am no expert in this but I have studied Simpelology 102.
I don’t know. My guess would be Branding,eg. “Simpleology”, Kleenex, Coke, etc.
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is creating viral traffic.
The most poerful force in Marketing I think is persistance and be know the product you are selling
Advertisment! Making something look better than it actually is.
find a hungry market that has money and then give them what they crave.
find a hungry market that has money and then give them what they crave.
You have to really know your customers, what they want, need and expect of you.The customer is always right but you must be able to direct him to what you have to offer.
Viral buzz is the most important force in marketing!
Focused Action
It’s actually the energy behind word of mouth… what is it that is so cool, such a bargain, so neat, furry, fluffy, fun, satisfying, exciting, entertaining that makes your product or service talked about. I call it the wow factor. If you have wow then you will get word of mouth.
The one thing you must have can be summed up in one word. COMMUNICATIONS!
Ah, too many good responses…
I have certain other answers in mind, but as for it’s sheer power?
Word of Mouth…
Happy customers and the second glass…growth.
Word of mouth (person-to-person recommendation).
Message to market match
Word of Mouth is the most powerful because you only have to set it in motion and it continues and grows under its own steam.
That which captures the sale
repeat exposure to the message
The single most powerful force in marketing is: Word of mouth. Yes, you can’t beat if friends tell friends and family about something that is great. So the trick to marketing is to make a product that is powerful enought to get people to tell other people about your product.
A combination of purposeful action compounded over time with connecting will create the positive effect of word-of-mouth advertising.
Is there only one? I don’t really think so. That’s why it’s so hard for people to understand how to market effectively.
But it really all comes down to DESIRE.
After all, marketing is about the customer buying rather than the sales person selling.
I believe it is simplicity.
It has to be easy to understand by the widest spectrum of potential customers.
I beleive it is referals from satisfied clients.
Well, I got to this post a bit late. LOL, I would agree with all the things said above about “word of mouth advertising”.
It is the strongest force to overcome initial barriers in the selling process. Can’t beat positive testimonies………and then there is the psychology of keeping up the Jones, etc, etc.
Not to mention once started, it is the cheapest form of advertising
word of mouth
Word of mouth is essential, but there must be an emotional component that drives people to buy more and become the product’s emissaries or missionaries.
It’s obviously not what people want or need since we have seen the Pet Rock.
Or is it….I think it’s the ability to convince people first that they want something, and then that they can’t live without it. And that can be summed up with “Influence”
Word of mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
Spread the word and make it a great day! =)
A hungry crowd.
Without this there is no marketing. No viral, no word of mouth,no point really.
Word of Mouth
Clear Intention.
Use of CURIOSITY to heighten DESIRE.
Word of Mouth
The Force is the Mind
The single most important powerful force in marketing is Word Of Mouth and Heart..This is the most important force ever to make new clients and drive old clients to be your faithful customers..I mean by the Word Of Mouth and Heart combining both tongue abilities with heart truthfulness to get the message across to customers..
Hi Mark
Repetitive marketing, you must never stop marketing or promoting your business.
It’s the human element. Emotion. Building a relationship with people.
The customer’s needs. How can I help the customer? Knowing the customer.
Customer TRUST and Loyalty
always happy to participate in all what you have to offer Mark.. you and your team have been a God given Blessing for me since taking the 7DBTA…did not do EVERYTHING YET.. but EVERYDAY I am doing something to get closer to my targed, this is what I never have done before..
THANKS again.
The Know, Like and Trust Factors. Without them there would be no viral marketing.
“THE BRANDING” The name and the phonetic “hook”.
My response is that the single most powerful force in marketing is the RELATIONSHIP you build with your consumer that allows the consumer to feel confidence in you and your product and naturally encourages him/her to promote your product through his/her own word of mouth and as an example in daily life. Build a relationship with someone and you have a client who will follow you forever. Once a relationship is built, it rests on me (the marketer) to maintain that level of “trusted advisor” by delivering what I promise.
ones’ own skill or skill set. Being knowledgeable and believing in your product. Fullfilling the need, want & desire for that product.
word of mouth
Viral Buzz from 102 or word of mouth.
Having a Goal and taking action, persistently.
Happy new jewish year to all
Word of mouth is the single most powerfull force in marketing.
Word of mouth is the most powerful force in marketing. It’s not paid. It’s sincere. Comes from really satisfied customers or clients and it’s known that final decisions in buying matters consider most of all the recommendation of a friend, family or work buddy who experienced the product or service, before. When it’s multiplied and becomes public (like free P.R.) it’s non-stop success.
Word of Mouth
Taking action
Word of Mouth! of course
Simple. Word of Mouth.
The most powerful force in marketing is without a doubt…..Leverage!
The most powerful force in marketing has to be *you*. Because all the other options that the people here have stated are all just extensions of yourself. Word of mouth = started by *you*. Trust = cultivated by *you*, persistence, customer service, etc – all of these are ultimately created by *you*.
You are your own most powerful force in marketing.
I believe the single most powerful force in marketing is your mindset
=> Word-of-mouth

also called viral buzz by Mark.
Otherwise I would say sex appeal and emotions
But as it happens here: a question, curiosity and people start talking about…
So I will ask somebody else
I am really curios what’s the new course is all about!
Perceived value.
“Giving honestly a lot more, you ever expect to receive back.”
BTW – Your bLog “search” function doesn’t work at the time of this post.
“Error in tag: Can’t find included template module ‘sidemenu’ ”
Best regards,
The most powerful force in marketing would be Language.
It’s the MARKET.
POSITIONING yourself above others in the mind of the consumer, and then making sure you DELIVER on your promises.
It’s the MARKET.
Renewable Energy — GREEN
Subliminal messaging
“A hungry crowd!”
The right message to market match capitalizes on the needs/wants(hunger) of the market(crowd) you target.
Might sound a little creepy, but I think invoking an emotion response is most important with fulfilling a need being a close tie.
I believe the most important aspect of marketing is serving the customers’needs… in that way, they will definitely use Word of Mouth to spread the news about you! You cannot MAKE Word of Mouth just happen by pressing a button, you need to figure out what the customer Needs and find a way to Supply It! They’ll spread the word on their own, voila… instant marketing!
I agree with Gregory L. Lipscomb…
It’s ===:> EMOTION
Television…….then emotion.
people is the most imprtant factor in marketing
Hi Mark:
Target Marketing — getting attention & interest with emotional wants. People react & act on wants & dreams & finally on needs. Then word of mouth spreads the message the fastest & now through the internet a WW Mkt Place!
Mark, I’ll go with curiosity / intrigue. You’re using it to stir interest in your new product, Ford used it in introducing the first Mustang and we’ve all heard the story about what it did to the cat! Human beings can’t stand unanswered questions. Creating a state of curiosity causes people to want to learn or know more about what you are telling them. Stories are effective when people become curious about what happens next or how it ends.
It’s simply word of mouth.
I recently lost my job, and my customers were so aghast that they found a new employer for me. It wasn’t that I didn’t look – they just reacted so quickly that within a week I had a job offer from a qualified company – a previous competitor of mine. If my customers didn’t like me, I’d still be looking.
A positive mental attitude
Customer need. I believe you can market all you like, but if there is no need, there will likely be no purchase. The Law of Demand and Supply (sic)still applies.
The single most powerful force in marketing is, undoubtly, CLEAR VISION.
If we really think about clear vision, none of the other aspects mentioned here can exist.
Sure, word of mouth is powerful… but with a clear view of that which you are speaking of, what can you possibly say to move the market in your favor?
Sure…perceived value is important. But, what do you find valuable if you cannot see it clearly in your mind’s eye?
As well, one may say that TAKING ACTION is the single most powerful force… but, what are you trying to accomplish when you ‘take action’? Do you have your sight set clearly on that object? Once again… clear vision.
the advertizing..the media
the tipping point
I would argue that the “meme” is the most powerful force in marketing. A meme, or a cultural construct that is passed from brain to brain, naturally leads to word of mouth, but it also precedes it. Memes tap into deep grooves in the cultural psyche, and “make” us want to spread them–whether they are websites, or new songs, or YouTube videos–in an almost pre-cognitive and often feverish way.
Memes also, I believe, transcend product quality alone. If one considers the vast array of mediocre products in the supermarket aisles, it shouldn’t take long to acknowledge that the marketers behind them are experts at memetics, not quality. Similarly, a site like Craig’s List, or eBay, or even YouTube, upon launch boasted little technical advantage over competitors (if there were competitors at the time). Rather, they tapped into a cultural memetic, leading to rapid spread across the culture.
To be sure, in business, a meme becomes a meme often through a distinctive factor like quality of service. This applies to high-growth companies such as Rackspace, who’s “Fanatical Support” and “Guaranteed Zero Uptime” led this author to sign up with them (no, I’m not receiving a cut for the endorsement :).
So, to wrap up this long-winded post, I always try to focus on the “meme” as the central force in our own, and our clients’, marketing efforts.
The single most powerful force in marketing is……OURSELVES.
Customer Satisfaction
Market your product to one person who perceives: quality, a problem solved, improved satisfaction or the desired usefulness attained by that product and you will have a long time customer who will generate interest in your product to others.
Creating a space / making it possible for the prospective customer/client feel as if they are the most important person you’re talking to / marketing to – that this is “perfect” for them and that they’re going to feel great, have lots of money, look great and be successful.
Market the service or product or ??? as if you’re talking directly TO the customer/client – “they” ARE the most important person on the planet !!!
Its the product itself you can’t multiply zeros. One happy customer will tell 5 people and one unhappy customer will tell 15
The Customer
Referrals from people who have tested what you have to offer and are happy with it.
Customer Satisfaction. I don’t care how great your product is, or how big your company is. Without service that wows your customers, you won’t get far.
Word of mouth
Risk Reversal!
The single most powerful force in marketing is WORD OF MOUTH (followed closely by THE OFFER).
I would say “Market Research”. In other words, identify who needs your product or service (target market)and then satisfy that need by appealing to their emotions. Nowdays, it works backwards. First you identify that “need”, and then you create the product or service. No matter what marketing strategy you use, its worthless unless it goes to the right group of people(target market)
Let your customers do your marketing for you. Give much value and build relationships with your customers. They’ll pass the word around, thus become your greatest advocates.
Marketing is people. With the right mix coupled with personality, people will be caught by the attention you give.
Deline Tan
publicidad de boca en boca.
A Human Market… who else will creates value out of nothing and believes in the concept of personal possession?
Word of Mouth”
Marketing is about customers! Without customers it doesn’t matter what your product is of what it does.Like, trust, loyalty that’s earned and if your customers feel that, then they will propel your product via word-of-mouth.
Email Marketing is the single most powerful force in marketing today.
It’s Word of Mouth!
Word of mouth can make or break a company’s reputation faster than anything. Putting a face on the marketing appeal is a powerful way to keep that word of mouth working positively.
just being genuine – being yourselfj
It’s EMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word of Mouth”
Marketing is about customers! Without customers it doesn’t matter what your product is or what it does.Like, trust, loyalty that’s earned and if your customers feel that, then they will propel your product via word-of-mouth.
People need to know there are still people out there who “care”.
Purpose – without direction you hit a lot of nothing.
Leslie in San Antonio
Viral Buzz
Mass Desire. If you can identify what it is and then deliver it. Everything else falls into place.
I think that everything that has been posted is perfect, but I have a little different opinion…
I think that the SINGLE most powerful force in marketing is… YOU, or me, or anyone who owns a business and his/hers determination to achieve any goals that he/she wants.
Word of mouth, the market, the costumers, needs, persuasion, etc. are all right but nobody can create a business from there, but if YOU are “The One” in your own life then you can start a business from scratch, if YOU are the BEST MAN (or WOMAN) in your “team of 1″ then you can create the marketing, you can begin word to mouth, you can create a market, you can find costumers, you can…, but if you AREN’T the kind of determinate person, none of the strategies, no matter if Mark Joyner or anyone teaches them, no matter how much you invest in knowledge, you won’t achieve anything.
Carlos Juez
Word of mouth.
perception of the public
The single most powerful force in marketing is an unmet desire.
Kennedy and Halbert call it “a starving crowd”.
Eugene Schwartz taught that our job as a marketer was to discover an unmet desire and persuade the reader that our product was the perfect fulfillment of that desire.
The single most powerful force in marketing is CURIOSITY.
Knowing your target audience and focusing on keeping it simple
ME !!!!
Word of mouth.
Simplicity and knowning your target group.
Curiosity. If you want to sell anything that isn’t a necessity, you must be able to stimulate curiosity within the consumer. Tease them into getting interested about your product or service.
That would be “Word of Mouth.”
Thanks Mark
Word of mouth. Ex: How many people do you know that just got $100 back on their iPod?
The most powerful force in marketing is “word of Mouth” positive or negative comes from that.
The strongest emotion…FEAR.
Only marketing what people want or what solves peoples needs/wants/desires!
Access to a Thursty Crowd
Speaking to your customer’s/ audience’s deepest needs/desires is the most powerful marketing force in the world.
By supplying answers to peoples’ questions through quality, knowledgeable, content and social interactions, will make your marketing successful.
Story. End of story. Without a story, there is no message, no compulsion to buy, no connection with benefit, no sale. Even if you don’t tell the [whole] story, it must be there to provide a solid foundation.
I am!
Need. Without the need to make money, without the need to sell a product, without the need to use/have/possess a product – nobody would ever “need” to market. The needs may be a real actual need or perceived need – it depends on how we as marketers project it to the public. Word of mouth may be the best way to market but the most powerful force is need.
Research . . .
Research to find your niche
Market to that niche
Word of mouth and networking will fill your niche
i am (you are) the most powerful force in marketing.
no matter what marketing system, tricks or trend one is using without the personal
involvement of the individual it is of no good.
Word of mouth is the single most powerful force in marketing. Just ask a restaurant owner whose staff has provided less than stellar service to a customer who knows the value of a bad referral.
Creatively and honestly form memorable and nurturing Relationships that produce talk between 6 degrees of separation that have a want or need for your master service or excellent product performance.
Supply and Demand: Having a Product or Service that is in high demand when such a Product or Service is in very low supply.
Finding a thirsty crowd for the product
What’s in it for the Prospect.
One-To-One Marketing
The Recommendation of a Friend.
This goes further than just “Word of Mouth,” as
you are less inclined to listen to somebody
you do not really and truly know.
connecting with people on an emotional level, understanding them and their needs, listening to what they want, and delivering exactly what they ask for.
I think making others happy and/or meeting their needs is the answer!
I would say Word of mouth or
refferals as you tend to trust friends.
Creating a need in the minds of your potential customers and then fulfilling it is an extremely powerful formula.
The best form of marketing is to to your current and past clients. Wow them, make them love you by exceeding their expections and you’ll continually get repeat and referral business from them!
social proof
A targeted quality mailing list
referrals, customers who praise you or your company to others are by far the best marketing you can have.
The single most powerful force in marketing? Me (or any given person).
Why? Because it’s my energy that drives success. It’s my focus that keeps me on track. It’s my presentation, energy and likeability that determines if someone picks me and my service or product over someone else’s. It’s my determination that makes me follow through then things go wrong. It’s my willingness to learn that helps me adapt to changing conditions. It’s my optimism (or conversely, pessimism) that colors, well, everything from how I carry myself, to how I view challenges, etc.
Any given person can achieve anything they desire if they have the will, take the action, etc. We are the most powerful force in marketing and in success.
Has to be Word of Mouth aka Viral Buzz.
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is; Referrals or Word of Mouth.
The single most powerful force in marketing is
Me with a clear vision and enthusiasm
It’s belief in yourself and belief in your product.
You said it best. WORD OF MOUTH
The most important factor in marketing would have to be “being a being of sharing.” This means giving of yourself to others in a way that will create and instill value in their lives; whether it be from a quality product or service or just the occasional email you send out or the blog post that you have written. When you provide people with quality information that can truly enhance their lives in some way, you will find that they will come to you when they are searching for a product or service in your niche!
Relationship, Buzz & adding value every step of the way.
I would say it’s “desire”.
Repeat contacts
I’m gonna say it’s “Word of Mouth” best, most reliable referrals. already primed to believe in your product because someone they know/trust has reccomended you.
The most important aspect is Clear solutions to a problem that cause ACTION… which word of mouth can cause a Viral effect.
…and knowing when to outsource what you aren’t good at.
Word of mouth
The single most powerful force in marketing is your BELIEF in your capabilities and the service/product you are marketing. If you believe and take the right focused action, YOU are the single most powerful force in marketing!
I have to go with Word-of-mouth/Viral Buzz. It satisfies a potential buyer’s emotional need for assurance that a product or service is worth considering. Also, when people find a great product or service, they can’t wait to tell everyone they know about it so word spreads more quickly than with any other kind of marketing.
The single most powerful force in marketing is the internet.
The most important force in marketing is being able to “see the battlefield” of the market that you want to get into.
From there all the correct decisions can be made, and strategies can be implemented. Word of mouth is only the after-effect of making good decisions.
Word of mouth marketing also known as networking
the word FREE
Word of mouth- That is how I build my business, Happy customers produce high quality FREE leads. AND free leads are always good!
The ability to capture the imagination of those you’re marketing to.
Word of Mouth is my answer, realizing this is true whether the word helps you or works against you. We all know that negative word of mouth spreads fast, and can be hard to overcome. I would add that there is an important force behind Word of Mouth, and that is perception. The same product or service can be perceived differently by different people. We trick ourselves by thinking our perception or evaluation of our offer is the same as our customer’s perception. Often it is not, and that is a core basis of my attraction to Mark’s teachings and experience.
My first impulse was to say : YOU YOURSELF, but Mark’s hint to the S102 let’s me come to the conclusion that he’s thinking of word of mouth (it has the biggest arrow in the marketing video, hasn’t it?) And of course, you should not market anything which is not of value. But the question was: The most powerful force IN marketing. So I opt for word of mouth!
The definite answer is—-Grabbing your potential buyer’s Attention.
Word of mouth is great if they are listening but how many people really listen if you have not firstly gotten their attention!
I’m thinking it’s having a good coach.
Excellent product, irresistable offer and word of mouth referral by satisfied customers
Trust is the most important component. Without trust, everyone will filter out your message.
xoxoxo JohnOnSales
Making yourself or your product stand out from the rest of the crowd or competition
Wknowing your target or niche.
Word of mouth! Speaking of that… Those of you who have not purchased Simpleology 102 absolutly should! I have personally benefitted tremendously from Mark’s lessons and accompanying materials and, if you are dilegent and follow his checklists, you will too!
Wichita, KS
VIRAL messaging or marketing.
People want to be the first to tell others about something new and interesting.
We are always looking for cool things to tell our friends, that creates a BUZZ and naturally people don’t want to be left out.
After market research it is definitely – WORD OF MOUTH.
The single most powerful force in marketing.
The single most powerful force in marketing is offering an unbeatable deal, an irresistible offer.
Two answers:
Curiosity – getting attention, creating a tease
Reputation – trust, are your claims believable
Actually, prior to making the irresitble offer, ensure that you and your product are relevant to the people/businesses you are targeting in your marketing campaigns.
Hello Mark, marketing surveys are the answer!
The internet and word of mouth referral make up the most powerful force in marketing.
Word of mouth has got to be the kicker in marketing
Word of mouth. I came up with this before seeing other peoples comments …
I believe it to be Word of Mouth
I believe it is Word of Mouth that creates the Targeted List. You can then use this list to create a viral effect to your marketing strategies.
“Let’s give them something to talk about…”
“Word of Mouth.” Speaking of that… Those of you that have not purchased Simpleology 102 absolutely should. I have seen tremendous improvements in my ability to look at my “systems” for making money in a whole new way and can say that I have been able to save and create far more increases in my returns than the cost of the product. If you are diligent and follow Mark’s checklist you too have an outstanding opportunity to start turning your financial life upside-down and put yourself on the “pathway to wealth.”
persuasion. getting into the conversation that the person is already having in their head.
I believe that it is word of mouth.
Word of mouth =
Testimonials and non-paid referals.
building relationships!
You can have all of the above, but without the proper mindset it means nothing.
People talking to people — word-of-mouth marketing
Repetitious Memes aka Word of Mouth
The customer.
People! If there were no people there would be nothing!
Word of Mouth
the people you know and the product you sell!
the most powerful force in marketing in my opinion is:
Voluntary Word of Mouth
The Irresistible Offer
…of course!
Follow up !!!
Word of mouth is!!!
Word of Mouth
There is no better form of advertising/Marketing than one of a very satifised client/customer who is very pleased about the oroduct or service provided by you, who will let everyone of their friends know of the outstanding service you provide.
An army of Affiliates to sell your product for you.
Listening to Mark Joyner’s advice?
The most important ingredient in Marleting is EMOTION
NEED! Meeting a need – physical, emotional, financial, whatever the need. Solve a problem by meeting a NEED.
Its planning ahead.
It is word of mouth!!!
The single most powerful force in marketing?
Stability !
Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing force, whether you call it viral buzz, affiliates or endorsements, they all come down to the same thing:
Word of mouth.
Is it Word of Mouth? I know that’s why my businesses grow.
The most powerful force in marketing is staying in constant (at least monthly) with your past, present and future clients and farm areas. Offering them useful and fun stuff. this keeps you at the top of their minds.
word of mouth
All the above responses are good but my answer is:
1. Daily Target Praxis, and
2. Right Action
Define who you are focused on reaching….
Follow up habit
1-Is it WOM?
2-Is it “The Irresistable Offer”?
3- Is it the internet?
Or is it knowing whom within those 3 groups you are targeting? In order to target you must do the RESEARCH.
I pick RESEARCH as The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing.
“There is no intelligent marketer alive who would deny the fact that Word of Mouth is the most powerful force in marketing” as quoted from Simpleology 102.
However, my answer is what i call System Marketing. it would be the combination of marketing strategies and tools (Traffic Generation, Conversion Tactics such as Copywriting,Simplified Sales Process, Backend, etc) with the right entities and conditions (Target Market, Strong Demand, Quality Value, etc) that will form the Most Powerful Force in Marketing.
Mr Joyner refer to it as Integration Marketing in WIS 2007 Singapore. He talked about the whole model consisting of Marketing Process (Awareness, Lead Capture, Action Steps & Post Sale – Up-Sell/Cross-Sell), Leveraging on Launch/Marketing Roll out, Concentrated Launch Process (The Build Up – Get People Talking (Viral Buzz), Promotions & Launch Special).
In Simpleology 102 Lesson 21, In order for Word of Mouth to be effective, it requires Product Excellence, Customer Service Excellence, Over Delivery & Buzzworthiness) Incentive Programs is excluded. So to me, “Word of Mouth” is a subsystem of the Entrepreneurial Regeneration System. Furthermore, most of the Lessons in 102 are on “System”.
I’d say it is fulfilling an unmet emotional desire or need with an irresistible offer.
Fun exercise and great answers!
Making a connection with your customer in a way that lets them know you understand what they are seeking and you have the answer. The process is:
Identify the bruise . . . press the bruise . . . heal the bruise.
The knowledge of knowing WHO THE ENEMY IS,before applying marketing strategies, is the single most powerful force.
I would say finding a hot market and then over deliver to that market what it wants. Using the power of the viral buzz.
Hi Everyone, Maybe I am old fashioned and not connected with the new way of doing things but I still beleive creating a relationship built on trust and integrity with a method that is duplicatable will get you further long term.
The music in the background.
Word of mouth and getting people talking about you.
It’s definitely “trust” you must have this to be successful!
Jim Novak
Positive attitude and belief in what your marketing then word of mouth wiil happen and referrals will follow
Knowledge of your product and how well you communicate it to the customers
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is teasing or teasers. The skill behind the ability of teasing. Probing into the rooted emotion that exists deep inside all of us. Teasing finds a way around the brain and speaks in a straight line to your curiosity. We are like cats. Curiosity killed the cat! We are curious. Like the cat we are nosy. Like the cat single-mindedly driven by an urge ready to pounce. It’s just like having an itch; you just have to scratch it. Ahhh, that feels better!
word of mouth
word of mouth -recommendations
The Internet.
The single most important force in marketing is understanding and harnessing the Laws of Nature.
The single most powerful force in marketing is one’s mindset – determination and conviction to succeed, coupled with a focused plan of action. Developing a “millionaire’s mind” is the first step to producing a marketing strategy that is successful.
I believe refferals or word of mouth recomendations is the most powerfull force in marketing a product or a company. This comes from satisfied customers.
Getting the customer to FEEL that it is desired, credible and obtainable.
Belief in the value of what you’re promoting.
Word Of Mouth Is the Most Powerful Force In Marketing.
A ravenously hungry market that wants to buy what you have.
Word of mouth,
but to get word of mouth you have to provide excellent service and satisfaction to your client base = Keep them happy by over providing!
of mouth
Relationships. Plain and Simple
powerful emotions
Word of Mouth
Referrals are the best form of marketing.
Desire. If people didn’t want something there would be no need to market.
The single most powerful marketing tool is becoming an author. When you are an author, people know you by your books (of course, you have to be published first)or articles that you’ve written. You are identified with the titles of your books and/or articles.
A compelling offer that addresses a perceived “need” on the part of the buyer.
I posted an comment earlier that is was Direction. But, after long consideration I may have not answered the right question… Change alters everything. It is the driving force behind all marketing… You and I change…Consumers change…Products change… Business practices change…Thus Marketing Changes. Just imagine trying to do marketing if there were no TV’s, No Internet, No Radio, No eletronic devise. It has all changed in the last 100 years and will continue to change. It is my opinion that change is the driving force behind just about everything…
I do appreciate everyones comments and all of them are great… Your comments have provided great insite into the perceptions of what marketing means to you.
Chris Hancock
Customer Service!!
Word of mouth advertising from satisfied customers to whom you have provided excellent service and/or product.
word of mouth I feel is by far the most powerful force.
The single most powerful force in marketing is “Word-of-Mouth”!!
Especially Viral word-of-mouth marketing either through traditional spoken word or electronic means.
The most important thing in marketing is “ATTRACTION”.
I started to think desire (emotions) or relationships, but I decided to go with COPYWRITING since it can create both of these and much more!
Ok here’s my guess: Word of mouth, from enthusiastic buyers of your product!
There. It’s out! Good luck everyone.
Evoking (good/happy) emotions in the customer through advertising and public relations. Its using emotions and creating a relationship with your customer.
I have to go with RELATIONSHIPS period!
An irresistable offer!!!
I will go with public relation
Word of mouth – it comes from a trusted source usually, provides a basic level of accountability and removes the dreaded “fear of buyer’s remorse” for many.
The Emotive Headline…
Word of Mouth.
Nothing beats a satisfied customer.
Word of mouth; More specifically ‘Buzz Worthiness’.
One is the wind in the trees; the other is a flame…(ask if you want the sitation)
W-A-N-T. WANT. Even if a person doesn’t need it, but if he wants it, he will try to get it. WANT
The most powerful force in Marketing is “Word of Mouth”
Yes, viral marketing + the law of attraction!!!
Stir the prospect’s emotions – offer a product or service that stirs some compelling emotion.
The single most powerful force in marketing is word of mouth advertising. There is nothing like a happy (or unhappy) customer. Create The Irresistable offer then apply the great formula!
Thanks Mark!
Creating such a strong desire and need for the product and then satisfying that desire
word-of mouth, word-of-mouse, viral marketing-
The written word.
Word of mouth! It can make, or break.
A classic double-edged sword, where the “backswing” is more dangerous than the positive action.
give them what they want!!
Credibility! If the prospect believes in you, she will buy whatever you recommend!
Defining the problem and providing the solution.
I think the most important aspect to marketing is customer perception, which can be dramatically altered by the choice of words used in copy writing eg ‘the frame’ and is why word of mouth is so powerful. And this is because there is no easier way to alter a person’s perception than via a personal recommendation.
Your personal network
All marketing persuades the customer they ‘need’ the product, when actually they probably don’t. Persuasion leads to NEED, which leads to GREED. Simple creatures we humans!
Dream? …No.
Decide? …No.
Do? … Yes!
Purposeful, targeted action is the key force!
Targeting is the most powerful force in marketing.
What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing?
I would say: Action.
More specifically: Focused action.
If there is no action, nothing will be done. But it’s also important that what you do is something that gets you closer to your goal.
providing a solution to a perceived need
Word of Mouth. (I saw it in 102)
Word of Mouth is the key, getting the buzz going starts the ball rolling and growing bigger.
Word of Mouth
The single most powerful force in marketing is…
That’s where you can move from linear growth to exponential.
I am pretty sure the most powerful force in marketing is an irresistible offer.
The offer must be so attractive that even a slightly qualified prospect immediately elevates their interest and desire to the point that they want to purchase the offered product or service, and then refer others.
Word of Mouth/Referals and Testimonials are the most powerful force in marketing if presented in the right way. They have to be believable and creditable.
word of mouth
If what people are looking for is easy to find, easy to buy, easy to use and easy to get results with…why would they pick something that is hard.
As it relates to your product or service, the most powerful force in marketing is the ability to know the conversation taking place in the mind of your target market regarding the problem he/she needs to have solved.
Emotion and personal ‘connection’ (WOM with feeling!) is the most powerful force in marketing
the open ended question is the most powerful force in marketing. look at the responses. . .
Word of Mouth
Judging by the response to this post it must be the chance of winning a free mystery product.
I find that at the moment the most important requirement for me is traffic.
I believe the answer is Word of Mounth which in the NOW translates to “viral buzz” (combining both on-line and off-line communication).
Please who have used your product or service praising it is free advertising
Network Marketing
Word of mouth is unsurpassed for getting instant trust, creating curiosity, “belonging” to the inside circle, and a whole lot of other good things.
Marketing is all about building interactive mutually beneficial relationships between the producer, the customer (often the co-producer of value in any product) and any intermediary channel members or stakeholders.
targetted marketting – focussing on what your customer wants and not only filling their need but beyond it.
Leadership …
People are looking for leadership.
A leader possess knowledge charisma and enthusiasm.
These elements will reflect on the product that his is selling.
People will refer their relatives and friends
to buy his product and to join his business.
A leader is willing to go that extra mile to help others to succeed.
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is the word of mouth that your customer says to other potential customers about your product or service, be it good or bad (This travels 10 times faster and farther), so you better satisfy completely your customer expectations or face the consequences.
You have to be offering something of value to get the word of mouth or “viral buzz”
Otherwise word of mouth will be negative.
Why of course it’s the “irresistible offer”
Integration, adding one offer on the back of another to the benefit of both.
Hey Mark,
It’s gotta be “Framing”
Word of Mouth advertising.
. Period.
The hook and offer which makes the unique selling difference…
Desire and hunger for a better solution, result, etc
creating trust and creating life-time customers by building solid customer relationships
The most powerful force in marketing is the demand there is for a product or service and the irresistible attraction that someone can create for this demand though irresistible offer
COPY that creates emotion that in return creates a relationship that in return creates an ACTION to move to the next step.
By Word of mouth, of course.
Human Beings.
1. The KNOWLEDGE of what the market is HUNGRY for and
2. The ABILITY to ATTRACT that market to your products or services.
I’d now agree it’s word of mouth advertising- which is initiated through a truly irresistible offer!
Emotional connection by market to marketing message/offer.
I could tell you, but I won’t.
The Irresistable offer used in context of the Great Formula
The potential customers percieved solution to the emotional content of their desire.
This is what marketers seek to discover and fulfill.
Personal referrals (word of mouth).
It seems to obviously be WOM–Word of Mouth
The single most powerful force in marketing would have to be YOU – the individual.how well you can present and market YOURSELF.- manufacture an irresistible profile
Creating and building list of target customers. So marketing would be very effective.
WOW. After witnessing this activity, I’m thinking maybe the answer is:
“A compelling question contest on my blog, with a mysteriously valuable prize, that generates over a thousand pieces of user generated content”.
Hmm, I guess that still qualifies as word of mouth/viral marketing. Ok, I’ll stick to my original answer.
Simple Communication
I think it is all about
helping customer with your products
and bringing truly great value to them
DEMAND is the most important force in marketing, as in business as a whole. There must be a demand for the product or service — a strong want. This can be either a natural demand or one created by promotion.
Hello Mark – loved your appearance in The Next Internet Millionaire.
I feel that the single, MOST powerful force in Marketing, is …
It’s a shame that the majority of today’s online IM’s don’t practice it. When will they learn that BORING doesn’t sell?
Thanks for this opportunity to enter and win your competition.
John in Australia
Feel free to download my VERY INDIVIDUAL Joke Book from my VERY INDIVIDUAL website @ http://ewealth.myriad2020.com
repetion your need to have your message repeated at least 27 times for someone to recieve it and act on it.
Demand – consumer desire – desire to spend..
Without demand, there is no market!
Initiative, percistance, knowing your target group and loving/believing in your product.
Wake Up The Prospects’ EMOTION With The Best Positives Words!
Opt-in list.
Word of Mouth!!
most important thing in marketing is targeting the Right market, the list.
Word of Mouth
Positive word of mouth advertising being achieved through the conversion of clients to avocates
word of mouth
The heartfelt feelings of the internet marketer towards the customer is the single most powerful force, according to me.
When the seller of a product whole heartedly wishes that the benefit accrued by the customer surpasses the amount paid to buy the product, the sellers every effort and movement will be guided by the most powerful universal force.
The seller’s alignment with the energy of nature gains such an enormous force that it can move mountains destroying the most unsurmountable resistance.
Selfish interests and devious techniques which are carried out to harm others and gain from their loss, act as fatal cancer eating away the core of humanness. It kills the marketing efforts (however well planned) along with the marketer.
I repeat, it is necessary to unleash the enormous force within us that can do good to ourselves only by doing good to others.
Word of Mouth
Viral Marketing.
For the simple fact that a tiny well executed campaign will generate a mountain of publicity and awareness.
For example, Friendster, MySpace, Youtube, all of them have the viral element incorporated within their operating models which allowed them to grow exponentially.
Alvin Huang
The single most powerful force in marketing is EMPATHY. When you put yourself in your potential prospects’ shoes, you can determine what would be agreeable. Just following the basic law of human nature, determining what would be appealing to you from the other side of the marketing equation makes for a viral market.
COPY, plain and simple! The words you use to attract the customer, whether to look at your product or buy it or talk about it to others.
The most powerful force in marketing and possibility is IMAGINATION.
Albert Einstein says “Imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. This great man does not mention such as education, nor money or luck. Look at these words again ‘GREATEST CREATIVE FORCE’ which is IMAGINATIONMr. Napolean Hill also says such words “Imagination is the most marvelous, miraculour, inconceivably powerful force”
Now THAT’s an ambiguous and sneaky question Mark!
The Synergy of ALL the parts make the marketing WORK. But it all starts with YOU. Your Imagination and Beliefs.
Knowing your market – WHO wants/needs your product or service is critical for you to BUILD RAPPORT (relationships thru an emotional connection). Then you FOCUS your message (persistently) to that target market to create the TRAFFIC (Viral Buzzzz) in order to make SALES.
However, You must have TRUST, EMPATHY, INTEGRITY to connect, or you will not get results for the WORD OF MOUTH to happen!
All Simpleologists know that you must TAKE ACTION DAILY for ANYTHING to succeed. (This involves all of the above + motivation, attitude, discipline, goals, list, value etc)
So in TRUTH, all marketing begins and ends with ONESELF. I’m sure THE #1 ANSWER is OBVIOUS, right?
Totally focused on your goals/plans and you will achieve your desired outcomes.
Value. Provide the real Value to people is the single most powerful force in marketing.
Building a long-term, mutually profitable relationship with your customers.
copy writing
Value orientated and focused mindset – state of mind.
If mindset is focused on creating value (after research = focused), then relationship will build and viral (word of mouth) aspect will follow
What has worked for me is personal business relations with customers. Allowing the business owner to develop a trusting relationship with their clients.
Targeting the right niche, with the right message, at the right time, with the right offer.
word of mouth, is the most powerful marketing force.
Success breads success!
The Market?
I would have to say it is passion, doing what you love and marketing your love
In my own opinion, Knowledge of yourself, your product and your target market is the strongest marketing force available.
The decire to help other achive there goals which in return creates
Trust and Credibility and Word of Mouth that will create a Viral Relationships.
I think you need determined focus once you have the knowledge you need of the steps to take. You have to be willing to create a plan and work that plan until you reach the goal you originally set out without giving up.
I am going to go with the late Gary Halbert and say that the single most powerful force in marketing is a
“Hungry Market”.
These posts are great reading, thanks everybody.
Customer Referral Programme (Encouraged Word Of Mouth)
A system that focuses your time, energy & money… To create wealth for you. Rinse & repeat.
Promotion; yes word of mouth is very big & I was going to say emotion as well, but without any sort of promoting you & your product/service remain unknown.
Word of mouth.
I believe it’s “repeated exposure”.
Word of Mouth from Flaming Lips.
Word of mouth will bypass most of the other steps in the marketing process and results in sales automatically.
Social proof.
Take action
Hello Mark,
I’ve read many comments suggesting that
Appealing to the five senses sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing.
The “consumer” should be able to see “it”, touch “it”, taste “it”, smell “it”, hear “it”!
…and JP’s ‘Social Proof’
The single most powerful force in advertising is “Viral Buzz”, skipping the normal routes of advertising and getting the product our to influential people that can honestly give your product praise or “word of mouth” to a mass of people that will spread the word of your product like a virus to more masses.
Examples include getting a large populated blog to start a topic dedicated to your product, writing articles or having others write articles of original content (not manufactured by a program that finds ways to utilize key words) about the product on large mass media reads on the web, and any other “outlet” that has a mass amount of “mouths” to pass the word along.
Essentially it is getting the most number of people to talk positively about your product to other masses, creating the “viral buzz”.
BTW, this DOES NOT INCLUDE SPAM EMAIL TECHNIQUES. This will actually have the opposite effect, you want the people to use positive press in their own words if possible.
Trust is the most important. Not only to the customer or new business builder. But to yourself. First you have to trust your faith, judgement, and ability, so that your prospects, clients, customers, trust in you.
Again: It’s ==:> Emotion
Emotion leads to Word of Mouth.
Why do you think Word of Mouth
even happens in the 1st place?
Because of Emotion.
It’s the reason you and I
are even posting here:
My grandmother is 105 years old. She once told me…
“Baybeh, you’ll have all the success in the world if you learn 1 thing.”
I said…”What’s that grandma?”
“Learn why people do the things that they do.”
Gregory L. Lipscomb
The most powerful force in marketing is KNOWLEDGE, imagination is a close second.
I think the most powerful force in marketing is “word of mouth”.
I agree with the points about EMOTION — getting people to connect emotionally with WHY they should need/want what you are selling.
What’s the best advertisement for a product… of course it’s an existing supremely satisfied customer!
So it has to be: word of mouth spread through excitement by supremely satisfied clients!
Your attitude and emotion that is put into your product.
Smiles/ Mel
it’s me.
not me personally but me as in each of us.
I have to go against the common responses and go with joint ventures/affiliate programs. No matter what else you excel at if you are doing it alone you won’t be as successful as you will having others marketing for you as well.
It is believing. Believing in the product, in the message and in oneself.
Word of mouth. Someone elses unbiased opinion speaks volumes
Well, I may be biased, but any kind of affiliate, joint venture or piggyback marketing is the easiest and most powerful marketing on the planet.
Getting other people to have enough faith in your product to want to sell it has social proof built right in.
And BTW Mark…you still owe me a beer.
Word Of Mouth – or how else would people find the Mark Joyner cats at:
The Single most powerful force in Marketing is to provide fantastic, unexpected free value at the start of the customer relationship. This develops trust and builds reciprocity,leading to easier referrals and improving reputation.
The money follows!
Rod Adkins
Word of mouth.
Word of mouth. Get the word out there.
Word of mouth. Target your audience and sample to generate positive “Word of Mouth.”
Curiosity! People have a natural desire to get the answers to questions. People are always looking for “How To,” “You Can Learn,” “10 Secret Steps,” etc. Learning how to apply that principle to good marketing is the key to success in business.
The most powerful force in the Marketing is “Profit” which depends on Marketing tactics and customer satisfaction.
Clear vision. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.
A starving crowd
Word of mouth, because given an efficient marketing system, it can regenerate automatically the output, increasing intensity.
the spoken word
A USP. The reason word of mouth works is because there is a uniqueness to the product or product offering
Referrals and word of mouth
Tuning into the prospect’s WIIFM… “What’s in it for me”
Trust. Without that, it’s all useless.
The single most powerful force in marketking is Copy From The Heart…..Love. It is the most powerful attractor.
I would have to say: DESIRE.
Desire is what we are try to create with our copy. Desire is what we are trying to track down with our PPC ads.
Prospect perception of need satisfaction by the product or service offered
The answer is: Empathy
work of mouth a.k.a word of mouth
WOM – Word Of Mouth
Timing – connecting with a prospect’s CURRENT prominent desire.
“Word of Mouth” – Simpleology 102, Lesson 21.
RELATIONSHIPS – create, build and nurture!
Human Nature…
In its purest sense, marketing is a few things. It’s the continual education of a customer or prospect for the life of that customer on the advantages and benefits your company or your service brings them that no one else does; it’s the intelligently formulated process of increasing their demand or desire for your product or service; and finally, it’s the strategic process of bringing them to closure and to completed action.
The hunger / curiosity of the target when addressed correctly by the focussed will of the marketeer. If they don’t WANT to know more and don’t want to buy, or you don’t want to sell (convey information etc) then at best a limited transaction can take place. So, choose correctly, convey in a focussed and wilful manner and the target is yours!
Copy! Copy! Copy!
I would say: emotion is the most powerful force in marketing. Emotions are what make people act (or not act), on all levels.
Of all the emotions, I would say that desire is definitely one the most powerful; crucial to any sales process. No desire, no sale.
Motivation, quality and strategy, catching the other’s person’s interest, creating a need, understanding what is important for them. In other words: (like said below): emotion: creating a strong reaction (desire, rejection, curiosity).
The most powerful force in marketing is….. EMOTION.
What’s the single most powerful force in marketing?
That’s Easy:
1. Identify a starving and affluent group of consumers who are starving for a product or service.
2. Sell them the product or service THEY want.
By giving them what they want you will be able to get just about anything you want.
Social Proof — people want
to join in if something is
popular. Just look at Harry
Potter books and other
super popular products.
Word of mouth marketing…referrals from satisfied customers
Viral word of mouth
I strongly believe it’s your attitude plus your thought–that is to say,what goes on in your head and your “bloodstream”.If you tell yourself you’ll breakeven,then you would!!.Hi to all my friends out there.
I would say word of mouth
A decision to finish what you started…
The most powerful force or word in marketing is the word, “FREE.”
There are so many different inportant forces, all depending from which side you look at it. But let me give you the answer: giving what you promise, and that always, because then you build trust, and from trust their will be word of mouth, that will trigger the viral buzz, etc. So, the answer is: GIVE MORE THAN HAVE PROMISED AND THAT ALWAYS.
I believe curiosity is the most powerful force in marketing.
Human emotion, that’s the ticket.
I share a belief with Albert Einstein who once said that ‘creativity is more important than knowledge’.
We spend most of our time talking about and trying to utilize �tools� � whether it be the Internet, direct mail or even programs such as Simpleology. However, using those tools creatively is what separates a monster success from a �me-too� project. IMHO, the most powerful force in marketing is creativity!
The most important part of marketing is creating the “Gottas”
gotta buy it because…..
gotta have it because….
If I see that what you’re selling is relevant to what I perceive my need to be, you have my ear–until you prove that it isn’t relevant.
Tracking, where the
I re-read the question and would like to amend my first comment, which was a clear vision. I believe that is all-important in planning and strategizing. But the force in marketing (once the plan is in motion) is not just word of mouth, but building a list of targeted customers and developing a relationship with them.
The most valuable tool in marketing is the:
It’s marketing to an audience that wants your product and has bought similar products before
directly meeting a specific real or perceived need
The most powerful force in marketing is simply helping others get what they want.
What they want varies with each individual, whether it is their desire to feel important, accepted, loved,
or perhaps just an easier way to do a difficult job. People don’t buy an electric drill because they want an electric drill. They buy it because they want a *hole*.
The answer is: ATTRACTION!
I think the single most powerful force is the consumer.
I believe it would be knowing what your customer wants, not what they need.
I think successful marketing would be …..
irresistable persistence via the internet!
desires of the customer
Word of Mouth or networking
has always been the strongest
and most effective. All the others like excitement, value,
creative designs and ideas,
repetition, offers and internet are just tools to
help spread word of mouth.
The mindset of the marketer, including determination, focus, flexibility to change when something does not work, etc.
Understand the need of the prospects and Present it the way they would like it
getting inside the head of your target audience and knowing them better than they know themselves
Arousing the emotions of your clients to desire your product and decide to buy it is best done by focusing your message on the target. However, you will not get this far if your message never reaches your prospective customers, so networking to build relationships becomes a priority.
Word of mouth.
Definitely word of mouth. ~ People buy from people they trust.
~ People tend to know others (friends, colleagues) with similar needs and interests
~ People seek recommendations from friends and colleagues they trust.
~ People value free, “unbranded” advice over sales content.
- As a marketer, word-of-mouth gives you the most valued content, delivered to the most targeted market free. You can’t get more powerful than that.
Hi Mark,
it’s automation.
I think it customer service, especially because a lot of what can be purchased nowadays are becoming commoditized and as a result customer service is what most people look for.
For example i can buy gas for my car all over the place but i stick to the one or two places that i get efficient service.
Great communication.
Rallying Around A Cause!
A cause is so powerful because it gives people a reason bigger than themselves to act, a reason that touches the hearts of those who subscribe to the same ideology.
I’ll say Regeneration/Word of Mouth
Q: What is the Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing?
A: I was going to say ‘Finding a Starving Crowd and giving them what they want’ which is the SINGLE most important factor in Marketing, but, because of the way that the question is worded, I’m going to say what most people have said: Word-of-Mouth Advertising or Viral Buzz (Marketing).
- ZenDoc
Hi Mark,
I would choose “crafting of perception” to be the most powerful force in marketing.
Let me explain.
A lot of marketing is about packaging to make something worthy of attention. It is also about how much mindshare that idea or concept is able to gain, and how pervasive it is to being shared.
Hence, if someone is able to expand options and craft ideas that are attractive to the perception of the masses (or a specific target group), then it will always spread and win.
I also think that this is the most underused force as most of us close in into myopia or tunnel vision, losing sight of the other alternatives and options that could be exercised in crafting the concept.
Have An Optimal Day.
- Tian Yan
Personal Magnetism.
a simple message offering a product/service that people need
The single most important force is “RELEVANT TRUTH”.
Any form of ‘word of mouth/mouse’ is useless unless it’s true…and relevant to the propspect.
All the marketing tricks and tools in the world will never trump truth. The prospect knows and values this from any marketer, since there seems to be so little of it left these days.
Roy MacNaughton
Best marketing is to offer a product or service to with several times higher ROI for the client.
Teasing. You don’t tell them everything when you first meet them. Give them something to go away with, so that when you call them up, they will remember and be willing to meet with you.
Word of mouth is absolutely the most powerful force in marketing, but how is word of mouth achieved. My answer is by identifying and listening to your customer before you attempt to market to them. Ask them what they want, then give it to them. Offer a great product with great service that is first and foremost, what your customer is looking for. People get, emotional, even excited when they get just what they want. Thats how to build viral, positive word of mouth.
Word of Mouth
Word of mouth…
People’s perception will drive them to an action to either buy, endorse, negatively criticize, do nothing or a combination of these. Perception often trumps reality–Paris Hilton’s celebrity, the rational for invading Iraq, and NFL draft picks are all examples of this.
Your mailing list is the most important thing in marketing
I’d have to say – word of mouth but I guess I’ll be logging in to find out.
The 3-second irresistible offer
Word of mouth and then selling to “Human Nature”.
Spoken word, word of mouth, referral
Most important: WANTS – and filling them. You need a HUNGRY CROWD!
Word of mouth. Once the process starts it tends to continue by itself and creates a snow ball effect.
Word-of-Mouth Buzz
Word of mouth and referrals
Word of Mouth!!!
A regenerating system (e.g. through word-of-mouth, affiliates or other).
is this a new Guinness Book Record for comments on a blog
I’d say a combination of the marketing copy (or video or audio message) and the degree of desire of the customer for the product. Sorry I couldn’t come up with just one thing!
Building relationships with your customers/list
Motivation–getting someone to do something.
I believe it is “creating trust” with your prospect and customer. Until that is created, no one buys. This can be accomplished through word-of-mouth, testimonials, and even in your copy if you can show and prove the benefits you can deliver. Proof can come from many sources, inlcuding all of the above and from experts who have tested and used similar products.
Honesty and Word of Mouth. I think they go hand in hand
word of mouth by far
Word of Mouth or Viral Buzz !
word of mouth
Hands down, the Word of Mouth “Viral Buzz”. It means creating an explosion of interest with living, breathing PROOF that you can be trusted, and that your stuff works because you have thousands of advocates referring and endorsing your product.
Word of mouth. The right kind of word of mouth.
Word of mouth marketing
The single most powerful force in marketing is you …
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
– Thomas Jefferson
Awesome – ok, I’ll be different. Me, and you, and you, and you, and you!!! The marketer.
I would say networking
word of mouth. All it takes is 1 person, be it good or bad, to increase or ruin, a business in 6 months. think about it….1 person. So we all better be damn good at what we do.
The best marketing is word of mouth, always has been!
Word of mouth Marketing directed at the correct customer base to fit your product niche.
It’s customer satisfaction
that creates word of mouth.
Giving the customer what he wants.
The greatest force in marketing today by far is “Word of Mouth”
Word of Mouth – Referrals – Affiliates – however you want to say it. This is the basis of the strongest marketing I’ve seen – Viral Marketing, right?
Word of mouth coming from satisfied, enthusiastic clients and customers
Word of mouth
Word of mouth
Word of Mouth Marketing.
I believe the single most important element in marketing is your belief in your product. Add that to the persistance to build on your beliefs, you can’t lose.
word of mouth…
A product that over-delivers on its promise.
This instantly creates curiosity and enthusiasm, which in turn sets off “word of mouth” marketing.
Lists. Yours and others.
ok, so I’ll chime in with Word Of Mouth. Also interesting how bad word of mouth is the most powerful force to KILL a product or company! I often wonder why some companies refuse to refund a dissatisfied customer on the grounds the 30day guarantee is expired etc. That one pissed-off client could do more damage than 10 happy customers could fix. (imho and speaking from personal experience as a the po’d customer!) ~Victory
I did post here the other day but I cannot now see my post.
The answer is “SOCIAL PROOF”
If you see a testimonial from someone who has benefitted from a product then you are more likely to purchase that product and trust the person who is selling the product
The single most powerful force in Marketing, is the same single most powerful thing in this Universe: your thinking. Your thoughts. Without a good thought, there is nothing to be marketed.
It’s Word of Mouth!
EFFECTIVE viral marketing!
TRUST, as in customer relationship type trust.
Through the mouth of word
word, gets around. I will be the 800th vote for it here.
Teasers, teaser headlines are the most powerful force in marketing!
Trust. Absolute and unwavering trust which comes from having successfully dealt with you before, and/or word of mouth based referrals from people that trust you.
The most powerful force in marketing must be ENERGY! You need great energy to eaven THINK about how to make your marketing business a great success! Wich menas; take care of your self first so you can take care of all your customers and subscribers later. Eat healthy, drink healthy, sleep enough, do regular exercise, spend at least 30 minutes outside every day and laugh a lot!This simpel advices is something we all heard before, but they are true and creates a more “diciplined” you… THAT my friend, will increase your energy to top levels, and make you abel to focus on whats important, go to action and make your success!
Focused Action! You can do everything right, offer a great product or service, but you must follow through and deliver and follow through again in a way that will keep your clients happy and coming back.
Most powerful force is “word of mouth”
What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing?
Total belief in the value of what you offer. It is that passion that can’t be simulated… because it is real. You have to truly believe.
Trust :}
Create…..AWARENESS =Consciousness=action….
Dear Simpleology friends:
I think that the answer to the question:
“…What is The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing? …” is:
Traffic (List).
Receive warm regards, Gabriel
Word of mouth yes but,
I think Mark might be refering to the “Zeigarnik Effect”
Here’s why…
Word of mouth
Is the answer out yet, Mark?
Oh I just read it.
Word of Mouth is THE most powerful force in marketing.
Nothing can compete with word of mouth for marketing effectiveness. People will always value personal testimony higher than any mailing, print ad, whatever. It is a 3rd party, personal, unpaid for endorsement that rings truer than any other marketing vehicle you could ever purchase.
offering a great word of mouth product that creates a “lifestyle following”
I am writing this a few days after the question was initially posed and have not read the latter postings.
But I believe that providing value to that person in his/her perception of what is valuable is the single most important factor in marketing.
WOM! Word of mouth.
the most important thing is marketing is creating or finding a need and filling it
Word of mouth
Word of Mouth.
That’ll do it, or kill it, every time!
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing would be word of mouth. Get your customers talkinng about what you offer and you won’t have to do as much advertising.
The answer to your question Mark is “Word of Mouth”. This form of marketing is the most powerful, just as it has always been!
The single most powerful force in marketing is; To find out what people are looking for and offer it to them. Make your offer; bigger, better, cheaper or in a better package than your competetors.
The Single Most Powerful Force in Marketing is word of mouth.
Branding encompasses everything mentioned here. The precise and pinpoint communication of an ongoing experience. Starbucks for example or the thought of it whisps you to another emotional place in your mind which is why they can charge $5.00 for a cup of coffee. Features and benefits come from that. Enough said
WOMBAT (Word of Mouth/Buy and Tell)
Word of mouth!
Attraction — The Law of Attraction.
Word of Mouth
My most updated answer: a combination of my 2 previous posts…
Word of Mouth
Attraction — The Law of Attraction (i.e. through your mental/emotional energy, quality of service and product, etc… to generate the level of interest necessary for one to be motivated enough to tell another about you and your services/products.)
What is it you intend? What energy backs this up? What are you’re attracting?
In other words:
Word of mouth is an “effect” of
Attraction (the main “cause”)
Thanks and I greatly appreciate the elements you’ve combined together in the Simpleology program.
Word Of Mouth
Getting people so excited about your products that they want to share the information (with friends and family and strangers on a plane) is the best source of referral.
- Bethany
REFERRALS (which in reality is a combination of Word of Mouth & Buy and Tell – Filberto called it WOMBAT)
The single most powerfull force in marketing is.
How it been offered
Emotion. If you can make them think that they absolutely have to have the product and if they don’t get it now they may miss out or it may cost them more then all sorts of emotions come into play and they will buy. EMOION.
Having a passion for your product! Word of Mouth is effective as well.
consumer awareness
word of mouth
In a word – “Word of Mouth” (oops, that’s 3 words). Determine what the thirsty crowd wants, provide it with exceptional value, add a little outrageous marketing and then when the lips start flapping, it’s going “viral” baby!
Alan Steacy
WOM – Word of Mouth
Client centered service, even if you are not able to provide what they need!, will create good feelings in those you serve and they in turn will tell others about thier experience with you.
A question like mark’s in this post.
Word of Mouth is by far the most inportant component of marketing.
Word of Mouth
The single most powerful marketing tool is, Word of mouth.
Some call it referrals. If you point a gun at a prospective customer he will buy, but word of mouth will guarantee you will not get another customer, even after you get out of jail.
On the other hand, if you sell a customer and make him as happy as he has ever been with your product and or service, then word of mouth will guarantee more customers will find you, even if you try to hide.
Word of mouth is the single most important thing in marketing.
Definitely Word of mouth!
Word of Mouth/ Viral Buzz.
Getting other people to promote your product or service via a quality relationship that delivers value to the customer!
Word Of mouth is the single most important force in marketing.
that just be believable – all of this is make the targetcustomer believe what you would like inform to them
Word of Mouth….Thanks for the great blogs
Establishing communication and rapport with your clients, knowing what they want and being able to deliver to them what they want. Trust is essential and communication is the most important force in marketing. Three important concepts: Communication, Rapport(building a relationship with your client), and Networking through the word of mouth.
Consistency in communication
Motivation : Notyhing happens unless the marketing recipient WANTS to do something (ie. Rember a name, buy a product, call for more info, etc.)
“Marketing must initiate Motivation!”
Word of mouth is definitely the single most powerful clue in marketing!
See: http://www.herbertriedesser.de
Herbert Riedesser
The single most powerful force in marketing is “your capacity to influence the percieved market with your key points of strengths with maximum intensity”.
I believe the most important thing is to listen to your customer/prospect, to really find out what it is THEY want! Then you will know what way to offer the opportunity/product to them.
No doubt, Word of Mouth is the most powerful marketing force. I’ve been somewhat successful in the Chimney Sweep business fo r30 years mostly on the power of word of mouth. I’ve tried to get my customers to “tell me if they don’t like” something I can improve, or “Tell their Friends ” if the do like my service. http://www.chimcheree.com
If I could figure out how to get that started on my online business, maybe I could stop sweeping chimneys one day. So far, I have 3 people signed up for my newsletter!
I have always believed word of mouth is the most powerful force in marketing.
Then of course; repetition, repetition, repetition.
Well you get the idea!
The most powerful force in marketing is the story. And if the story is shared via word of mouth, then it can be trusted and then, acted upon.
To my opinion the most powerful force in marketing is on one hand,to know well your product, to beleive in it, and trust, on the other hand to respect your clients customers and give them 100% service.
This single most powerful force in marketing is the marketer. It is the marketer’s mindset, intention,beliefs, passion and the total resonance with the absolute success of the product he is promoting and the belief that it is an absolute must for his client’s success.
gurjeet s minhas
The product and target market
Word of mouth spreads faster than any form of advertising.
My simple answer is “personal marketing” or “personal contact”.
A focused version of this, of course, is “word of mouth”, as Mark and many others have explained by now.
Best regards.
Word of Mouth – definitely, but better yet… POSITIVE, excited WOM !
I’m coninced that you first have to establish your personal credibility. Then show a genuine interest in what your prospect needs and is having a problem to accomplish. Next, explain to your prospect in terms that they comprehend how you are qualified and experienced enough and have the needed professional background to show them an uncomplicated solution they can employ. At the same time, assuring them of your interest and regular follow up. Once you have established this trust, you will have the undivided attention and complicity with your prospects.
definitely word of mouth
Word of Mouth is the best advertising. I listen when friends recommend movies, restaurants, books, websites, blogs, courses…
Simpleology came to me on a friend’s recommendation.
Word of Mouth
I have to go with word of mouth-as I have been using it to build business for years-and-you DO listen to your friend’ recommendations-don’t you? If they say a movie/restaurant/product is killer-I tend to follow their recomendations-that is if I TRUST them!And if they are my friend-I do!
Word of Mouth
Word of Mouth
word of mouth referrals
It’s going to have to be word of mouth.
Word of Mouth marketing is so
powerful its unreal. A really
viral message could create hundreds/thousands of sales for a marketing cost of zero.
Thats almost infinitive leverage. Awsome!!!!
Real word of mouth is great.
Positive Word Of Mouth
Generation of positive word of mouth has the biggest impact on business overall success.
Word of Mouth
Single most powerful force: Attention
Hands down, word of mouth
Word of Mouth is the most powerful marketing tool. However, to get it, you need to have:
1. An outstanding product
2. Excellent customer service
3. Good ad copy to get the referrals to buy
4. A good system to receive and encourage referrals.
I learned in the Real Estate industry that if people are happy with you they will gladly refer you to others, but they don�t always know how, so teaching them how to refer people to you can as important as earning the referrals. The easier you make it, the more referrals you tend to get, as long as the first three pieces are in place.
is very powerful, positive word gets more business and one negative may create seven or more lost sales
word of mouth
I’d have to agree with what seems to be the majority. Word of Mouth is a powerful force, for both good and “evil”. The old rule in my profession was a really happy customer will tell 2-3 people about their good experience, a really disappointed one will tell 20-30 people about their bad experience!
It’s you.
If you believe in what you are doing, and demonstrate that – you will sell & succeed.
I think the most powerful force in Marketing the demand & real life testimonials. You know the question could be interpreted a couple ways….but what the heck?
to be buzz worthy
What a fantastic thought and one that should resonate with our family. On a daily basis we observe many unsung role models who truly exemplify our motto to “do the public good”. Whew.
Aloong the same line as other, i say Word of Mouth. But you did not ask what was the most POSITIVE powerful force. You simply asked what was the most powerful. Good word of mouth can definitely help a business or product but BAD word of mouth can destroy an individual or company for a long time.
Word of Mouth is the most powerful because customers gives us the reputation, it’s like free advertising